It might be a bit late to mention this now, but there's an couple oddities with the Karnak missions i've been flying.
First and most seriously is the fact it seems the scripts are drawing from ships that don't, technically, exist yet. Specifically, i've begun encountering klingon War Destroyer variants that do not come out until 2280. At the point of this posting, it is 2275. Seems the basic point value is stronger than release dates. Then again, this could be a server issue, I don't know.
Secondly and less importantly is the prophency for doubles to show up; Two of the same (or at least very similar, such as differing HDW variants) ships showing up in some of the missions.
I apologize for not knowing which missions are doing this, but I cannot be sure at this stage.
Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done at this time. There isn't even a working method to fetch the date from within the script so it's somewhat difficult to gave the year correctly.
However, I worked out an algorithm that *may* work if implemented. It has 2 downsides:
1- it's just an estimate
2- it depends on Magnumman's shiplist API which can slow down the script's startup (and cause problems) if improperly used.
- If *any* of the ships has drones of a certain speed, then it's at least a certain year.
- The results need to be saved onto the HD and reset if the game is exited and restarted (doable). This way the results can be further refined between missions.
- the mGetEra function from within the API is accurate. It will tell you if it's "Early", "Med", "Late" or "Advanced" era.
Logic of date refinement:
Early: -999 to 0. Slow drones all.
Mid: 1 to 7. Slow drones from 1 to 3. Medium from 4 to 7.
Late: 8 to 36. Medium drones from 8 to 16. Fast from 17 to 36.
Advanced: 37 to 999. Fast drones all.
What you do is you look at all the player ships in the mission and check out the YFA for it. You cross reference with the Era that the script can supply. You then reference some more with the dronespeeds used, if any drone ships are present.
Because of the slowdowns such calculations may cause, it might be best to do this after the script has already started to save the results for the next mission to use.
-- Luc