Topic: GW3 a DF somewhere...........  (Read 1650 times)

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Offline Gook

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GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« on: August 01, 2004, 05:35:56 am »
The Scabby old warpussy heaved himself into the Comm nest. He looked around the Bridge of the Gookster, this old DF had served him well and would do so well into the future.

Checking FLASH traffic he noticed the name of the old Foe, DOGMATIX, no longer Chancellor, no longer in the KBF, semi retired like the himself. Still it would be good to see what plants the old warrior was growing in his garden these days along with his single handed attempt to repopulate the Empires batle losses.

The Feline read the "Eyes Only" Traffic which had been passed to him by someone in the Kzin Information Ministry along with the necessary keys to decrypt, being out of the Command loop, but still able to call in favours, was the best of both worlds.

As he read the his stance tensed visibly, no longer lounging he was curled ready to spring, his agitation was obvious to the nightwatch crew, who drew back, "just in case".

His old adversary was not on some distant moon with a manual on the finer points of Klingon Orchid growth, neither was he "managing" the Empire population explosion. He was back in the KBF! not only that he was in Command!

Old wounds on a very scarred body began to twitch, old aches burned with new fire, his paw went to his forhead an ran the length of a scar from the left hand ear across his hairless forhead, the livid red scar throbbed as it had not done in many a year. The Batlef from the Kilingons boarding party major had nearly taken the top of the Kzin's head off like a boiled egg being opened. KBF trroopers on his Bridge! He had been careless, and nearly lost his ship, only an ignominious withdrawl spewing drones at high speed had save his MDC and hand to hand combat on the bridge of any starship was frowned upon by the Patriach.

The memory of Catching the old foe with a fleet of three MDC's, the tight manoevering, the exultation as the 3 sides of the trap were closed on the the hapless Klingon, the anger as the he had used a single T-Bomb to kill 21 heavy drones converging from different directions, then used another to take out the chasing pack of another 21 drones and slipped away in his D5C, and still managed to cripple one of his fleet!

The Long nights spent planning, spent trying to get into the mind of the master strategist, the triumphs and the failures.

He was back, he commanded the Klingon Guard, surely it could not be long before he was Chancellor again! The Hegemony would then be in real peril, the hordes of Klinshai marching to Mraa, they had taken it once, if there were a coup, then he would want it again, and for keeps this time. The danger was real, the Patriach and Feds would have to listen now, the Ridgeheads would move fast and relentlessly, and with Chancellor Dogmatix at their head, who knows what the out come would be.

He had to tell the Patriach of his worries, and he needed to contact the Flatheads, they had forgotten how swift the fleets of the Empire would move when motivated by their old Commander. Who among the Freds knew how the wiley old Klingon worked, what to expect and how to deploy...............

"Ensign, get me a secure channel to 1AF Captain Jeff..........................."
Kzinti Hegemony

The God of War hates those who hesitate

Offline KBF-KVet

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2004, 09:26:04 pm »
Good post there, Gook.   :goodpost:


Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2004, 11:35:31 pm » brings back some fond memories.  It was a good read, Gooky.  Thanks, man...

Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2004, 01:23:23 am »

Klingon Population explosion..... :rofl:
Somewhere north of the Azores.
KBF always

Offline Capt Jeff

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2004, 11:09:10 am »
And the silence was broken......

The door from turbolift 1 opened onto the bridge and Capt Jeff walked in shining his flashlight around at the dark controls, his bridge officers all taking their posts. 

"Ops, engage auxiliary power".   Jeff looked around as the lighting came up along with the displays on all the bridge stations.

"Science station?"  He asked first.   "All scanners and sensors are on line sir" came the response.

"Tactical?"...  "Aft dorsal phaser array is not powering up.  All other tactical systems are operational."  "Report the phaser malfunction to engineering.  It needs top priority.  We are not going out on a cruise"  Jeff responded hastily.  His agitation being noted by everyone on the bridge.

"Helm?".....  "Impulse and warp power is coming on line now.   Navigational deflector operational.  Thrusters at station keeping".   "Good" said Jeff.

"Not bad for being down for a month" he said.  "Why command thinks we need a month off after every tour is beyond me".

"Comms, get me the dockmaster"    "Channel open" says the comms officer.   Capt Jeff sits in his command chair.  "Dockmaster, this is Crasher.  Permission to leave dock".   The sound of the dockmaster is heard over the speakers....  " N..C...C.. One-Seven-Three-Three, USS Crasher, you are clear to leave dock.   Exit at port gate, 30 seconds."

"Helm, take us out".

The sound of the mooring releasing is heard and then the Crasher begins to pull away from the docking port.  She turns starboard and heads toward the port gate.

As they go through the gates, the helmsman looks back at Jeff.   "What is it Hathaway?"   "You haven't told me where we are going yet sir", the young ensign responds.  And that usually means trouble".   Capt Jeff chucked to himself.   How perceptive these kids are nowadays he thought.  "Well, intelligence has it that Dogmatix is back in business, and we need to make sure he's not going to make us his business again".

"Comms, has the rest of the 1AF been alerted?"   "Yes Captain, and they are all on their way to the meeting coordinates"

"Good" Jeff retorted.  "Helm, set a course to 246by142 and engage at warp 6".  "We have a meeting with a old Kzinti friend named Gook.   He'll help us put the pieces of this puzzle together".
Capt Jeff

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1AF---Friendship, Honor, Fun.  It's what we Play For.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2004, 05:02:15 pm »

Flag Ready Room, ISC DN-673, ISCS Little Paradise

Julin stares at the PADD just handed to him by his executive officer.

From the Office of the
Secretary of State
Concordian Government

To the Desk of the
Julin Eurthyr

Ambassador Eurthyr,

Once again, your needed to monitor the situation called the "General War".  The medical office has confirmed your issues with Klingon vessels, from the lower bulkheads causing repeated head traumas to your inability to properly see the control panels in the typically dim lighting of a Klingon vessel.

As it is proving impossible to refit existing Klingon vessels being used in the actual war to match your unique requirements, you are hereby reassigned to the Federation Embassy, where you will perform your observations of this situation.  The Federation Starfleet has granted you dispensation to use their vessels for this activity, and they will recognize your standard rank of Admiral on this assignment.  Hopefully, the Federation vessels will be able to accomodate you.  You may also be requested to fly Mirak vessels.

It is understood that you will continue on in the future with your planned assignment of operating Romulan vessels when they decide to join the festivities.

Continue on with your reports on the situation.

Flag Bridge
Julin 3 sits in the main command chair.  "Comm, prepare a message using ambassadorial codes, transmitted tight-beam to the Federation and Kzinti embassies.  Text to include 'Ambassador Eurthyr temporarily assigned to Federation / Kzinti Alliance, expecting arrival at Federation Sector 001 within 1 Earth week.  673rd Jello Echelon is flying with diplomatic purpose, weapons safetied according to diplomatic protocol.  Requesting standard escort at border to monitor Echelon's activities.  Expect to service Echelon Crew with standard shore leave facilities for Concordian ambassadorial fleet.  Services of Ambassador Eurthyr in capacity of Admiral are available for the duration of the current crisis.'  Fluf it out with the standard diplomatic duplicity.  Helm, set course for Federation Homeworld, deploy the Echelon in wide formation, flank speed authorized.  Engage when ready."

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2004, 11:41:16 pm »
Meanwhile at the Star's End Bar

<Rhuut-Ritt strides into the office of his littermate Chuut>

Rhuut:  We have a serious situation developing.

Chuut:  Don't tell me someone is actually winning to much at the gaming tables, or is Die Hard molesting the girls again before paying?

Rhuut:  No, its the Klingon's.

Chuut:  They try to reprogram the Captain Kirk fight simulator again, so that they might actually have a chance at winning?  Can't let that happen if they ever do they will stop pouring their credits into that holosuite program, its one of the biggest moneymakers you know, worth about 20% of the Klingon economy at last count.

Rhuut:  No Sir, they are invading again.

Chuut:  <startled suddenly as Rhuut rarely called him "Sir" especailly in private.>  Invading?  the station?

Rhuut:  No Sir the station is secure here in the WYN starcluster, but they are invading the Hegemony and the Patriarch is calling us back to active duty.

Chuut:  Let him call all he want's, I got special status you know, besides he wouldn't want me to crack open that file about Miss Throat now would he.....<Snicker>.

Rhuut:  Well Sir, it seems he's been prompted into action by Gook

Chuut:  Damn!  This is serious!  If Gook's involved it can only mean full scale war!  And that old warcat wont likely allow me to blackmail myself clear of this one.  Wait......there is still a chance, get J'inn on the line.

<a few minutes later>

Chuut:  J'inn my old friend, Chuut just got a case of 40 yr scotch and was just thinking that it might be nice to get together and sample some....

J'inn:  Nice try Chuut, won't work!

Chuut:  What won't work?  I was just suggesting that we....

J'inn:  Gook's already got M'ress to assign me a CC.  A lousy CC, no luxury suites, no sauna, no executive galley, a frickin' warship for Gods sake!

Chuut:  damn........I guess that means I'm.....

J'inn:  Screwed just like the rest of us.......

Chuut:  <sighs in resignation>  at least I got this scotch.

J'inn:  Not if Gook gets word he will surely have M'ress order it appropriated.

Chuut:  He can't do that!!!!!

J'inn: remember how much Gook loves scotch?

Chuut:  Well what he don't know......

J'inn:  Will cost ya 1/2 a case......<Snicker>

Chuut:  BASTARD!!!!!

J'inn:  Cheers!

Chuut:  *grumble*  Okay I'll give you half at the rendevous.

J'inn:  Just name the place, it will be nice doing business with ya.

Chuut:  On the other side of Herdath

J'inn:  But that is .....

Chuut:  Yes the Hero's Funeral asteroid field, that is our assignment......<Snicker>

Offline Soreyes

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2004, 06:30:48 am »
Soreyes has to reread the message he had just received from Chuut.  "Oh Crap"

Soreyes: Captain to Chef

Chef: Yes Captain?

Soreyes: As of now "Feddie Fingers" are off the menu ;D

[img width=600 height=150]

Offline Gook

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Re: GW3 a DF somewhere...........
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2004, 08:11:09 am »
The Kzin smiled to himself, he looked at the Comms traffic passing over his vidscreen, things were looking up.

The Kzin were answering the call to the colours, the clarion call was being heeded, but not by all KATs were coming in as were independents, but where were the mighty Knights of the Hegemony, those defenders of the ancient ways, the Guardians of all that was Kzin!

The Feds were on the move, even the press had got going now and loathed as he was to find anything to like about Journo's they were doing a good job, even if it was just providing pinups for the troops.

He would seek to rendezvous with his old Ally Capt. Jeff, the thought of the First Federation Assault fleet flying to their aid caused his heart "Soar like an eagle" (but not a Rommie one ).

As for intel on the enemy, what was not being said was far more significant than anything that could be said. The Upstart wannabe "Emperor" Hexx had been silent for days. Gook chuckled to himself as he imagined the "Law" being laid down by the crafty Old Dogmatix, to the young pretender, but he had to drag himself away from that pleasant vision. The"Space Fox" Dogmatix will have noted preparations and draw his plans accordinly. Where and when and with whom, the old imponderables.

Study the map damnit, look at what he has, get into his bumpy skull, he thought to himself, as his ship flew ever on and deeper into neutral space.
Kzinti Hegemony

The God of War hates those who hesitate