Hello Byzantine
Just retorting here

1.Most SFC2 people say they don't play SFC3 because they do not like it, it is not their cup of tea, it is not their style, it lacks things that they want. There is nothing wrong with thinking that or saying it.
This is the attitude of most SFCx players and it is a fair attitude I think. Yes, if something lacks features that I want it is inferior - for my tastes. But other people have different tastes and that is fine. Most everyone who has been posting recently is in this class. And class does carry both meanings right here, it is a good thing.
I agree with you mostly on this one except for the use of
'inferior' and i think this is where our issue is.
Inferior:Low or lower in order, degree, or rank: Captain is an inferior rank to major.
1.) Low or lower in quality, value, or estimation: inferior craft; felt inferior to his older sibling.
2.)Second-rate; poor: an inferior translation.
3.)Situated under or beneath.
4.)Botany. Located below the perianth and other floral parts. Used of an ovary.
5.)Anatomy. Located beneath or directed downward.
6.)Printing. Set below the normal line of type; subscript.
Orbiting between Earth and the sun: Mercury is an inferior planet.
Lying below the horizon.
8.) A person lower in rank, status, or accomplishment than another.
9.) Printing. An inferior character, such as the number 2 in CO2.
10.) Low or lower in order, degree, or rank.
11.) Low or lower in quality, value, or estimation.
12.) Second-rate; poor.
13.) Situated below or directed downward.
14.) In human anatomy, situated nearer the soles in relation to a reference point.
Whether SFCx is inferior or not is not the issue here, the game does
work. However it doesnt become a matter of 'class' because im sure that on both sides of the issue there are people pointing to the obvious drawbacks in the opposing camps own 'game'. There are always going to be some who say because game system '"X" is inferior because etc...etc but that also crosses the SFCx series lines equally.
2.But there is that Grognard element in the SFB/SFC2 camp who say it this way - I don't like SFC3 because it lacks these things that I want/expect and it is therefore an inferior game.
Cleaven is right, for some peoples tastes SFC3 is a lesser game in their personal estimation. The problem is in the way this is said. I preffer SFCx because I like X and/or I don't like SFCx because X Good. I prefer SFCx because SFCx is an inferior game Not so good. Bluntly, who died and made the speaker of this God so that they had a right to define superior/inferior in universal terms? This is the attitude of a small minority but people of this type often tend to be very opinionated, contentious, and noisy. They also tend to be the type who get banned a lot, maybe that is why this thread has been much more civil and on track.
For the time being ill avoid the issue of Grognard (ive nevr like that word)
But in your point 2:
Personal opinion is just that and when i saw the pre-release news for SFC3 on the Taldren boards it was comparable some days to a back alley knife fight,with terms like "dumbing down" and "SFC is not SFB" etc etc. What we have here today in these boards is really nothing comapred to that. However as for who has the "rgiht to define"? in terms of gameplay and game serieswe all make that detrmination on dailiy basis and not just with games but in our "real" lives as well. Why do we think that would change when we come here?
The object is debate, in this case SFC2 & OP vs. SFC3. It's a deabte that will simply go on and on with no real end. And there are always people on
both sides who will make some regetable satements with regards to whether or not SFCx is piece of crap. I dont think anyone "died" on either side but if someone does in fact try to take this stance (and they are out there on
both sides) if they offer what they think is proof in terms on an intellectual balance of the two games then go in and defend your respective SFC. But if some one is just Trolling dont even botherwith them, we all know this.
The point is that there are two diffrent communities here,not one. And although the "Twain" meet from time to time its not very often.
Personally they only wasy this is ever going to be solved is when (if) another SFC is put out and whether is based on SFC3 or SFC2:OP