I thought I would bring a fun game I play at another forum here.
I'll start out with the simplest rules, since these games go by fairly quickly, and, if this game catches on, add some other cool stuff.
The rules are fairly simple, one or more person is designated as the Mafia, and during the Night (in between the normal rounds), the Mafia target a player, and send a private message to the Host (that's me). That player is then Killed (kicked out of the game).
Then it becomes Day, and all the townspeople, including the Mafia vote on who they think the Mafia is. The person who they target is than lynched and is out of the game. Then I will reviel whether the person the people picked was indeed the mafia. If not, it will be night again, and the circle will continue until either the Mafia is killed (Townspeople victory) or there aren't any people left, in that case, it is a Mafia Victory.
I think 10 is a nice round number of people to have in this game. The Mafia will be randomly chosen from the people who signed up, leaving 9 Townspeople who aren't the Mafia. I'm hoping for one turn a day, but, at the very least, one turn every other day. If all goes to plan, this game shouldn't last more than a Week, but those who sign up should be prepared to play during that time (Basically, they have to stop here once a day to vote on who they think the Mafia is).
Good Luck and Have Fun
Those Signed Up:
8 spots still open