Topic: What was Nanner trying to say?  (Read 20435 times)

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #80 on: August 02, 2004, 08:07:15 pm »
The problem isn't SFC 2/op/3 ...

... it's SFB vs Trek canon that's the true rift. These two camps don't seem to mix well on any level.

... and to take it a step further, it's era related, as well. Don't believe me, go to Trek.BBS, all the general topics are split up by era ...

... pretty much like SFC2 and 3/d2 and d3 here. Read a few entries there. They don't always get along either.

TOS/TMP vs TNG+. Kirk vs. Picard. Generation gaps are nothing new, however, and it's not the world.

The world is full of differences in taste and opinions, yet amazingly, no one seems to be willing to accept that simple fact of life.

For the record, I'm a TOS/SFB D2er who finds SFC3 a let down. Of course, folks are folks, no matter what they play. It's their attitudes who define who they are, not their taste in sci-fi computer games.

I, Mudd.

Offline Durin

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #81 on: August 02, 2004, 08:46:44 pm »
Quote from: FireSoul

Kim, were you on board within the forums for the people or for the game? Perhaps you should consider that these boards exist because of a game, first, and to allow people with common interest for that game to come together, second.

People don't want to be babysit, they're not here for that. They're here to come together because of games they like, and they will display their opinions and emotions in all ways.

Personally, I like you as a player and as a contributrice to this group of people, but your reaction to us and such since the mishap involving my OP+ project makes me think you were here more for the people than for the game. I would enjoy to see you online and play with us again, but not on here like this participating in a way that keeps saying that you don't want to be with us.

Be in it for the game..   (looks up at pretty graphic)..
'It's all about the game."

-- Luc

I'm intrigued by this view FS.If it wasn't for the people I have came across here I wouldn't be playing this game for this long.Its the people and the interaction with said people that keeps me going. Other than that all I need do is fire up the  single player game and have at it.

Offline NannerSlug

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #82 on: August 02, 2004, 11:32:36 pm »
the dwarf is correct, as usual. :)
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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #83 on: August 03, 2004, 07:16:30 am »
Well, it's an interesting read for certain.
Forums are a funny thing, believe me I know :)
I honestly doubt there is any true animosity between any people here, but per the norm most is lost between harsh opinions and mis-understood posts.
SFC for the most part is what you see here, with a few stragglers hanging around outside in GSA and leagues.
The game it-self is dead, there will be no great revivals, no surge in player base.  It's soul survival will depend on the remaining die hards who simply love the community, the game and the mediums which they communicate with. 
Forums can be the life or death of a community, and I have seen both ends of the spectrum.  My advice to SFC3'rs and SFC:OP'rs is to simply accept each version of the game for what it is, don't judge one side or the other, and keep going strong.

This games survival rests on all your shoulders, so make the most of it.
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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #84 on: August 03, 2004, 07:36:15 am »
Have to agree with Durin and Nannerslug.

It's the people that have kept me around and playing online.

Bashing anyone's favorite online game is silly.  Everyone has their own personal tastes and no matter how you feel, others might just feel differently.

I have EAW, OP, and SFC3 on my HD.   I play OP 99% of the time.  It's my "cup of tea".   I understand, though, that it may not be other's cup of tea, and I respect that.

That is all that is needed, is a little respect for other people's feeling when it comes to these games.

I am gratefuil that Dave F continued to patch OP to 2552.  I am also gratefull that the latest builds of the SFC3 patch was made available as well and am happy for the people that are enjoying the outstanding efforts Taldren made at fixing bugs right up to their last minute.

The games are different.  Leave it at that.  There is no real reason to agrue with other people why one part of one game is better then a part of the other game (read: AV vs EW).

I used to go to some family reunions when I was younger.   Now, I am from mid-Michigan, but close to Detroit and all the auto plants.  Some of my relatives worked in those plants, and I would have to hear the Ford vs Chevy arguements over and over.   But, at the end of the day, everyone was still family, as we are here.   Agree to disagree over what is "Best" and enjoy that fact that people here, no matter what game is their favorite is, is having fun.  ;)
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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #85 on: August 03, 2004, 07:46:21 am »
I only come here and play the game because of the people.

The game itself has become very boring to me.
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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #86 on: August 03, 2004, 10:55:33 am »
I only come here and play the game because of the people.

The game itself has become very boring to me.


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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #87 on: August 03, 2004, 11:08:54 am »
I only come here and play the game because of the people.

The game itself has become very boring to me.


Burn the witch!

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Lookout Blade, Here she comes.

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #88 on: August 03, 2004, 01:16:51 pm »
I,Mudd nailed it in his post above.

I'm reminded of a "Red Green" skit where Red teases Harold about arguing on the internet over whether Kirk or Picard was better... makes me realise just how much of a geek I really am... we all are.

I posted on NannerSlug's thread but will repeat the sentiment here, can't we all share in our beloved geekiness without being insulting? There are lots of benefits (models, server tricks... etc).

I remember one of the the most shocking and scary flamefests that ever occurred on our forums, it was between two prominent D2ers, they have since made amends, much to my relief and nothing has matched it since and I'm glad.

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #89 on: August 03, 2004, 03:02:21 pm »
Well, it's an interesting read for certain.
Forums are a funny thing, believe me I know :)
I honestly doubt there is any true animosity between any people here, but per the norm most is lost between harsh opinions and mis-understood posts.
SFC for the most part is what you see here, with a few stragglers hanging around outside in GSA and leagues.
The game it-self is dead, there will be no great revivals, no surge in player base.  It's soul survival will depend on the remaining die hards who simply love the community, the game and the mediums which they communicate with. 
Forums can be the life or death of a community, and I have seen both ends of the spectrum.  My advice to SFC3'rs and SFC:OP'rs is to simply accept each version of the game for what it is, don't judge one side or the other, and keep going strong.

This games survival rests on all your shoulders, so make the most of it.

Ahh, a nice bit of wisdom inserted here.

Problem with SFC3er and SFC2ers(et al) is that they do not have the same values as far as gaming goes.  About the only thing they share in common is the word Star Trek and the rest is window dressing.

And then there are the D 2 or 3 ers vs people that like to play this game person to person all the time. 

And then there are the modellers and the scriptors/coders and modders and




...we are a fragmented community with no clear majority anymore.

So what SHAALLLL we talk about?

Perhaps it starts when someone who likes to do a certain thing comes in here and says "say I would like to do this" and someone else doesn't respond by saying "no you can't".

My two cents.

Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #90 on: August 03, 2004, 10:40:26 pm »
More and more people are saying they remember the incident, others refuse to believe it existed. 

Some don't want to hear that such a thing could have ever here.

And others have proven the point that you can't be different, or say anything different, without being whipped back into the line.

I've been guilty myself of having bad feelings towards the D3ers!!!  There, I'm the first one to admit it!!!

I already said I remember it happeneing..but I didn't think much of it at the time as I knew the "news" posted by that person (whoever it was0 was meaningless BS.

I just don't remember too much of the details, because...well...whoopty-doo..there's more important stuff in my life that that incident.  Sue me!  lol...

I don't bury my head in the sand...I just dont believe that the majority of the people in this community feel the way that person who did this foul deed felt.  I'm sure there are a few people who do.  I just think they are a minority.  Educate me...who are all these people that feel a gaming fleet must only play one game?

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #91 on: August 03, 2004, 10:45:00 pm »
Quote from: FireSoul

Kim, were you on board within the forums for the people or for the game? Perhaps you should consider that these boards exist because of a game, first, and to allow people with common interest for that game to come together, second.

People don't want to be babysit, they're not here for that. They're here to come together because of games they like, and they will display their opinions and emotions in all ways.

Personally, I like you as a player and as a contributrice to this group of people, but your reaction to us and such since the mishap involving my OP+ project makes me think you were here more for the people than for the game. I would enjoy to see you online and play with us again, but not on here like this participating in a way that keeps saying that you don't want to be with us.

Be in it for the game..   (looks up at pretty graphic)..
'It's all about the game."

-- Luc

I'm intrigued by this view FS.If it wasn't for the people I have came across here I wouldn't be playing this game for this long.Its the people and the interaction with said people that keeps me going. Other than that all I need do is fire up the  single player game and have at it.

I'm right there with ya man...I've said this a number of times.  If all I had was the game, I probably would have stopped playing it aged ago.  I keep coming back for the people and the conversations.  Most of the time, this place is a good time.

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #92 on: August 04, 2004, 12:38:22 am »

Litterbox 5 was conceived as an experiment to get the 2 communities closer.  What was, in your opinion, the overall result of that campaign?

I know I tried D3 a couple of times, and got whomped on by the AI as my usual tactics (obliques, phaser reliance, etc.) don't work, and there were no Roms on to help me...

Also, as Coalition Supreme Commander, I tried to learn some of the overall mechanics of D3, to assist me in the planning phases.  I did learn a couple of names from forum posts, but not much about the people over there.

But, I did learn that my overall perception of the D3, which was built during the great SFC 2 / SFB vs. SFC 3 wars of a 1 1/2 years ago hasn't completely gone away.  I thought it funny, but sad, when a D3 Alliance player comes over to the D3 Coalition camp to chew out a player over a (possibly imagined) rules violation, and he was using 2-3 server old actions as his "reinforcement" of the case.  And supposedly the D3 was avoiding these cases by copying the RM system from D2... :(

I'm sure I'll be over again one day.  Possibly on a Borg-including campaign.  Hopefully, when I try this again I'll find opener arms to both help me learn how to fly, and cut my teeth in fair combat...

Until then, because these 2 communities are so radically different, I've adopted a certain attitude.  Let the D3 people do their thing.  I do mine with the D2 crowd.  Those who come over to D2 to play, are treated with the same respect that any new or old player deserves.  Those that bash on us, especially over issues that are close to 2 years old, better expect no mercy.

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #93 on: August 06, 2004, 11:32:42 pm »
**Stands up**

My name is ben, and I play video games.

I leave polotics to polotitians.

**Sits down**

Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #94 on: August 07, 2004, 12:41:36 am »
**Stands up**

My name is ben, and I play video games.

I leave polotics to polotitians.

**Sits down**

Amen, Ben. The problem now is that the politics of SFC have evolved and we now have lobbyists and spin doctors as well. As with real world politics they have become the cancer for our little society. Exhaggerating, stretching the truth, and unfortunately, outright lying. It's a sad state of affairs. :'(
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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #95 on: August 07, 2004, 01:04:46 am »
But Rod...on a positive note...we are now aware of what used to go on below the radar for many of us..... forearmed...

I for one have no intentions of going anywhere for a very long time...and I'm armed with reality.....ready to smack down the smacktards...

It's said that a lie can fly around the world before the truth get's its pants would appear to be more than anicdote... ;)

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Re: What was Nanner trying to say?
« Reply #96 on: August 07, 2004, 01:18:22 am »
Well Crim, looks like you and I will be knowing each other for quite some time then. Right here! They couldn't get me out of here with a bulldozer and a stick of dynamite. 8) :thumbsup:
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?