Topic: Original SFC 11th Fleet  (Read 53244 times)

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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #160 on: July 30, 2004, 12:52:20 pm »
I've played and supported both EaW, OP, and SFC3. Can you say the same? If yes, why stop? If no, why not?

I started on SFC3 and i won't play a predecessor.  Why?  Because it would be like playing GTA Vice City then going back to GTA London, you just don't do things like that.  Sequals are improvements otherwise it wouldn't be a sequal.  Again if the admins here are fed up with this conversation, my boards are open

It's this type of hyperbole that continues to drive the mythical wedge WaterTiger, WildCard and others continually hype on. I am unsure of the reasoning of this continued mis-information but I am quite frankly sick of it. So, prepare yourself for the truth.

EAW / OP is a different FLAVOR of the SFC Series, but to say that sequels are improvments and apply that to SFC3 out of the box, heck even patched right now in a comparative nature to EAW / OP is patently ridiculous. While EAW / OP had it's bearload of bugs upon first release, SFC3 unfortunately suffered from Activisions lack of caring for the SFC Community audience in addition to an accelerated development schedule. That SFC3 is an "improvement" is a misnomer, and misleading. It's a different style of game.

... and we all know who "we" is, really.

It's no secret that this board is heavily OP oriented and the EAW/OP personnel would rather SFC3 and its players dropped off the face of the Earth.

When the so-called Taldrenites talk of "community" ... the SFC3 crowd has and always will be the red-headed stepchild of the Taldren series of games. The "community" shunned the player base, the so-called "Nannerites" and other SFC3 players long ago.



WaterTiger once again you are spewing more mis-information while avoiding the simplest of answers. You post insulting comments about myself on other websites and forums,  including that I never answer a question but respond with insults. Mayhaps you are projecting your own actions, I do not know no care to venture a quess at this point. What I do know is that the only reason ANYONE may have this perception is largly due to your continued reciting of it over.. and over...and over.

IT IS NOT TRUE. WaterTiger is speaking words which are purposefully designed to convey the impression of negativety and pull support from

Why is this, WaterTiger? Direct question, no spinning, can you answer that directly?

Not only is his statement ridiculous, in fact, you'll see today just how untrue it is. You're also going to see in the future some pretty awesome things for Starfleet Command 3 coming out of D.Net. Mark those words, and let us prove them with actions, not flames, accusations and more community dividing rhetoric. From this point forward, if you speak or post something that is not true or mis-information, your post will be edited to reflect such. You are no longer going to have free-reign to publically promote your personal viewpoints because we've received over 100 complaints regarding just that behavior. The community has spoken, and at this point we feel like it's necessary to protect ourselves from your misinformation as we've asked you - heck I've asked you - nicely to stop with these innuendoes and comments that are NOT TRUE.

I find it very interesting that from page 1 to page 5 it's all about lawsuits, lawyers reined in, then suddenly when the truth of the legalities is revealed now it's "well it wasn't about the law...It's about (insult insult here) fleet ". Then what was the point of bringing all that up unless you were either :

A. Baiting

B. Lying about the whole deal just to bring more controvery to your life.

I can see where DieHard's comments can be echoed by many other of the silent majorities that frequent our site.  It unfortunate that many in the SFC3 Community have presented just such a profile to the existing community members. The thing that people seem to find most insulting? That many in the SFC3 community have no respect - as displayed here by WaterTiger and several others - of the ongoing history we've had here in the SFC Community. While many individuals may state they've been around for years and years and years, they consistantly display no respect for the established groups, Fleets and mini-communities that were here long before SFC3 was a gleam in David Ferrells eye. WaterTiger says that SFC3 is the red-headed stepchild of the SFC Community - but it's only because you out there that love SFC3 so much believe that which makes it "true" for you.

Until many of the key people in the SFC3 communty stop listening to the purposeful mis-information campaign that some individuals continue to propogate then yes, perhaps we won't be able to offer as much support as we can. But in all instances people really just don't get it. Dynaverse.Net is the officially sanctioned site by Taldren. We're the ones that have the approval of Taldren, and hence you'd think with the current state of affairs regarding SFC3's patching and functionality that everyone would be working with us to further the community's enjoyment of the SFC3 itself.

Unfortunately, it takes a "team player" mentality to work together with others. It also takes a some common interests and beliefs for people to effectively work together - and I think that in itself is the main difference in the different "camps" of SFC players. I believe the majority of SFC3 players just want to see their game and community continue - without the politics and jockying. Without the insults and innuendo. Without all the extraneous crap. If you want that, then come to D.Net and contribute to the continuation of this great community.

If you want more of what's listed in this thread, keep listening to WaterTiger and all the rest that participated in the negativety of this thread. At least - for all intents and purposes - Sandman and his copatriats did show that they do have certain morals, ethics and standards in my personal opinion. That is appreciated.

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Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #161 on: July 30, 2004, 01:00:00 pm »
Frey, the only negativity I see is that book you just wrote -- another personal attack.

You are famous for it.

Ask KoraH.  ;) Wasn't it you who caused him to exit stage left?

Care to revive his last statement to the "community" and you? I saved it.

And talk about spin. Man, that statement is so twisted and turned upside down, the reader doesn't know which way is up. I refuse to address false premise and flamebait innuendo.

You will split this community down the middle with YOUR rhetoric and repeated personal attacks.

Your boards, your life -- your wedge.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #162 on: July 30, 2004, 01:00:46 pm »
Damn articulate frey!!!  When you rining for office?   ;D

Flying Fed on GW3?
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #163 on: July 30, 2004, 01:03:04 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #164 on: July 30, 2004, 01:06:07 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline [RK] Castrin

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #165 on: July 30, 2004, 01:08:10 pm »
Your point is taken however my counter point is that SFC3 is not a sequel as much as an evolution.

Evolution or revolution?

Heh, I stand by the word I used.

If Taldren had rewritten the game from the ground up but kept the same goal then I would use the later. But SFC3 code is based on OP code, only much changed and yes, advanced in many ways. So I use 'evolution' not 'revolution'.


Code yes, Content no. 

The only thing the 2 game have in common is they both vaguely resemble Star Trek.

Code is the only common denominator IMHO when it comes to game platforms.

How would you classify Homeworld 1 compared to Homeworld 2? Or EF1 to EF2?

Point is that SFC3 = ST:TNG and EaW/OP = SFB which is based on ST:TOS ... TNG evolved from TOS and the TMP eras as a natural progression. So to did SFC3 from OP. SFC3 just removed much of the "non-canon" stuff to appeal to a larger demographic. It also added things from SFB that were missing from OP. But in the end they share much of the mechanics that make the game and that is where a game is judged on being "revolutionary".

An example of revolutionary is the coming Halflife game compared to it's predecessor.

"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #166 on: July 30, 2004, 01:08:56 pm »
Any talk about this BOARD favoring SFC2 over SFC3 is not true.  I recommend people who read this ask themselves the question, why is anyone repeating this like a mantra.  Is there any possbility of an agenda which would like to promote such a misbelief?

Don't buy it.  It's just another attempt to divide the community.

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #167 on: July 30, 2004, 01:09:26 pm »
But in all instances people really just don't get it. Dynaverse.Net is the officially sanctioned site by Taldren. We're the ones that have the approval of Taldren, and hence you'd think with the current state of affairs regarding SFC3's patching and functionality that everyone would be working with us to further the community's enjoyment of the SFC3 itself.

I don't care who left you in charge of world domination, Frey.

You are just another . on the Web, like us all.

And perhaps you can learn from Castrin on how to represent "the community." ;)

I'll visit Castrin's site without your spin before I listen to more hypocritical drivle.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #168 on: July 30, 2004, 01:10:17 pm »
Frey, the only negativity I see is that book you just wrote -- another personal attack.

You are famous for it.

Ask KoraH.  ;) Wasn't it you who caused him to exit stage left?

Care to revive his last statement to the "community" and you? I saved it.

And talk about spin. Man, that statement is so twisted and turned upside down, the reader doesn't know which way is up. I refuse to address false premise and flamebait innuendo.

You will split this community down the middle with YOUR rhetoric and repeated personal attacks.

Your boards, your life -- your wedge.



Please do.

Post it. Enough of the threats and insuinuations (sp). Post your mis-information and we'll make sure the truth is relayed. Once again you have an opportunity to act in a positive manner, and instead you act negatively.

So please do - let's let the community know what TRULY happened regarding KorAH and you. If you think you are the only one with "screenshots" then you are sadly mistaken. I cannot sit idly by any more while you consistantly demean and insult the hard work that all have put into this. You even had a chance to be a part of this WaterTiger, but you turned it down. I wonder why?

The bottom line is D.Net is dedicated to ALL versions of SFC, and you continue to try to say that isn't so.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #169 on: July 30, 2004, 01:12:19 pm »
SFC3 just removed much of the "non-canon" stuff to appeal to a larger demographic. . . .

And added a whole bunch of it's own non-cannon stuff.  

Cannon Trek Galaxy class has 10 Photons forward, 10 aft.   Check the geeky tech manual.

In Cannon Trek, does it make sense to build a ship without shields?

Fighters are cannon Trek as per DS9.   The are nowhere to be found except with the modders adding them in.

Those stock SFC3 weapon arcs sure are cannon aren't they.

Wow, how many times have i seen a Klingon ship fire a Polaron Torp in a Trek show?

Get my point?  
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #170 on: July 30, 2004, 01:12:33 pm »
The only attempt to split this community comes from those who keep instructing others on how to behave while failing to do so themselves.

Crying wolf and the sky is falling is a tactic used to promote false ideas and unnecessary misdirected concern.

An example:  outrage over any suggestion that their mod might have been misused while the same person posts elsewhere that Battlezone was taken from Unity, all because of a single typo by someone who just wasn't authoritative to begin with about the issue.

No attempt was made to ascertain the truth before the accusation went out.  The hypocrisy is telling.

That relates to the current situation as follows.  No ability to calmly discuss an issue.  Instead we see veiled legal threats, demands, poor language, and pure nastiness to those who did discuss the issue calmly.  The excuse?  Because favors SFC2 over SFC3. 

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #171 on: July 30, 2004, 01:13:00 pm »
Ok, you asked for it.

It's got some language in it. You want the edited or unedited version?

KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #172 on: July 30, 2004, 01:16:29 pm »
The only attempt to split this community comes from those who keep instructing others on how to behave while failing to do so themselves.

Crying wolf and the sky is falling is a tactic used to promote false ideas and unnecessary misdirected concern.

An example:  outrage over any suggestion that their mod might have been misused while the same person posts elsewhere that Battlezone was taken from Unity, all because of a single typo by someone who just wasn't authoritative to begin with about the issue.

No attempt was made to ascertain the truth before the accusation went out.  The hypocrisy is telling.

Exactly, I know that you and I both have played all the versions of the game.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #173 on: July 30, 2004, 01:16:43 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Ahhem .... when was the last time the captain to the USS Kitty Hawk was allowed to remove those blased AA guns and mount a few 16" turrets on the deck?

Ok, here, when was the last time Picard was allowed to head to dry dock and swap out those annoying Ph11s for a few better Pulse Phasers ah and ditch those crap Phots for Quantums? Yeah I remember that episode <sacasim>  ;)

SFC3 is great but don't fool yourself, as an acurate representation of the ST warfare scene it's not. It's a fun game that gives you a lot of options, be happy. OP is a game that strives to be more a battle field simulation than SFC3 and it does it very well.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #174 on: July 30, 2004, 01:16:51 pm »
The only attempt to split this community comes from those who keep instructing others on how to behave while failing to do so themselves.

Crying wolf and the sky is falling is a tactic used to promote false ideas and unnecessary misdirected concern.


Who cried wolf or anything?

I agree with FPF. It's two communities. Any attempt to stuff your version down the throat of the crowd with the pom pom chicks cheering in the background won't work.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #175 on: July 30, 2004, 01:22:01 pm »
Ok, you asked for it.

It's got some language in it. You want the edited or unedited version?

You guys think you could take this some where else? I'm trying to have a disscussion in a thread I've hijacked.

"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #176 on: July 30, 2004, 01:22:25 pm »

It's not the games, per sae, but the player base.

No, its the game.  

I love TNG Trek, grew up on it.  I would love to have a game in that setting with as rich of a history and tactical depth of SFB.  SFC3 ain't it.  Us OP people who do not like the game play of SFC3 will never switch over.  We simply do not like playing SFC3.

hell, most of us have bought it and tried it.   Out opinion is not based on ignorance.
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Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #177 on: July 30, 2004, 01:24:43 pm »

I agree with FPF. It's two communities. Any attempt to stuff your version down the throat of the crowd with the pom pom chicks cheering in the background won't work.



How is OP being shoved down anyone's throat?  I fail to see that.
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Offline FA Frey XC

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #178 on: July 30, 2004, 01:25:27 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

LOL I love this.

Define your statement "It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want", no let me define it for you.

In SFC3 you can "upgrade" your weapons to different variations of said weapons, as well as place said weapons on which ever hardpoint you would like on the ships hull. This results in very cool manner of customization with a limited amount of combinations of weapons. Hull classes are limited, as are the available selection of ships.

In SFC2, you can "upgrade" your load outs regarding the different weapons ammunition, as well as having over 500 ships in the current incarnation of the OP Plus 3.3 shiplist. The real difference is management. Those that favor SFC2 favor the extensive and exhaustive management aspects of the game. They LIKE having "total" control over their energy allocation, weapons and the like. Those that favor SFC3 state they enjoy the "2 minute matches"  regarding PVP. So, thanks WildCard for point this out - very astute although I don't think you were aware of the true implications - the difference isn't so much in the GAMES as in the STYLE OF PLAYING.

All the versions of SFC have their own distinctive draws, or do you deny that?

All the versions of SFC have their won merits regarding playability, customization and the like, or do you deny that?

So really what it again boils down to is your entire comment is designed to convey a negative concept in regards to your interpretation / like / dislike of SFC2 / OP. While you are certainly entitled to your opinion, posting such in a negative manner speaks volumes of yourself.

WaterTiger, again I would ask that you answer my question instead of trying - once again - to create another "tense" or "argumentative" situation to divert the attention to my question.

Stay focused, and just answer the question please.

P.S. Be my guest to post whatever you'd like in the XC forums. Post your screenshots, etc. etc. Just remember that it's not just me that has a record of that entire incident. Make sure you've not "edited for clarity" your "evidence" to heavily, WT. Ultimately this will result in your own self-destruction.
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #179 on: July 30, 2004, 01:27:04 pm »
Playing with prefitted ships firing missiles is hardly anything like Trek. ROFL. I have seen so many "wildweasels" used in the series and movies I dont know why they dont have them stock with the franchise. ROFL I cant wait for Picard to order the release of a scatterpack once again. ROFL. It truly makes sense why would you want to refit your ship custom to what you want? Mabey that would be exciteing. Frey keep spreading your banter I am sure they boys here will listen and praise you, since your leading the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" speach.

Ahhem .... when was the last time the captain to the USS Kitty Hawk was allowed to remove those blased AA guns and mount a few 16" turrets on the deck?

Ok, here, when was the last time Picard was allowed to head to dry dock and swap out those annoying Ph11s for a few better Pulse Phasers ah and ditch those crap Phots for Quantums? Yeah I remember that episode <sacasim>  ;)

SFC3 is great but don't fool yourself, as an acurate representation of the ST warfare scene it's not. It's a fun game that gives you a lot of options, be happy. OP is a game that strives to be more a battle field simulation than SFC3 and it does it very well.


Dude do you even watch Star Trek? ROFL aparantly not. I have seen the movie where it is talked about the enterprise getting the updated quantum torpedo, matter of fact I saw the defiant get them too. Funny how during the life of a Starship it gets REFITTED every so often. And why would you place pulse phasers on a starhip when they were designed for a escort ship? Apparantly you need to stay in the D2 where you estute inability for clear and rational thought will stay subdued.