I recently took my PC in for a HD upgrade, from 20 to 120. I know, all you experts do that stuff yourself's. I'm a mere layman and know not of these things. They transfered it all to the new one and installed it for me, everything is working fine !

I guess its like everything else we've become used to and take for granted, until its gone you don't realize how important it has become in your life...

So, here I am with 10 days R&R from work and no PC...

AS i walk by the "ROOM" I start to go in out of habit, then stop and stare !!
The wife says "what are you going to do, I know you wanted to play your game while off work ?" Ahhh...no biggy, I got other stuff needs attending to anyway. (yeah right)
Sister-in-law is up from Tenn. and their out and about, "What the hell" I do the dishes, vacuum the house...But, I stop short of doing the laundry, after all if I do it like my single days and throw everything in together I can hear them now..."You Did What !!"
So, I mow the lawn, trim and sweep..watch History channel (Nazis Gold)...walk by room

Oh..Oh...My Car !! Hasn't been really cleaned in a while, like since last summer (LOL) Vacuum it out, wash, wax, wipe down inside, and shine up the tires...still need to get the white walls "WHITE"

Finally...the phone rings..

"I'll be right there"