Topic: Just a couple questions..  (Read 1472 times)

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Just a couple questions..
« on: March 01, 2003, 04:05:38 pm »
OK, First off,
My name is John, I'm new to SFC.

My first question has to do with the Nemisis mod. For some reason in the "Maiden Voyage" campaign, once I get the message that my sensors have picked up enemy ships, nothing happens. I can move around in space and all that, but no ships come into the sector. What do I do about this?
Also, with the Scimtar, is there any way that I can use it in single/multiplayer scirmish mode?

Another thing is I was wondering if any of you know of any good ship mods. Like new ships and weapons.
If you do, could you e-mail me the links to where there at?

Well, live long and prosper to all.



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Re: Just a couple questions..
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2003, 06:12:32 pm »
   look waaaaaaaaaaay back on the forums for information regarding the nemesis mod. I don't remember exactly, but somewhere in the txt files on the ships, you have to change one or two letters about the scimitar (very readable, if you looked, you'd probly be able to figure it out)

Sorry I couldn't be more help. I'd just forget that mission, because you'd have to reinstall the game otherwise



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Re: Just a couple questions..
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2003, 08:09:39 pm »

My first question has to do with the Nemisis mod. For some reason in the "Maiden Voyage" campaign, once I get the message that my sensors have picked up enemy ships, nothing happens. I can move around in space and all that, but no ships come into the sector. What do I do about this?

Well that is interesting... have you waited long enough? (the message comes when the ships are created on the map, which is aminute or so before the ships actually appear on your sensors.

other than that, I can't think of a reason.

Also, with the Scimtar, is there any way that I can use it in single/multiplayer scirmish mode?

you can use Microsoft Excel (Excel is stronglly recommended, but WordPad should work too.) to open "deafaultloadout.txt" (do a file sear for that. AND BACK IT UP FIRST!!!) and scroll to Scimitar's line, remove "ns". (not selectable or somethign like that) save the file.


Another thing is I was wondering if any of you know of any good ship mods. Like new ships and weapons.
If you do, could you e-mail me the links to where there at?

Well there are NO NEW weapons. (not possible in this game.) but there are plenty new ship mods...

the biggest one by far would be Chris Jone's

For individual ship mods. try browsing to the "model forum" here.


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Re: Just a couple questions..
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2003, 03:27:57 pm »
Thanks 3dot14,
I got the Scimitar to work in offline play.
I just took off that NS thing.
But I am still having trouble with the "Maiden Voyage."
I have let it set there for about 10 minuets, hoping that the ships would show up. But they never do.
I just kinda sit there releasing mines and blowing up the stuff there: the marker, the repair dock.. that sorta stuff.
I find it very fun to destroy my allies, just wait until I get into playing online:0)(haven't played online yet cause my Gamespy is all messed up)

Well, See ya L8R,


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Just a couple questions..
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2003, 04:05:38 pm »
OK, First off,
My name is John, I'm new to SFC.

My first question has to do with the Nemisis mod. For some reason in the "Maiden Voyage" campaign, once I get the message that my sensors have picked up enemy ships, nothing happens. I can move around in space and all that, but no ships come into the sector. What do I do about this?
Also, with the Scimtar, is there any way that I can use it in single/multiplayer scirmish mode?

Another thing is I was wondering if any of you know of any good ship mods. Like new ships and weapons.
If you do, could you e-mail me the links to where there at?

Well, live long and prosper to all.



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Re: Just a couple questions..
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2003, 06:12:32 pm »
   look waaaaaaaaaaay back on the forums for information regarding the nemesis mod. I don't remember exactly, but somewhere in the txt files on the ships, you have to change one or two letters about the scimitar (very readable, if you looked, you'd probly be able to figure it out)

Sorry I couldn't be more help. I'd just forget that mission, because you'd have to reinstall the game otherwise



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Re: Just a couple questions..
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2003, 08:09:39 pm »

My first question has to do with the Nemisis mod. For some reason in the "Maiden Voyage" campaign, once I get the message that my sensors have picked up enemy ships, nothing happens. I can move around in space and all that, but no ships come into the sector. What do I do about this?

Well that is interesting... have you waited long enough? (the message comes when the ships are created on the map, which is aminute or so before the ships actually appear on your sensors.

other than that, I can't think of a reason.

Also, with the Scimtar, is there any way that I can use it in single/multiplayer scirmish mode?

you can use Microsoft Excel (Excel is stronglly recommended, but WordPad should work too.) to open "deafaultloadout.txt" (do a file sear for that. AND BACK IT UP FIRST!!!) and scroll to Scimitar's line, remove "ns". (not selectable or somethign like that) save the file.


Another thing is I was wondering if any of you know of any good ship mods. Like new ships and weapons.
If you do, could you e-mail me the links to where there at?

Well there are NO NEW weapons. (not possible in this game.) but there are plenty new ship mods...

the biggest one by far would be Chris Jone's

For individual ship mods. try browsing to the "model forum" here.


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Re: Just a couple questions..
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2003, 03:27:57 pm »
Thanks 3dot14,
I got the Scimitar to work in offline play.
I just took off that NS thing.
But I am still having trouble with the "Maiden Voyage."
I have let it set there for about 10 minuets, hoping that the ships would show up. But they never do.
I just kinda sit there releasing mines and blowing up the stuff there: the marker, the repair dock.. that sorta stuff.
I find it very fun to destroy my allies, just wait until I get into playing online:0)(haven't played online yet cause my Gamespy is all messed up)

Well, See ya L8R,