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PleaseAs I've explained to you feebs time and time again I tower a mighty 5'8" (or maybe 5'7" and 3/4) No where near midget height.I demand apologies and respect from everyone who is,has. or will make cracks about my height .
Hexx, from the point of view of a commerce raider, the beginning and end points of a convoy route are only important in the sense of "look, but don't touch". It's easier - and just as productive - to stalk the convoy for a bit and then whack it in a relatively deserted area of space.From the point of view of the defender, the response to this is twofold. First is to run a convoy system with escorts, Q-ships, etc. Second is to maintain standing patrols along shipping routes, in an effort to catch the raiders before they can strike. IMO, the defence value of a hex represents those standing patrols - particularly their frequency.Yes, we're representing 3D space on a 2D map, but that's a convention to save our processors melting and our brains from dribbling out of our ears.