This is not true, and youre attributing a rather unpleasant affection to the B&P games which is unwaaranted by those who play SFC2 and OP. Some may not prefer the game of SFC3, i dont.But i do not now nor have i have i ever felt that those who want to play SFC3 "inferior". And i think its unfair to those who continue to play SFC2 that thiskind of blanket statement is made.
I'm not understanding. But it would seem that SFC3 players would generally say they are treated as inferiors on these boards. I don't see it, I kind of see it as vanilla and chaocalate, some like one some like the other. I do know that as the cookie crumbled SFC3 has gotten the shaft support wise. But that pretty much was out of our control, and now with passing of Taldren virtually assures the continuation of "non support". Will there ever be an official patch? There certainly won't be the support that Taldren and David Ferrell have given to EAW and OP.
As far as the problems of grafting the SFC3 community into the existing SFC community, and then the further grafting of SFCC into the larger Star Trek gaming community, like attracts like. I like EAW and OP and I want to like SFC3 more but I havn't been able to complete the single player missions with a lot of understanding; SFC3 was just too much out of the box(as in thinking out of the box). The mechanics of the game are different, I didn't say worse; whixch turns me off. I do not own any other Trek games, I followed the development of KA on the old Interplay boards, but when it was released and then the team got fired or reassigned, well that was enough for me I wasn't getting a game that wasn't going to be supported. I bought SFC3 to give Taldren the benefit of the doubt and support. I enjoy watching the series but am not a consistent follower of them. Trek gaming is not an issue for me.
Like attracts like. I do not understand a guy like Age, who wants me wants me to ignore angular velocity by covering it up with a piece of tape. That just makes no sense to me. I would play OP with the ships as white blocks. It is nice that they look good and modders have done wonderful things, but the cool looking ships are not central to the game for me, the mechaniics are though., and the mechanics of EAW and OP make for a good game which I play more often than SFC3.
Like attracts like, there is no forcing community.