Topic: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????  (Read 5819 times)

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Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2004, 04:48:53 pm »
Please please PLEASE stop provoking them!

I agree with Bishop. This has gone from a dispute about a fleet's name, to a grandstand p*ssing match, with everyone bringing up (formerly) dead horses for fresh beatings.

Stop it, the lot of you.

And those in fleets, remember. If you say something, it reflects on the fleet you're part of- DOA, [TF], RK, 11th Rangers, 11th Vanguard, 9th, it doesnt matter.

Ive learned that lesson the hard way.

Please dont make the same mistakes.

I think it would do the world of good, if everyone left this alone for a day, and slept on it. At least you'd all be thinking with clear heads, and not emotions (and hormones, in some cases).

Ryker, how long have we known eachother? Three years? You were a trusted member of the Unity Committee for 1.0. You named the mod.

Please, stop preaching what we already know ... You are in TS now with Kane, who calls me a liar in open threads and questions the integrity of the hard work put together by the Unity modding team.

Go preach to the right street corner, please.

This debate was sparked yesterday in an ill-timed thread by Sandman saying "Original" when referring to his "knock off" 11thFleet, which you darn well knew about prior to your post at So don't play games here, commodore. You were as much a party in sparking this war of words as anyone.

Read the topic Castrin locked and learn something.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."


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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2004, 04:50:25 pm »
One more time.  Knock off the personal attacks EVERYONE.  I am done warning people.

BTW, I see nothing inflammatory in Ryker's post, even reading between the lines.

Offline Kane

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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2004, 05:09:40 pm »

I'm sorry Admins, but this has to be said.

I never took advantage of Frieza, neither did the Knights (and he was a member until last week). We -- Knights -- used his talents, marketed his name all over the planet and kept doing so after he left for 7 months.



According to your statement, you never asked Freiza if it was OK with him.

Just because Freiza wasn't around, it didn't give you the right to do what you did with the mod.  Not like you cared anyway.

You want power and you were willing to do what ever it took to get it. You want respect from Ann, Taldren and the community, but you were too arrogant.  Just like the way you acted toward the XIth fleet, last night on TS.

I know I'm not a saint, but I at least know the difference from what is right and wrong.  I would never take any Mod or Ship without permission.

What you did to Freiza was wrong.


 You didn't just take the TNZ mod because Korah wasn't around, you sent him an email to use it.  Just like Cue did.

I have both Unity 1.0 and 3.0.  They look the same.
"Don't try to be a great man ... just be a man. Let history make its own judgments."[/color][/size]

Offline The Pelican

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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2004, 05:50:38 pm »

I know I'm not a saint, but I at least know the difference from what is right and wrong.  I would never take any Mod or Ship without permission.

What you did to Freiza was wrong.

If that's true? Then provide me with an e-mail proving that you have permission to use my mission scripts - dated prior to the release of any version of Battlezone.

I have Battlezone 1 on my hard-drive, and I'm not even credited for producing the scripts.

The first time I was even contacted over my scripts was in April.

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2004, 05:59:30 pm »
rofl. Unity 1.0 and Unity 3.0 the same.


What you miss all the shop adds and core changes and .gf changes to common settings? roflmfao @ Kane.

Muhahhahahahahaha. I can't stop.


Frieza came back once during the making of Unity 2.0. He had moved to Arizona to stay near his dad, but had no computer that would connect to the Net. His dad came into TS also. He was a nice person. We all enjoyed him.

I don't think Frieza ever even downloaded V2.0, then left again for 4 months.

See we don't need permission from Frieza. It was a Knights project and always has been.

We talked about the changes to Unity 2.0 and filed Frieza in. We told him where we were going with mod direction and I asked him to start gathering Pirate ships. That was Unity 2.0, which was released in March, I believe (check the last readme.txt -- it's all documented to the T).


Here is Ryker's statement as a member of the original Unity Team ... before we left BattleClinic.


Re: Unity mod STOLEN?!?!?

Being only involved with the first incarnation of Unity, I think that it was (initially):

Frieza who attempted to modify the Build 531 version of TNZ (or was it 525?) and did initial work on it, before it became Unity (when the Knights were working on the TNZ base mod after getting permission from KoraH to use it, but not the parts involving the Unspeakable Build),

Iceman who made the new ships and gathered permissions for existing ones,
Rivaris who made the maps,
VSFTie, Sparks and myself who rebooted the server,
WT and Cozbo and Tie who did the server settings,
as well as a couple of others who did testing.

Feel free to correct me if Im wrong, it has been (for me) many MANY moons ago...

[EDIT- Since Unity has changed a lot in the past few months, can it be considered the same mod? I remember hearing the whole thing was overhauled for Unity 2 and 3, but was it based on the same mod 'template' used in Unity 1...

Last edited by F9thRyker on Fri Jul 23, 2004 5:35 pm; edited 1 time in total

Release date: Unity was released publically on Dec. 21, 2003 and can be downloaded on the Star Trek Gamers Directory at Unity II was released for distribution in mid-January 2004, and is a stand-alone mod. The Unity I mod is NOT necessary to run Unity II, and may affect game play. It is recommended you delete the original Unity mod and reinstall Unity II. The Unity II base of 246 megs was renamed 'Unity: The Third Age' in February 2004. Unity V3.0 was released for download June 6, 2004 for public download on STGD.
Author: LordWaterTiger, founder and chief council member of the Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights (BOTAKnights) or or
Contact: or or
AIM: Writinit
Designed for: Starfleet Command III version 1.01 2 Build 500 (Beta Patch). Converted to Taldren BETA 531 on May 02, 2004.
Lead modder: KnightCozbo. Assistants: KnightRivaris, KnightIceman, KnightArcherion nd KnightWaterTiger.
Creator: KnightFrieza .----------------------------

I personally contacted all the modelers whom Frieza forgot to credit and added their names to the readme.txt.

Then the Unity V2.5 added more ships and so did Unity V3.0. Unity V3.1 will add 70 more.

The mod has completley changed, and frieza left.

I personally think he is scared of some Taldren lawsuit for something funky he did in Unity 1.0 (stole the "testers version of V529 back in November).

Yip, something is bothering him deeper than changing core files and common settings with a modder who actually tests ships he balances.

Here is a locked thread on STGD forums that had dozens of responses from the modders who actually worked on the mod whiole Frieza skipped three states.

I'm done dealing with you, Kane. I know why DOA booted you from the fleet now. You gave them a bad name, huh?



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2004, 06:01:57 pm »

I know I'm not a saint, but I at least know the difference from what is right and wrong.  I would never take any Mod or Ship without permission.

What you did to Freiza was wrong.

If that's true? Then provide me with an e-mail proving that you have permission to use my mission scripts - dated prior to the release of any version of Battlezone.

I have Battlezone 1 on my hard-drive, and I'm not even credited for producing the scripts.

The first time I was even contacted over my scripts was in April.

Looks like Kane stuck his thing in it.

Yes, Kane, the rift gets deeper and deeper.
Pelican, Unity has credited you with every version of scripting, and we proudly thank you.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline rivaris

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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2004, 06:05:46 pm »

I know I'm not a saint, but I at least know the difference from what is right and wrong.  I would never take any Mod or Ship without permission.

What you did to Freiza was wrong.

If that's true? Then provide me with an e-mail proving that you have permission to use my mission scripts - dated prior to the release of any version of Battlezone.

I have Battlezone 1 on my hard-drive, and I'm not even credited for producing the scripts.

The first time I was even contacted over my scripts was in April.

well EXUSE ME hmmmm

when you see BZ you have to take it up to there forums

then why in h*ll dont you also state that if you have problems with Unity take it to the Unity forums.

but no you only inforce the rules when it involves your own freaking butt buddies.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2004, 07:12:12 pm by FVA_C_Blade_XC »
if your reading this you havent smite me yet if you do it will go away and you wont end up giong insane.


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Re: Castrin ............ WHY? ??????
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2004, 06:11:28 pm »
then why in h*ll dont you also state that if you have problems with Unity take it to the Unity forums.

but no you only inforce the rules when it involves your own freaking butt buddies.

I just warned people about the use of this term, "but buddies" and there it is again.

No way. 

This thread is now locked.  I will deal out the punishement for this term tonight.