Just take out the AV, force it to zero permanently and you will get rid of the WW1 fighter sim where angular velocity is a targetting factor, and come back into the realm of starships
Well, I believe this would require source code and .exe changes -- but i might be wrong (I often am).
I'm not even going close to anything that says "code" in modding the game, but I promise you I will look into it. If it can be done without monkeying with code, I will do it.
I always liked that guy with the big brain on TNG Trek. I felt sorry for him. He was sooo smart and sooo technical, but so emotionless. He forgot to have fun!
'All Your Trek Belongs to Us"

(firmly) Spock: "When I said 'undress', I meant take EVERYTHING off!"
Kirk ("timidly"): "Even my boots?"
[pause. Kirk and Spock exchange a long look]
Spock: "Well, all right, you may leave the boots on."
Kirk (whining): "Is all this really necessary? It's kind of humiliating. Can't you just take my temperature, check my pulse, things like that?"
Spock ("seriously"): "No, my orders are quite clear. I am to thoroughly examine every square centimeter of your body for evidence of bug bites, and test your reflexes to be sure you have not been adversely effected by your exposure to the alien environment, bites or no."
Kirk (sweetly): "I'd feel better if you'd undress too."
[another pause. Another long look]
Spock: "Well, all right, if it will help you to feel less vulnerable."
Kirk: "I never even heard of this stupid disease you are checking for. Hey! Wait a minute! Where's your doctor's license!? How do I know you even are a real doctor!? HEY! What is that!? That's no medical instrument! MY GOD WHAT DID YOU JUST STICK INTO ME!?"
Spock (reassuringly): "Relax, everything is all right..."
Kirk ("infuriated") : "Relax!? RELAX? You stick God knows what into my a$$ without even a 'Hi, how ya doin'?' and you expect me to just Relax!?"