Topic: Original SFC 11th Fleet  (Read 53251 times)

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #200 on: July 30, 2004, 02:04:15 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Ahhem .... when was the last time the captain to the USS Kitty Hawk was allowed to remove those blased AA guns and mount a few 16" turrets on the deck?

Ok, here, when was the last time Picard was allowed to head to dry dock and swap out those annoying Ph11s for a few better Pulse Phasers ah and ditch those crap Phots for Quantums? Yeah I remember that episode <sacasim>  ;)

SFC3 is great but don't fool yourself, as an acurate representation of the ST warfare scene it's not. It's a fun game that gives you a lot of options, be happy. OP is a game that strives to be more a battle field simulation than SFC3 and it does it very well.


Dude do you even watch Star Trek? ROFL aparantly not. I have seen the movie where it is talked about the enterprise getting the updated quantum torpedo, matter of fact I saw the defiant get them too. Funny how during the life of a Starship it gets REFITTED every so often. And why would you place pulse phasers on a starhip when they were designed for a escort ship? Apparantly you need to stay in the D2 where you estute inability for clear and rational thought will stay subdued.

Wildcard I'm gonna have to call you on this. Please explain to me where / when the Enterprise was getting updated quantum torpedoes? The first instance that quantum torpedoes was even mentioned was in 1st Contact, where the new Sovvy class was revealed after the destruction of NCC 1701 D. Do the timelines stuff and call me back when yer done.

Your argument about "pulse phasers" is also lacking. Interestingly enough photon torpedoes were the Federation staple for, I'm sorry - how long ? 35 years?

And exactly where are you drawing your information regarding the creation of pulse phasers for escort ships only? Please quote cannon references or make sure to state you've got no empirical evidence to support your claim.  Line class ships in the TOS / TMP / TNG era were upgraded just as warships are today, and Castrin's point is obvious to the extreme. If you are trying to say that the fact that you can take your starship into spacedock and swap out WARP CORES is even remotely cannon, I'll let that statement speak for itself.

"Um Yea, StarFleet ? This is Captain WildCard. Look, I need to do some serious reconfiguration of my ship here, okay? I need to swap out some phasers, Oh yea, can I get a couple of those new Quantum torpedoe launchers? Oh yea, and I need the entire WARP CORE swapped out okay? While we're at it, let's just replace my Computer systems, Anti-Cload technology, and impulse engines themselves".

"What do you mean, 'Starfleet Core of Engineers'? I don't understand 'revisions' specs. And dangit I want this to be done in the next three hours or so. Oh yea, and BTW would you please tell Spock to stop screwing around over there on the Enterprise and let him know I've reassigned him to my ship?"

"MMMkay, thanks".


The 1701 had a warp coil and the 1701-A had a warp care the first to do so as Scotty or James Doohan said.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #201 on: July 30, 2004, 02:04:42 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Ahhem .... when was the last time the captain to the USS Kitty Hawk was allowed to remove those blased AA guns and mount a few 16" turrets on the deck?

Ok, here, when was the last time Picard was allowed to head to dry dock and swap out those annoying Ph11s for a few better Pulse Phasers ah and ditch those crap Phots for Quantums? Yeah I remember that episode <sacasim>  ;)

SFC3 is great but don't fool yourself, as an acurate representation of the ST warfare scene it's not. It's a fun game that gives you a lot of options, be happy. OP is a game that strives to be more a battle field simulation than SFC3 and it does it very well.


Dude do you even watch Star Trek? ROFL aparantly not. I have seen the movie where it is talked about the enterprise getting the updated quantum torpedo, matter of fact I saw the defiant get them too. Funny how during the life of a Starship it gets REFITTED every so often. And why would you place pulse phasers on a starhip when they were designed for a escort ship? Apparantly you need to stay in the D2 where you estute inability for clear and rational thought will stay subdued.

Wildcard I'm gonna have to call you on this. Please explain to me where / when the Enterprise was getting updated quantum torpedoes? The first instance that quantum torpedoes was even mentioned was in 1st Contact, where the new Sovvy class was revealed after the destruction of NCC 1701 D. Do the timelines stuff and call me back when yer done.

Your argument about "pulse phasers" is also lacking. Interestingly enough photon torpedoes were the Federation staple for, I'm sorry - how long ? 35 years?

And exactly where are you drawing your information regarding the creation of pulse phasers for escort ships only? Please quote cannon references or make sure to state you've got no empirical evidence to support your claim.  Line class ships in the TOS / TMP / TNG era were upgraded just as warships are today, and Castrin's point is obvious to the extreme. If you are trying to say that the fact that you can take your starship into spacedock and swap out WARP CORES is even remotely cannon, I'll let that statement speak for itself.

"Um Yea, StarFleet ? This is Captain WildCard. Look, I need to do some serious reconfiguration of my ship here, okay? I need to swap out some phasers, Oh yea, can I get a couple of those new Quantum torpedoe launchers? Oh yea, and I need the entire WARP CORE swapped out okay? While we're at it, let's just replace my Computer systems, Anti-Cload technology, and impulse engines themselves".

"What do you mean, 'Starfleet Core of Engineers'? I don't understand 'revisions' specs. And dangit I want this to be done in the next three hours or so. Oh yea, and BTW would you please tell Spock to stop screwing around over there on the Enterprise and let him know I've reassigned him to my ship?"

"MMMkay, thanks".


Frey it is definately aparant that you know as much about Trek as you know about swabbing the bore of a 16 inch cannon on the deck of the Iowa. And that would be NOTHING. You are dilusional, You need your meds. I can call 911 for you since I work there. I can get you to a hotline that will cure your granduer.

1st Contact is where you see the Quantum being talked about being fitted on the E model. And in DS9 you see the Quantum being used on the Defiant and the Excelsior class ship that Worf had to fight when the Admirality had instated Martial Law. Wake up and pinch yourself Frey get some coffee. Shake off the cobwebs. The Defiant was the only ship EVER described as using the pulse phasers, Not to say you couldnt refit them. Know listen to your banter, What would you do if you had to eject your core? Spend the rest of your tour without one? Well ok mabey you would. But the Warp Cores were meant to be upgraded and changed every so many Warp Hours. Do you even read anything about Trek? Starships for the Vast majority were fitted with type X phaser arrays standard. I am sure they would update them if ever needed. Why not? As for an Aircraft carrier as spewed by Mr Knoweldge, This day and time you see them with a vast array of different weaponary, During the Reagan era we saw the entire US Navy get a complete overhaul and refit to modern technology. I am sure the Federation would do the same, Since you constantly read and hear about the service life of a starship being way over 20 years, Just look at what we have developed and the technology we have improved on over the past 10 years. And it all gets updated and refitted on a daily basis. You clearly speak with extreme misinformation and banter. You should actually have knowledge on a subject before you open you mouth and show how much you dont. A great man once said it is better to remain silent and let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and speak and remove all doubt. I never claimed that pulse phasers were for escort ships only, But we do learn that the Defiant was classed as an escort ship built to fight and defeat the Borg, We also know that the Pulse phaser was a weapon designed to fight and defeat the Borg. The Quantum was built for the Borg. Ablative Armor was for the Borg. Need I go on? A starship has a scheduled refit every so many years to trade out even the Bridge Module, You are really so misinformed and nieve to think they would change a bridge and not the outdated Warp Core you are dummer than I originally thought. My best advise for you is silence before you lose all credibility as a Trek Gamer, And they let you lead a Fleet? Or be an Admiral in one? Did you buy it to? Or is it proof that if your in so long eventually they will have to promote you?

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #202 on: July 30, 2004, 02:07:10 pm »
Wildcard, please be quiet. I'm trying to hijack this thread for a straight answer from Kortez or Frey on XC and their "spin" on integrity as it regards the actions of another XC member and admin who has sullied the laundry.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #203 on: July 30, 2004, 02:07:47 pm »
According to Ex Astris Scientia

2371 DS9 Season 3 (not yet available)
The newly commissioned Defiant is captured by the Jem'Hadar

2371 Soran destroys whole worlds striving to get back into the Nexus, an energy ribbon moving through the galaxy. In his effort to stop him and save the Veridian system, Picard gets unexpected help from Kirk, who has actually spent the last 78 years inside the Nexus. They succeed, but Kirk loses his life, and the Enterprise-D saucer crashes on Veridian III ("Star Trek: Generations").

2373 A Borg cube attacking Earth is destroyed, however, the Borg travel back to the year 2063 to prevent Cochrane's warp flight and the first Terran-Vulcan contact. The Enterprise-E crew has to correct history. While an away team helps Cochrane, the Borg are taking over the Enterprise-E, and Data is kidnapped by them. Picard reluctantly orders the self-destruction, but he also tries to free Data. Data, pretending to work with the Borg Queen who has provided him with human sensations, finally manages to kill the Borg before the ship blows up ("Star Trek: First Contact").

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #204 on: July 30, 2004, 02:10:38 pm »
<shakes up lighter fluid, applies liberally>

Yes folks, there is a bias in some parts of this community against not only sfc3, but those who play it. I see it and feel it every day i visit. I see it in the bashing of a game i enjoy my time on emmensly more than op - when its modded.

Instead of embracing diversity in ideas, I see those who seek to belittle those with differing opinions or tastes in "war games."

For me, sfc3 gets me closer to cannon that any of the older sfc games can - or ever will. based on weapons loads, power adjustment and shielding that is a fact. is it perfect. HA! h*ll no its not. especially give the fact there was never a patch out for it and the game got RMA'd due to a law suit.

I also see no credit (or little) to the mods of sfc3 and how much life there is.

in short, if it ain't sfb, its not welcome.

dont believe me? check the karma and how sfc3 people are treated.

do i hope things change? yes, but it will take some time. maybe never.

What do i plan to do about it? keep producing the generations at war mod when i can, but i am unsure of it long term. i dont feel like getting beat up everyday.. so why keep bothering to do it?

i do believe that board members of dga are doing the best they can to bridge the gap, but i wonder if it will ever happen - or if its possible.
"A Republican thinks every day is July 4th. A Democrat thinks every day is April 15th." - Ronald Reagan

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #205 on: July 30, 2004, 02:11:23 pm »
Chucky, hush. ;)

This isn't a thread about the dang quantum. It's about integrity and honesty.

This thread has been hijacked three times ... and was originally about the REAL 11thFleet.

The core issue remains the same.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #206 on: July 30, 2004, 02:13:42 pm »
<shakes up lighter fluid, applies liberally>

Yes folks, there is a bias in some parts of this community against not only sfc3, but those who play it. I see it and feel it every day i visit. I see it in the bashing of a game i enjoy my time on emmensly more than op - when its modded.

Instead of embracing diversity in ideas, I see those who seek to belittle those with differing opinions or tastes in "war games."

For me, sfc3 gets me closer to cannon that any of the older sfc games can - or ever will. based on weapons loads, power adjustment and shielding that is a fact. is it perfect. HA! h*ll no its not. especially give the fact there was never a patch out for it and the game got RMA'd due to a law suit.

I also see no credit (or little) to the mods of sfc3 and how much life there is.

in short, if it ain't sfb, its not welcome.

dont believe me? check the karma and how sfc3 people are treated.

do i hope things change? yes, but it will take some time. maybe never.

What do i plan to do about it? keep producing the generations at war mod when i can, but i am unsure of it long term. i dont feel like getting beat up everyday.. so why keep bothering to do it?

i do believe that board members of dga are doing the best they can to bridge the gap, but i wonder if it will ever happen - or if its possible.

 :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Thank you, Nannerslug. No truer words were ever spoken.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #207 on: July 30, 2004, 02:15:44 pm »


P.S. I see you are still avoiding my question regarding internal house keeping as it applies to the allegded Unity theft issue that one very prominet XC member and admin has launched in other forums.


No, it's not his place to answer that question.

In regards to what my Fleet members do in on their own time, well, let me expound, but I'll try to keep it in novella form instead of Book, mmmkay?


XenoCorp as a Fleet (and you are wrong again, WT, XenoCorp Inc. is a real life company, but has nothing to do with the gaming side of things. That's my hobby) doesn't maintain mind control over our members. We believe that freedom of expression are inherent rights that are important. We also believe that personal expression should be tolerated. If that's someone's opinion that you or someone else "stole" something, then they have that right to believe it.

I find it MUCH more positive to have someone include a pic in their signature than run around on multiple forum, and I'll borrow one of your catch phrases here - spewing more misinformation and controversy. I think it's commendable that these individuals, or individual as your now stating  ::), decided to express said opinions in a time honored non-agressive manner than do what some individuals do, and I'll continue to support that. Perhaps you would like to have a group that consists of mindless automations, but in XenoCorp we enbrace individuality.

"Infinite diversity in infinite combinations".

Again, we're off on another topic, and you've tried to project the real focus back off yourself and onto someone else.


So, for the third time, can you give me a direct answer to the question I asked?

I've answered your statements and accusations directly - what about you?

WHY will you not answer these questions?

I'll let the community draw their own conclusions, because I believe they are entitled to doing that. I don't think I need to insult everyone by telling them "what they needed to hear since their so stupid they can't see it themselves."

Now does THAT quote sound familiar, WaterTiger? I doubt you'll even own up to it, but it should, because it's YOUR comment regarding the SFC3 community, and your percieved role in it.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #208 on: July 30, 2004, 02:20:28 pm »
All Hail Nannerslug!!!!!!!

He speaketh the Truth!!!

And the Truth will set you free.

Just think of the famous Apple Comercial 1984, We the people of the SFCIII Community are throwing the sledgehammer at the banter of the D2 Community and we are awakening you to the light.

"Today, we celebrate the first glorious anniversary of the Information Purification Directives. We have created, for the first time in all history, a garden of pure ideology. Where each worker may bloom secure from the pests of contradictory and confusing truths. Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!"

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #209 on: July 30, 2004, 02:21:33 pm »

dont believe me? check the karma and how sfc3 people are treated.

i do believe that board members of dga are doing the best they can to bridge the gap, but i wonder if it will ever happen - or if its possible.

The people with bad karma deserve it.  Look at mine  ;D

Why bother bridging the gap?   They are different games totally.  Might as well try to bridge the gap between Pac Man and Pong.  There isn't even enough technical similarities that any to make this worth the effort.

There is nothing wrong with liking one over the other, they both have different appeal.   Most of the current OP crowd only react to insults by trash.
2 seperate sandboxes.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #210 on: July 30, 2004, 02:21:44 pm »
UncleFrey (no disrespect intended .. but you remind me of my uncle Jack in Texas) ...

1.) You took a quote out of context, similar to how you accuse the liberal bias media of extorting truth.

2.) I'm having so much fun I forgot what the original question was ...

3.) Do the question in bullets ... so I can follow it, as speed reading classes ruined by comprehension levels.





KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #211 on: July 30, 2004, 02:25:00 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Ahhem .... when was the last time the captain to the USS Kitty Hawk was allowed to remove those blased AA guns and mount a few 16" turrets on the deck?

Ok, here, when was the last time Picard was allowed to head to dry dock and swap out those annoying Ph11s for a few better Pulse Phasers ah and ditch those crap Phots for Quantums? Yeah I remember that episode <sacasim>  ;)

SFC3 is great but don't fool yourself, as an acurate representation of the ST warfare scene it's not. It's a fun game that gives you a lot of options, be happy. OP is a game that strives to be more a battle field simulation than SFC3 and it does it very well.


Dude do you even watch Star Trek? ROFL aparantly not. I have seen the movie where it is talked about the enterprise getting the updated quantum torpedo, matter of fact I saw the defiant get them too. Funny how during the life of a Starship it gets REFITTED every so often. And why would you place pulse phasers on a starhip when they were designed for a escort ship? Apparantly you need to stay in the D2 where you estute inability for clear and rational thought will stay subdued.

Wildcard I'm gonna have to call you on this. Please explain to me where / when the Enterprise was getting updated quantum torpedoes? The first instance that quantum torpedoes was even mentioned was in 1st Contact, where the new Sovvy class was revealed after the destruction of NCC 1701 D. Do the timelines stuff and call me back when yer done.

Your argument about "pulse phasers" is also lacking. Interestingly enough photon torpedoes were the Federation staple for, I'm sorry - how long ? 35 years?

And exactly where are you drawing your information regarding the creation of pulse phasers for escort ships only? Please quote cannon references or make sure to state you've got no empirical evidence to support your claim.  Line class ships in the TOS / TMP / TNG era were upgraded just as warships are today, and Castrin's point is obvious to the extreme. If you are trying to say that the fact that you can take your starship into spacedock and swap out WARP CORES is even remotely cannon, I'll let that statement speak for itself.

"Um Yea, StarFleet ? This is Captain WildCard. Look, I need to do some serious reconfiguration of my ship here, okay? I need to swap out some phasers, Oh yea, can I get a couple of those new Quantum torpedoe launchers? Oh yea, and I need the entire WARP CORE swapped out okay? While we're at it, let's just replace my Computer systems, Anti-Cload technology, and impulse engines themselves".

"What do you mean, 'Starfleet Core of Engineers'? I don't understand 'revisions' specs. And dangit I want this to be done in the next three hours or so. Oh yea, and BTW would you please tell Spock to stop screwing around over there on the Enterprise and let him know I've reassigned him to my ship?"

"MMMkay, thanks".


Frey it is definately aparant that you know as much about Trek as you know about swabbing the bore of a 16 inch cannon on the deck of the Iowa. And that would be NOTHING. You are dilusional, You need your meds. I can call 911 for you since I work there. I can get you to a hotline that will cure your granduer.

1st Contact is where you see the Quantum being talked about being fitted on the E model. And in DS9 you see the Quantum being used on the Defiant and the Excelsior class ship that Worf had to fight when the Admirality had instated Martial Law. Wake up and pinch yourself Frey get some coffee. Shake off the cobwebs. The Defiant was the only ship EVER described as using the pulse phasers, Not to say you couldnt refit them. Know listen to your banter, What would you do if you had to eject your core? Spend the rest of your tour without one? Well ok mabey you would. But the Warp Cores were meant to be upgraded and changed every so many Warp Hours. Do you even read anything about Trek? Starships for the Vast majority were fitted with type X phaser arrays standard. I am sure they would update them if ever needed. Why not? As for an Aircraft carrier as spewed by Mr Knoweldge, This day and time you see them with a vast array of different weaponary, During the Reagan era we saw the entire US Navy get a complete overhaul and refit to modern technology. I am sure the Federation would do the same, Since you constantly read and hear about the service life of a starship being way over 20 years, Just look at what we have developed and the technology we have improved on over the past 10 years. And it all gets updated and refitted on a daily basis. You clearly speak with extreme misinformation and banter. You should actually have knowledge on a subject before you open you mouth and show how much you dont. A great man once said it is better to remain silent and let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and speak and remove all doubt. I never claimed that pulse phasers were for escort ships only, But we do learn that the Defiant was classed as an escort ship built to fight and defeat the Borg, We also know that the Pulse phaser was a weapon designed to fight and defeat the Borg. The Quantum was built for the Borg. Ablative Armor was for the Borg. Need I go on? A starship has a scheduled refit every so many years to trade out even the Bridge Module, You are really so misinformed and nieve to think they would change a bridge and not the outdated Warp Core you are dummer than I originally thought. My best advise for you is silence before you lose all credibility as a Trek Gamer, And they let you lead a Fleet? Or be an Admiral in one? Did you buy it to? Or is it proof that if your in so long eventually they will have to promote you?

You know WildCard, it could have been an interesting conversation regarding such as the tech, Fleet line refits and the like. I enjoy conversations such as this with people that display a knowledge of such - even if it is limited.

Unfortunately, you cannot have a conversation without resorting to personal insults. While that doesn't bother me because it makes you look that much more like a smacktard, it is unfortunate in regards to the community. So, while I'd love to educate you on the true cannon aspects of Trek lore and the like, I fear your incapable of taking that information in the manner in which it was intended.

And BTW, XC's been around for over 10 years. I've earned my title, as I've done much for the community and never asked for a single dime. And lo and behold, in that entire time, NO ONE's ever questioned my loyalty to the SFC community. That you say these things is as laughable as WaterTiger saying he's "genuinely concerned for the SFC3 Community".
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #212 on: July 30, 2004, 02:25:59 pm »
An example:  outrage over any suggestion that their mod might have been misused while the same person posts elsewhere that Battlezone was taken from Unity, all because of a single typo by someone who just wasn't authoritative to begin with about the issue.

AdmFrey. You know exactly why I did that. How did it feel?

The BattleZone admin (Kane) wonders the boards and posts innuendo that Unity was stolen. Your own XC members wear a siggie showing this:

The fact that BattleClinic even allows this rage to be posted and the fact that a high-ranking member of XC touts this trite manuer for a signature on is insidious.

YOUR people know the truth on Unity, as does Kane.

Nannerslug printed information that BattleZone used Unity as a base for it's mod -- which I thought about as ironic as the original allegation that WaterTiger stole Unity. Gimmie a break, Frey.



P.S. Kortez, don't preach to me about "negativity" when the XC crowd and Xenocorp spew it 24/7

Why?.....................Why bring me into this?

I have done nothing wrong but just stated facts with all the evidence that I have collected from Freiza and Korah [personaly].

The only reason BattleZone was created was because of you WT.

You acted childish after your defeat on UNITY 1.

Then you Banned us from UNITY 2.5 after yet another lose.

We needed a place to play and to stay away from you WT.

It was you WaterTiger, all you.  

BTW.  I have it recorded.  You admitting you starting with me.   ::) ;D

You know that BattleZone was created off of TNZ and not Freiza's UNITY Mod.  You posted it on STGD forums.  BOZO. ;D
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #213 on: July 30, 2004, 02:26:36 pm »
The truth  hurts the pic showing  the fox whith unity in the bag is soo true.
 Unity was riped off  thats why the pic apered.
 as far BattleZone goes thay never  stoled unity
 i am sole Creator of unity 1
 i spent my long night makeing my mod.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #214 on: July 30, 2004, 02:30:09 pm »
Ok guys, Im writing this while Im on holiday, on my supposed 'time off' from this game  ;)

Im gone for 2 DAYS, and stuff like this happens


Ok, let me get this straight.

This started as a dispute over the ownership of a name, between the XIth Spartan Vanguard fleet, and the 11th Rangers fleet.

It then expanded into a historical diatribe, as to which fleet was the oldest, and then branched off into which fleet played which game.

Then someone mentioned laywers and copyrights, and everything went to hell.

THEN, someone thought that there was no difference between the 9th and the XIth Rangers fleet, and accused us of collusion (WaterTiger, I think).

After that, it expanded into a debate about which game was better, OP or SFC3.

Then, it went on to dispute the Unity ownership issue.

*deep intake of breath*

...THEN, it went on to bring up the divisions between the DOA and the former BOTAKnights.

...which then went on to people accusing Frey and Kortez of bias and collusion, because some people they know arent doing things the way they like.

In the immortal words of the great William "The Corset" Shatner,

"Get a life, people!! It's just a TV show!!"

I think this one thread has brought up more dirt, division, and suspicion than any thread or flame which has preceded it.

And while it's most entertaining to watch people get heated up to threaten court action, about being flamed in a game.

The core issue is this- there was a little [read- LITTLE] dispute about a name for a fleet. This issue is being resolved by the respective fleet leaders, and I presume it's happening in private.

It is not a reason (or an excuse, as some people have used it for) to start arguing.

Let LanceBishop of the Vanguard, and Sandman of the Rangers, sort this out amongst themselves. They're both big boys, and they can fight their own battles without Nanner, WaterTiger, people from the D2, ex-Knights, people from the STGD, and a thousand and one other small people each with their small opinions, to comment on it and risk inciting more disputes over COMPLETELY UNRELATED INCIDENTS.

Sandmand and Bishop are discussing it. That should be all that we the people need to know.

End of analysis.

Now PLEASE. Im on holiday at the moment, and I do NOT want to come back in a few days to find that the whole place has fallen into the sea, because of this one thread.

Stop it, the lot of you.

Thanks for your attention.

The four most powerful men in the galaxy:

The President of the United Federation of Planets...
The Chancellor of the Klingon Empire...The Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire...

...and the Captain of a Federation Starship...

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #215 on: July 30, 2004, 02:30:30 pm »
Hey WT,

Didn't you steal the BOTA name?

Didn't you steal the ribbons that are used on the Knight web site?

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #216 on: July 30, 2004, 02:34:04 pm »
Is Kane a registered trademark of World Wrestling Entertainment?   

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #217 on: July 30, 2004, 02:37:56 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Ahhem .... when was the last time the captain to the USS Kitty Hawk was allowed to remove those blased AA guns and mount a few 16" turrets on the deck?

Ok, here, when was the last time Picard was allowed to head to dry dock and swap out those annoying Ph11s for a few better Pulse Phasers ah and ditch those crap Phots for Quantums? Yeah I remember that episode <sacasim>  ;)

SFC3 is great but don't fool yourself, as an acurate representation of the ST warfare scene it's not. It's a fun game that gives you a lot of options, be happy. OP is a game that strives to be more a battle field simulation than SFC3 and it does it very well.


Dude do you even watch Star Trek? ROFL aparantly not. I have seen the movie where it is talked about the enterprise getting the updated quantum torpedo, matter of fact I saw the defiant get them too. Funny how during the life of a Starship it gets REFITTED every so often. And why would you place pulse phasers on a starhip when they were designed for a escort ship? Apparantly you need to stay in the D2 where you estute inability for clear and rational thought will stay subdued.

Wildcard I'm gonna have to call you on this. Please explain to me where / when the Enterprise was getting updated quantum torpedoes? The first instance that quantum torpedoes was even mentioned was in 1st Contact, where the new Sovvy class was revealed after the destruction of NCC 1701 D. Do the timelines stuff and call me back when yer done.

Your argument about "pulse phasers" is also lacking. Interestingly enough photon torpedoes were the Federation staple for, I'm sorry - how long ? 35 years?

And exactly where are you drawing your information regarding the creation of pulse phasers for escort ships only? Please quote cannon references or make sure to state you've got no empirical evidence to support your claim.  Line class ships in the TOS / TMP / TNG era were upgraded just as warships are today, and Castrin's point is obvious to the extreme. If you are trying to say that the fact that you can take your starship into spacedock and swap out WARP CORES is even remotely cannon, I'll let that statement speak for itself.

"Um Yea, StarFleet ? This is Captain WildCard. Look, I need to do some serious reconfiguration of my ship here, okay? I need to swap out some phasers, Oh yea, can I get a couple of those new Quantum torpedoe launchers? Oh yea, and I need the entire WARP CORE swapped out okay? While we're at it, let's just replace my Computer systems, Anti-Cload technology, and impulse engines themselves".

"What do you mean, 'Starfleet Core of Engineers'? I don't understand 'revisions' specs. And dangit I want this to be done in the next three hours or so. Oh yea, and BTW would you please tell Spock to stop screwing around over there on the Enterprise and let him know I've reassigned him to my ship?"

"MMMkay, thanks".


Frey it is definately aparant that you know as much about Trek as you know about swabbing the bore of a 16 inch cannon on the deck of the Iowa. And that would be NOTHING. You are dilusional, You need your meds. I can call 911 for you since I work there. I can get you to a hotline that will cure your granduer.

1st Contact is where you see the Quantum being talked about being fitted on the E model. And in DS9 you see the Quantum being used on the Defiant and the Excelsior class ship that Worf had to fight when the Admirality had instated Martial Law. Wake up and pinch yourself Frey get some coffee. Shake off the cobwebs. The Defiant was the only ship EVER described as using the pulse phasers, Not to say you couldnt refit them. Know listen to your banter, What would you do if you had to eject your core? Spend the rest of your tour without one? Well ok mabey you would. But the Warp Cores were meant to be upgraded and changed every so many Warp Hours. Do you even read anything about Trek? Starships for the Vast majority were fitted with type X phaser arrays standard. I am sure they would update them if ever needed. Why not? As for an Aircraft carrier as spewed by Mr Knoweldge, This day and time you see them with a vast array of different weaponary, During the Reagan era we saw the entire US Navy get a complete overhaul and refit to modern technology. I am sure the Federation would do the same, Since you constantly read and hear about the service life of a starship being way over 20 years, Just look at what we have developed and the technology we have improved on over the past 10 years. And it all gets updated and refitted on a daily basis. You clearly speak with extreme misinformation and banter. You should actually have knowledge on a subject before you open you mouth and show how much you dont. A great man once said it is better to remain silent and let people think you a fool than to open your mouth and speak and remove all doubt. I never claimed that pulse phasers were for escort ships only, But we do learn that the Defiant was classed as an escort ship built to fight and defeat the Borg, We also know that the Pulse phaser was a weapon designed to fight and defeat the Borg. The Quantum was built for the Borg. Ablative Armor was for the Borg. Need I go on? A starship has a scheduled refit every so many years to trade out even the Bridge Module, You are really so misinformed and nieve to think they would change a bridge and not the outdated Warp Core you are dummer than I originally thought. My best advise for you is silence before you lose all credibility as a Trek Gamer, And they let you lead a Fleet? Or be an Admiral in one? Did you buy it to? Or is it proof that if your in so long eventually they will have to promote you?

You know WildCard, it could have been an interesting conversation regarding such as the tech, Fleet line refits and the like. I enjoy conversations such as this with people that display a knowledge of such - even if it is limited.

Unfortunately, you cannot have a conversation without resorting to personal insults. While that doesn't bother me because it makes you look that much more like a smacktard, it is unfortunate in regards to the community. So, while I'd love to educate you on the true cannon aspects of Trek lore and the like, I fear your incapable of taking that information in the manner in which it was intended.

And BTW, XC's been around for over 10 years. I've earned my title, as I've done much for the community and never asked for a single dime. And lo and behold, in that entire time, NO ONE's ever questioned my loyalty to the SFC community. That you say these things is as laughable as WaterTiger saying he's "genuinely concerned for the SFC3 Community".

ROFL Nice try at humor, Keep it up you will get it sooner or later. I never questioned your layalty to "the Community" Wow That is laughable in itself "the Community" is and allways has been your guys views of what it should be not what it is and could become, You find it a power trip where we find it as a game tp play. As far a cannon Frey I have forgotten more than you will ever know about cannon and Trek. I have over 300 + manuals and books on the subject authorized by Paramount. As for the personal insults I am sorry if sometimes the truth hurts. Korah sure did question your llayalty or have you forgotten?

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #218 on: July 30, 2004, 02:42:57 pm »
The Original Sig owned by Paramount.

and the kitbashes  [ no offense ]

Look at the pretty circles  ;D ::)
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #219 on: July 30, 2004, 02:44:23 pm »
ROFLMAO, How do you steal a Mod? I mean I can understand a Fleet but not a Mod, I was accused in the theft of a fleet once because the leaders left and wanted the rest to come with them and they didnt. ROFL But how do you steal a Mod?

Stick em up Pelican! Give me Dom Wars or I will default Core you.     ROLFMAO