Litterbox 5 was conceived as an experiment to get the 2 communities closer. What was, in your opinion, the
overall result of that campaign?
I know I tried D3 a couple of times, and got whomped on by the AI as my usual tactics (obliques, phaser reliance, etc.) don't work, and there were no Roms on to help me...
Also, as Coalition Supreme Commander, I tried to learn some of the overall mechanics of D3, to assist me in the planning phases. I did learn a couple of names from forum posts, but not much about the people over there.
But, I did learn that my overall perception of the D3, which was built during the great SFC 2 / SFB vs. SFC 3 wars of a 1 1/2 years ago hasn't completely gone away. I thought it funny, but sad, when a D3 Alliance player comes over to the D3 Coalition camp to chew out a player over a (possibly imagined) rules violation, and he was using 2-3 server old actions as his "reinforcement" of the case. And supposedly the D3 was avoiding these cases by copying the RM system from D2...

I'm sure I'll be over again one day. Possibly on a Borg-including campaign. Hopefully, when I try this again I'll find opener arms to both help me learn how to fly, and cut my teeth in fair combat...
Until then, because these 2 communities are so radically different, I've adopted a certain attitude. Let the D3 people do their thing. I do mine with the D2 crowd. Those who come over to D2 to play, are treated with the same respect that any new or old player deserves. Those that bash on us, especially over issues that are close to 2 years old, better expect no mercy.