Light is very fast, but space is very big. The Moon is 38 hexes distant by SFB scales. That is about 1.3 seconds at light speed. A phaser shot at half that range (19 hexes) still takes .6 sec or so TOT (time to reach target). A target moving at .01C (1/100 lightspeed) will move about 200km in that time.

I'm not sure if 10,000 km is 1 c/s distance, but the SFB rules say it take a ship moving at c to cross one hex per turn, thus a ship firing at the Earth from the Moon's orbit would be pretty close to point blank, and Sol would be in overload range. Miniature rules might be different, or I could be reading from an obsolete edition of SFB.
The warp factor scale from TOS is exponents of c, thus warp 1 is c, and warp 4 is 16c. The maximum speed ships can engage each other is somewhere between warp 5 and 6. Note that the scale has changed in TNG where warp 10 is infinite speed.
SFB also has rules for "disengagement by sublight evasion" whereby ships not equipped with a warp core may disappear under impulse power.
The makers of SFB were thinking in large scales. EW appears in SFB as a simplified abstraction assuming all ships have similar sensor suites.
Has anyone seen a picture of the USS Enterprize (the aircraft carrier) as it appeared in the 1960's? The superstructure was covered with antennas for EW. The designers intended that it use those nuclear powerplants to make some serious electronic noise!