Topic: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy  (Read 38668 times)

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Offline Corbomite

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #220 on: August 31, 2004, 10:23:38 am »
First thing I did last night on GW3 was run some tests.  You cannot tractor the planets, Ion Storms, space/time fissures, pulsars, and moons.  Just the N-AST asteroid.  I'm guessing that if you match its size class with the planets then it won't be tractorable.

Wouldn't it just be better to remove the thing from the missions entirely? What do I need and extra, usless tag cluttering up my viewscreen for anyway?

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #221 on: August 31, 2004, 10:48:06 am »
Hello all, first off I would say overall all I am crashing to desktop less then in GW2 and things have been working fine...

Last night I got hit with two BUGS...

A) I did a mission at 8, 2 and then was switching theatre of operations -- i was down to 8  6 and still moving south when I got drafted. I thought 8 6 was a safe area so I asked the other player what hex he drafted me in -- it was 8-2 -- when the game ended there I was sitting in 8 6 -- now that is one hell of a lag draft..

At another mission vs McCheese -- MadElf was my wing..we are chasing Cheese boy off the map -- I am about 14 behind McCheese with him heading strong for the top map edge -- MadElf was even closer and more the the Right of my ship.. All of a sudden boom boom boom boom my ship starts taking massive internals -- At first I thought I had scrwed up and hit drones -- nope -- McCheese figured it was the sun which I could accept other then -- He flew the area I was chasing him into and didnt take damage.. MadElf made a quick beeline to cover my ass in case Cheese boy got any ideas (engines dropped to 26 before i Stopped)..anyways neither Elf or I saw any reason for this damage effect to take place -- I think we were in 8 3 at the time.

Once agian no big deal as it didnt affect the outcome but boy I sit here today and wonder what would happen if I was alone and that happend and then the Mirak came around and launched drones at me while I was crippled from a bug..

Again I cannot honestly say my damage was as a result of the Sun because neither elf nor I saw one and I was flying through an area the Mirak had already been..

Unusual is the best way to describe what happend and kodos to ME for coming around and protecting his wing as a just in case!!


Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #222 on: August 31, 2004, 10:53:48 am »

Again I cannot honestly say my damage was as a result of the Sun because neither elf nor I saw one and I was flying through an area the Mirak had already been..

Unusual is the best way to describe what happend and kodos to ME for coming around and protecting his wing as a just in case!!


Were you in F3 or F1 view?   You cannot see the Sun in F1 view and i think it shows up as a rock as the tactical map.  I almost had the same thing happen to me.  Switch to F3 is it a VERY visible.

Random terrain  :banghead:  This could just be growing pains of having a new element added to the game, or are we making more trouble than it is worth?

If we are getting bugs where 1 player sees the random terrain and others do not, this is a deal-breaker.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #223 on: August 31, 2004, 11:00:22 am »

A) I did a mission at 8, 2 and then was switching theatre of operations -- i was down to 8  6 and still moving south when I got drafted. I thought 8 6 was a safe area so I asked the other player what hex he drafted me in -- it was 8-2 -- when the game ended there I was sitting in 8 6 -- now that is one hell of a lag draft..


This is from lag.  The server selects who is elligible for a mission based on who is in the hex when the missions is generation.  if you move before the other player recieves the update of you no longer bsing in the hex, you still can be drafted into the mission.

Dizzy drafted me from 10 hexes away last week, this is NOT normal but since I'm plugged into the same 100 MBit siwtch as the server all kinds of strange p00p can happen for me.  2-3 hex missions lag-drafts happen all the time.
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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #224 on: August 31, 2004, 11:01:45 am »

A) I did a mission at 8, 2 and then was switching theatre of operations -- i was down to 8  6 and still moving south when I got drafted. I thought 8 6 was a safe area so I asked the other player what hex he drafted me in -- it was 8-2 -- when the game ended there I was sitting in 8 6 -- now that is one hell of a lag draft..

This is not really a bug. Drafting works in a way that you can be drafted into a mission if the drafter moves into the hex before you exit. Even though you subsequently move, the the server still maintains you in his drafting list since it only checks for drafties when the drafter enter the hex and not at the time of the actual drafting.  The common understanding is that any disengagement or death penalty for bannning from the hex purposes is applied to the hex the drafter took the mission in, and not the one you made it to before being drafted.

At another mission vs McCheese -- MadElf was my wing..we are chasing Cheese boy off the map -- I am about 14 behind McCheese with him heading strong for the top map edge -- MadElf was even closer and more the the Right of my ship.. All of a sudden boom boom boom boom my ship starts taking massive internals -- At first I thought I had scrwed up and hit drones -- nope -- McCheese figured it was the sun which I could accept other then -- He flew the area I was chasing him into and didnt take damage.. MadElf made a quick beeline to cover my ass in case Cheese boy got any ideas (engines dropped to 26 before i Stopped)..anyways neither Elf or I saw any reason for this damage effect to take place -- I think we were in 8 3 at the time.

Once agian no big deal as it didnt affect the outcome but boy I sit here today and wonder what would happen if I was alone and that happend and then the Mirak came around and launched drones at me while I was crippled from a bug..

Again I cannot honestly say my damage was as a result of the Sun because neither elf nor I saw one and I was flying through an area the Mirak had already been..

Unusual is the best way to describe what happend and kodos to ME for coming around and protecting his wing as a just in case!!


Just a note that on the heads up display map suns appear as asteroids.
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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #225 on: August 31, 2004, 11:16:05 am »
Just a note that on the heads up display map suns appear as asteroids.

LMAO...DOH! wonder...I had the same thing happen to me...luckiy...I made the other ship go BOOM first!

Offline ShadowLord

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #226 on: August 31, 2004, 11:49:11 am »
I was on the F1 view (use it 99.5% of the time) might be worth checking with ME to see if he was on the F1 as well -- didnt see any roids either -- however , seeing as how I lived its all a wash anyways -- now I will certainly make a point of swiching to F3 when in a chase to make sure there are no suns..thanks for the tip..

Offline Dizzy

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #227 on: August 31, 2004, 02:07:05 pm »
I ALWAYS check the F2 mode and do a wide sweep around looking for objects. I have had nothing but bad luck with sun battles, but I love them! They are so much fun! Other objects are my friends. :D

Dunno how the F1 and Sun/asteroid looks, but while I do use that sometimes, I dont use it to look around all the time.

Remember, once you spot the sun, hit Ctrl+5-8 to lock it. ;) Helps from heading into it... Not that it's ever helped me, hehe.


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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #228 on: August 31, 2004, 04:11:36 pm »
Y'all don't use F3 view? You guys are weird. :P

If it's any help explaining: I fly in F3 view 99% of the time; so, of course, I tested out EEK missions that way. Although, lately DH has been yelling at me to fly in F1 view.   8)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2004, 04:30:28 pm by el-Karnak »

Offline Corbomite

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #229 on: August 31, 2004, 04:58:10 pm »

Again I cannot honestly say my damage was as a result of the Sun because neither elf nor I saw one and I was flying through an area the Mirak had already been..

Unusual is the best way to describe what happend and kodos to ME for coming around and protecting his wing as a just in case!!


Were you in F3 or F1 view?   You cannot see the Sun in F1 view and i think it shows up as a rock as the tactical map.  I almost had the same thing happen to me.  Switch to F3 is it a VERY visible.

The star does show up in F1 view and it does indeed show up as an asteroid on the Tactical Map. It is also a programable target using the CTRL + 5,6,7 or 8 feature. Get it in view, right click on it then program it in and you will always have a quick reference key in that mission for the star.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #230 on: August 31, 2004, 05:20:18 pm »
Yes Corbo, I have said that before and you are right, but something we havent said and should is that just because you hit the default 'T' key to cycle thru targets and do not come up with the sun as a target does not mean there isnt one. Indeed you will not see the sun come up as a target unless you visually get it into view and ctrl+5-8 lock it in.

I do it for all objects.

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Re: GW3 Bug and Issue reporting thread thingy
« Reply #231 on: August 31, 2004, 07:16:45 pm »
F5 to release/enable the camera lock on target while in F3 or F1 view can be handy too... I usually like to fly in F3 view but use F1 for dense asteroids and busy base assaullts and stuff. One of my favorites is to target one of my own drones after launch and select F4 view and ride it in to the target...  ;D (oh, and F4 early in a PvP mission to get a sneak preview of the target occasionally.)