As you know I have pledged to try to make things work. I (hate using that personal pronoun all the time) asked for this months ago on Taldren.
I see the D-3 community segregating since the exit of KoraH last November. We have forums up everywhere and moderators for both major forums for SFC3 have been accused of playing favorites. I realize you do your best here, Kortez, but it still comes through, admittedly.
KoraH and ThePelican were the glue that held the D-3 together. Nanner hadn't even come to the scene then with GAW and it was still in the making ... This rift began with the V525 testers version and hasn't stopped since.
Much of the "tit-for-tat" you speak of is one person or another defending themselves against the attacks from other members of the so-called "community." We have all participated in it at one time or another.
I think Emperian put it well the other day (paraphrase) ... We are eating ourselves alive.
I have said for many moons that the "Alpha Male Syndrom" is at work here ...
Maybe that's why we loved Ann so much. She kept us balanced and seeing things in a proper perspective. She always made it feel like home.
Now we have 6 (maybe 7 with Border Wars) solid mods on the street for SFC3 and the D-3 community huddles in their own corners and plays their OWN mod.
Unity was never meant to be that way, and neither was any other mod. I took a step forward as lead admin for Unity and lifted server and forum bans (except for a handful) only to be told that "WT has done this before" and will never change.
It's the classic Catch 22; damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Nanner went through a similar confrontation on his GAW server with ironically the same group of pilots. When they came to our forums to spew trash, we locked the threads and banned the participants.
Kane sits here and babbles about disrespect even last night in the SFC Community TS ... when I think what some expected was an outburst by me, found a calm voice trying to talk some sense. I was even threatened with a ban from TS and was told I -- and other 11th admirals -- were not welcome by 9th members who had SA status. Those in the meeting know I disrespected no one, but only sought to help solve this problem of the dual fleets by urging the 11thFleet Rangers to respect the longstanding -11thFleet- Spartan Vanguard.
It could easily be solved by simply changing their name to the 11th Rangers and skip the 11thFleet portion of the name.
Have you seen Vic's statement on STGD today? He was there:
http://www.stcd.sgnonline.com/Our executive admiral was in a bad mood and rightly so, so perhaps he was a little short tempered. He had just come home from a house fire where a little girl was burned critically. She ran into his arms, seered through the lungs and coughing. She might not be alive today. THAT is real life. It makes d.net and STGD, 9th, 11th and all this rather trivial.
We all huddle with our allies and friends and draw conclusions based on hearsay and innuendo.
I met with IslandBound last night and we worked out a rotation that seemed to make sense ... At least the people who don't hate eachothers guts can rotate 4 servers and fill them up a little.
Did you know I was banned from BattleZone but had never participated in the campaign? Guess why? One word: Kane.
Just some random thoughts ... more later.