Topic: HELLO CENTAURI!  (Read 4828 times)

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Chris Jones

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« on: May 13, 2004, 10:02:52 pm »
Long time no see. I've started something similiar to what you're doing. More on that later.

There's people playing the TNG mod for OP again, and you are still getting compliments on your missions. I am updating the mod, with help from a fleet, for a Dynaverse II server.

I've brought a Bridge Commander friend of mine over to SFCOP and he is interested in looking at scripting for OP.

I told him to try Dark Horizon.

and I think he has played Tomorrow's Enterprise.  

Good to see you around,


Klingon Fanatic

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« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2004, 07:18:55 pm »
I wish CV would release a version of his missions with STOCK ship designations for TOS/TMP players. I have been working on a Total TMP era 1:1 model replacement that crashes if you try to rename the TNG designations...

Thise same missions would be ubercool if you replace the Borg with Andros and Dominion with ISC and Cardassians with Tholians...


Centauri Vaughn

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« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2004, 04:33:14 pm »
Greetings CJ and KF,

It has been awhile, I hope all is going well for both of you.
I want to thank you for your ongoing support, sorry I have not been around much.
The GFL SFC3 mod project (and ofcourse r/w) has been the focus of my attention these days, however I have a few goodies that are scheduled for release mid-late June.    

This will be my last year for scripting SFC missions and I do intend to "revamp" some of the missions from the WOLF 359 MOD that was released in 2002.

Here are a list of what is to come this year (2004):

1. FleetPick 1.0  and Spawn 2.0 (multiplayer missions for SFC3) scheduled mid-Late June. Releases for SFC2 scheduled in early July.
2. Team SFB(Starfleet Battles) v3.0  (multiplayer missions for SFC2 EAW and OP) scheduled in mid-late July.
3. The WOLF 359 mod / mission pack will be reprised for SFC2 OP and SFC3 only. This will also include the additional mission trilogy for "Into Dominion".
As to KF's statement

I wish CV would release a version of his missions with STOCK ship designations for TOS/TMP players. I have been working on a Total TMP era 1:1 model replacement that crashes if you try to rename the TNG designations...  

4. A 10 Pack Dyna Mission set for STOCK versions of SFC2 and SFC3. Scheduled for release sometime in August.

Its great to from you guys. Thanks alot for all the support.
Keep in touch!


Centauri Vaughn

Rod O'neal

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« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2004, 09:45:03 pm »
This is great news. I'm really lookig forward to seeing these released. Rather than saying that you aren't going to continue scripting for SFC, why not just say, "No plans for the near future", because you know that we'll all be around if/when you change your mind.    


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« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2004, 08:56:34 pm »
Mr. O'Neal,

Wanted to ask you: What is the status of Galaxies at War? I was really following the news on that mod, and now it seems to have died--what's up? Is the webmaster just slow to update, or has it truely died?

I hope to read your reply soon, and I'm NOT trying to nag--if 10 other people have asked this question, I'm not aware of it.

Best wishes,



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« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2004, 09:06:01 pm »
Just read the GAW thread, realized I rammed into a wall, sorry  

Keep up the excellent work, I hope it goes well, and Take Care!



Centauri Vaughn

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« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2004, 01:06:35 pm »
Stage 1 is complete, here is Fleet Pick and Spawn 2.0:


FleetPick is a single or multiplayer mission that allows the Host to fight or play any ship object on the DefaultLoadOut and CustomLoadOut files.
In other words, you can fight or pilot a base station, freighter, AI ships such as the Rakellians, planets, even a defence platform or listening post. This makes for endless types of skirmishes.

The Game Setup option allows for "Player vs Player" and or "Player vs AI".
This enables Human players that choose Team 2 to be enemies of the human Players on Team 1 and allied with AI.
The "Player Select" and "Host Select" feature allows the Host to designate ships to the human players or allow them to choose their own ships. A Host can even designate his or her own Custom Ships to a client player as well.

Download it here:\FleetPick%201.0.exe

SPAWN version 2.0:

1-6 Human Players vs Enemy AI.
Enemy Ships will be created and 'SPAWN' create another ship upon its destruction.
The Custom Dialog allows the Host to select an Enemy Race and Spawn Count by setting the dialog controls from 1-100 or Unlimited Count.
The Host can choose to play 'STOCK' ships that are read from the 'DefaultLoadout.txt' or 'CUSTOM SHIPS' that can be read from both the'DefaultLoadout.txt' and 'CustomLoadout.txt'.

To add ships using the custom option you must enter the correct 'SubName' for the ship in quotations.

i.e ''Akira'' <- Will work
i.e Akira <- Will not work.

Each player gets a 100 points for each enemy ship that is destroyed, the player(s) with the highest points win the game.
A score file 'Spawn Records' is created on the host players machine 'Local Disk C' drive".

Download it here:\Spawn%20v2.0.exe

INSTALLATION NOTES: Simply download and install. The installer will automatically find your SFC3 folder loaction so there is no need to browse. Both the Fleet Pick.exe and Spawn.exe  have detailed HELP instructions listed on the dialog.

Feel free to post any comments.


Centauri Vaughn



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« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2004, 04:33:55 pm »
When you have set the mission up in Fleet Pick, how does one select to play it in game?

Centauri Vaughn

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« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2004, 01:58:00 am »

Hit the select button and that configuration will be saved for game play.

The "Help" button on the dialog will tell you all the basic set up and operations.
I even included a "Trouble Shooting" dialog as well for tech stuff.  


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« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2004, 03:04:59 pm »
Ah, got it thanks!

Offline Klingon Fanatic

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« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2004, 11:51:31 pm »
BUMP for new SFC: OP Centauri Vaughn script sightings...  ;D
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IKV Kraag Dorr
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