Ok guys, Im writing this while Im on holiday, on my supposed 'time off' from this game
Im gone for 2 DAYS, and stuff like this happens
Ok, let me get this straight.
This started as a dispute over the ownership of a name, between the XIth Spartan Vanguard fleet, and the 11th Rangers fleet.
It then expanded into a historical diatribe, as to which fleet was the oldest, and then branched off into which fleet played which game.
Then someone mentioned laywers and copyrights, and everything went to hell.
THEN, someone thought that there was no difference between the 9th and the XIth Rangers fleet, and accused us of collusion (WaterTiger, I think).
After that, it expanded into a debate about which game was better, OP or SFC3.
Then, it went on to dispute the Unity ownership issue.
*deep intake of breath*
...THEN, it went on to bring up the divisions between the DOA and the former BOTAKnights.
...which then went on to people accusing Frey and Kortez of bias and collusion, because some people they know arent doing things the way they like.
In the immortal words of the great William "The Corset" Shatner,
"Get a life, people!! It's just a TV show!!"I think this one thread has brought up more dirt, division, and suspicion than any thread or flame which has preceded it.
And while it's most entertaining to watch people get heated up to threaten court action, about being
flamed in a
The core issue is this- there was a little [read- LITTLE] dispute about a name for a fleet. This issue is being resolved by the respective fleet leaders, and I presume it's happening in private.
It is not a reason (or an excuse, as some people have used it for) to start arguing.
Let LanceBishop of the Vanguard, and Sandman of the Rangers, sort this out amongst themselves. They're both big boys, and they can fight their own battles without Nanner, WaterTiger, people from the D2, ex-Knights, people from the STGD, and a thousand and one other small people each with their small opinions, to comment on it and risk inciting more disputes over COMPLETELY UNRELATED INCIDENTS.
Sandmand and Bishop are discussing it. That should be all that we the people need to know.
End of analysis.
Now PLEASE. Im on holiday at the moment, and I do NOT want to come back in a few days to find that the whole place has fallen into the sea, because of this one thread.
Stop it, the lot of you.
Thanks for your attention.