Topic: Original SFC 11th Fleet  (Read 53255 times)

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #140 on: July 30, 2004, 11:03:45 am »

Anything KBF touches DIES

Dude, that was so uncalled for.

Can we please sever OP from SFC3 and be done with this BS?   End this ridiculous charade.

Who is "WE"?

All of us is "we."

Though this thread was damn entertaining, I just gotta say it is a retarded, dumb flame-war rivialling the childish arguments about whether or not Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman. 

 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :troll:
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #141 on: July 30, 2004, 11:31:56 am »

Anything KBF touches DIES

Dude, that was so uncalled for.

Can we please sever OP from SFC3 and be done with this BS?   End this ridiculous charade.

Who is "WE"?

All of us is "we."

Though this thread was damn entertaining, I just gotta say it is a retarded, dumb flame-war rivialling the childish arguments about whether or not Mighty Mouse could beat up Superman. 

I agree the whole thing is rather silly ... There were efforts by 11thFleet brass to handle this through less visable means. There is a former member of OUR 11thFleet who left some months ago over a disagreement with admiralty. Ironically, he shows on the roster for the OTHER 11thFleet. Sandman has recently set up shop at GAW ( and the topics there were less than presentable. Nannerslug, the admiral of the 9th, even locked one topic started by 9thComRyker and warned all parties after involved, including some who appear in this thread.

The 11th had been dealing with this issue for some time, and Ryker knew of this fleet. There were efforts made to discuss matters here.

I refer you to the Firesoul thread:,163343831.0.html

Same issue, really. "Someone stole the name ..."

There have been five fleet admirals in this thread try to communicate their need and want to retain their name, which they had obviously attained prior to the "knock off" 11th.

And Sandman uses the name "11th Fleet" -- not XIth. Did you know that the members of the 11thFleet (the real one) use the XIth as a callsign on Dynaverse play?

The REAL 11thFleet has been playing EAW/OP and SFC3 long before Sandman came to the scene -- simple Net searches show that.

The REAL 11thFleet (Spartan Vanguard) just wants their name back. They don't want silly topics slapped in their face -- The "orignal" or anything else.

In the end, it is not a Taldrenite issue -- it is not my issue -- it is not a "community" issue.

It is an issue of doing what is right; an issue of integrity.

And yes, it's "just a game." Now allow those players who have played this Taldren series of games, and other Trek games long before Sandman dreamed of the knock off fleet, to retain their name.

AdmBishop plans to talk to 9th personnel on TeamSpeak and hopefully this can be worked out.

... and we all know who "we" is, really.

It's no secret that this board is heavily OP oriented and the EAW/OP personnel would rather SFC3 and its players dropped off the face of the Earth.

When the so-called Taldrenites talk of "community" ... the SFC3 crowd has and always will be the red-headed stepchild of the Taldren series of games. The "community" shunned the player base, the so-called "Nannerites" and other SFC3 players long ago.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #142 on: July 30, 2004, 11:32:25 am »
I just want to say that I have no idea who is right in this but I will direct some to look at this links:

Prior to Triangle I'm sure I've seen a XI or 11th fleet in the community and I think it was called the Rangers. Sadly most of the old records on the net are gone so I can't verify one way or the other.

To both parties: I implore you to take this discussion else where. It's a fleet matter and should be handled either by the diplomats or on the battle field. Swearing and flaming prove nothing and will solve nothing. Fleets have forever had these problems and I know from personal experience that posting attacks here will not resolve this.

Work it out but please keep the flames off this forum.

Good day gentlemen.


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #143 on: July 30, 2004, 11:36:53 am »
this has zip to do with the 9th fleet or anyone else besides vangards and the rangers. you guys need to work that issue out between your selves. please do not drag others into this.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #144 on: July 30, 2004, 11:37:45 am »
Work it out but please keep the flames off this forum.

Good idea, my forums are there if you'd like to use them, i'll make a password protected area and you can pm me for the password.


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #145 on: July 30, 2004, 11:38:13 am »
I think I'll go and copyright the Letter "E".


You can't! Sesame Street beat you to it.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #146 on: July 30, 2004, 11:43:50 am »
Castrin, I think it might be best to lock this topic ... It really is doing no good.

Why Sandman felt the need to headline this thread is beyond longstanding members of the REAL 11thFleet. He has done it in recent days on other boards as well. The REAL 11thFleet didn't create this issue, gentlemen, but they are trying to respond to it.

Castrin, are there other Rebal Knights [RK] who play on the same Dynaverse? When I see that name, I know you are the admiral of that fleet ... you get my point.

When the 9th takes wing, they don't worry about another 9th using their name.

It just isn't right gentlemen.

The Firesoul thread remains open on name theft, but I think the REAL 11thFleet would appreciate it if this thread -- and ill-timed I might add -- was locked and archived.

Bishop and Sandman and the 9th will settle this matter behind closed doors. That is probably the best way at this point.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #147 on: July 30, 2004, 11:45:51 am »

... and we all know who "we" is, really.

It's no secret that this board is heavily OP oriented and the EAW/OP personnel would rather SFC3 and its players dropped off the face of the Earth.

When the so-called Taldrenites talk of "community" ... the SFC3 crowd has and always will be the red-headed stepchild of the Taldren series of games. The "community" shunned the player base, the so-called "Nannerites" and other SFC3 players long ago.



So?  OP has NOTHINING to do with SFC3.  NOTHING.  I really do not care one way or the other about SFC3 other than some of my SFC2/OP buddies play it.

There is no reason to keep up the charade of being a united community.  We are not.  We are 2 seperate communities we a few overlapping members.  The games have nothing to do with each other.  It is lunacy to believe otherwise.

BTW, the SFC3 people have much more entertaining flamewars.  keep it up :)
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #148 on: July 30, 2004, 11:51:33 am »
p.s. didin't want to add any more confusion but there is another 11th Fleet out there: ... it's an PBEMS RPG fleet and is not really relevant to the current discussion other than pointing out that the words "11th Fleet" are hardly singular to only this case.

"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #149 on: July 30, 2004, 11:52:56 am »
There is no reason to keep up the charade of being a united community.  We are not.  We are 2 seperate communities we a few overlapping members.

Hear, hear.

Finally someone said it. +karma for that, sir.

You are right ... there is no need to keep up the charade about the so-called "community."

I have played both games for three years, albiet since SFC3 came out and I left 14G, I have played SFC3 almost exclusively.

A few months back, Frey and I hooked up for a couple of games of OP in his TeamSpeak. I had a good time -- always did with EAW/OP.

But yes, sir ... these communities are entirely different.

And speaking of flame wars, I hear the EAW/OP crowd had some on Taldren boards that make one's like this look minor in comparison.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline [RK] Castrin

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #150 on: July 30, 2004, 11:57:08 am »
It's no secret that this board is heavily OP oriented and the EAW/OP personnel would rather SFC3 and its players dropped off the face of the Earth.

When the so-called Taldrenites talk of "community" ... the SFC3 crowd has and always will be the red-headed stepchild of the Taldren series of games. The "community" shunned the player base, the so-called "Nannerites" and other SFC3 players long ago.

Only if you wish it to be so. Great leaders unite communities ... others divide. Which are you?

I've played and supported both EaW, OP, and SFC3. Can you say the same? If yes, why stop? If no, why not?

I feel there is room for all here. It up to those here to stop trying to drive a mythical wedge between us all.


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #151 on: July 30, 2004, 12:01:04 pm »
I've played and supported both EaW, OP, and SFC3. Can you say the same? If yes, why stop? If no, why not?

I started on SFC3 and i won't play a predecessor.  Why?  Because it would be like playing GTA Vice City then going back to GTA London, you just don't do things like that.  Sequals are improvements otherwise it wouldn't be a sequal.  Again if the admins here are fed up with this conversation, my boards are open

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #152 on: July 30, 2004, 12:03:02 pm »
Castrin, I think it might be best to lock this topic ... It really is doing no good.


Bishop and Sandman and the 9th will settle this matter behind closed doors. That is probably the best way at this point.

Discussion is always worth the time, if done in a polite and well mannered way (of course flame wars can be fun too :)). I'm usually against locking threads and prefer the people to change the tenor of things.

Please note I was not trying to point out who was right or wrong just that the manner that people were dealing with this was not going to solve the issue. I'm glad that they will meet and deal with this in private. It's best for all.


"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #153 on: July 30, 2004, 12:05:43 pm »
I've played and supported both EaW, OP, and SFC3. Can you say the same? If yes, why stop? If no, why not?

I started on SFC3 and i won't play a predecessor.  Why?  Because it would be like playing GTA Vice City then going back to GTA London, you just don't do things like that.  Sequals are improvements otherwise it wouldn't be a sequal.  Again if the admins here are fed up with this conversation, my boards are open

I tried MOO3, went back to MOO2.

Recently went back to Civ2 from Civ3.

Tried SFC3, that lasted less than a week.

Oh, and this whole thread about fleet names is ridiculous.
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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #154 on: July 30, 2004, 12:06:35 pm »
It's no secret that this board is heavily OP oriented and the EAW/OP personnel would rather SFC3 and its players dropped off the face of the Earth.

When the so-called Taldrenites talk of "community" ... the SFC3 crowd has and always will be the red-headed stepchild of the Taldren series of games. The "community" shunned the player base, the so-called "Nannerites" and other SFC3 players long ago.

Only if you wish it to be so. Great leaders unite communities ... others divide. Which are you?

I've played and supported both EaW, OP, and SFC3. Can you say the same? If yes, why stop? If no, why not?

I feel there is room for all here. It up to those here to stop trying to drive a mythical wedge between us all.



RK-AdmCastrin, I have made efforts to bring the two sides to a common table, so has Fluf, Nannerslug ... so have others.

The Unity Team recently began porting dozens of EAW/OP ships, now up for download and flyable in the D-3. The topic is up on, your site, sir .. and others.

The Federation Protection Fleet spokesman is correct. He hit the nail on the head HARD.

This is two communities ... When I left 14G in OP/EAW, there was an attempt to bring them to SFC3, but it just never happened.

Castrin, as close to ONE community I have seen is your site:

And maybe that is the best way to keep it -- moderated and pre-approved statements from modders, community and fleet leaders.

I must commend you, Castrin, in all seriousness, for running one of the best, most compehenisve COMMUNITY boards on the Net.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #155 on: July 30, 2004, 12:08:08 pm »
I've played and supported both EaW, OP, and SFC3. Can you say the same? If yes, why stop? If no, why not?

I started on SFC3 and i won't play a predecessor.  Why?  Because it would be like playing GTA Vice City then going back to GTA London, you just don't do things like that.  Sequals are improvements otherwise it wouldn't be a sequal.  Again if the admins here are fed up with this conversation, my boards are open

Your point is taken however my counter point is that SFC3 is not a sequal as much as an evolution. The games of OP and SFC3 are quite different and appeal to different parts of the community.

To not know from where SFC3 comes is a denial of it's history and you short yourself in that regard.

Of course I'm not here to convince you to play OP. SFC3 is a great game and for it's goals it delivers well. If you never play OP you won't die, but you won't understand the differences either.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #156 on: July 30, 2004, 12:10:37 pm »
Your point is taken however my counter point is that SFC3 is not a sequal as much as an evolution.

Evolution or revolution?

KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #157 on: July 30, 2004, 12:18:10 pm »
Your point is taken however my counter point is that SFC3 is not a sequal as much as an evolution.

Evolution or revolution?

Heh, I stand by the word I used.

If Taldren had rewriten the game from the ground up but kept the same goal then I would use the later. But SFC3 code is based on OP code, only much changed and yes, advanced in many ways. So I use 'evolution' not 'revolution'.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #158 on: July 30, 2004, 12:26:37 pm »
I've got all three loaded and have since they came out ...

Unity, GAW, NDF, Dominion Wars, LB-5 (even ol' TNZ was changing as KoraH left) and others ... have tried in VC's and roleplay scenarios to give the Taldrenites a reason to play the servers. The VC's -- and not just a shoot em' up scan war -- do make the SFC3 game more interesting and fun.

There are ships we ported with permission from the Ferel shipyards to EAW (Iceman's work) ... We have a new race of Pirates never before flown on the D-3 coming to the next Unity camp, for instance, and many MiraK, OP and other races appear.

Like I said, I've played em' both ... all Trek games. I never claimed to be the best pilot, but hit the top 5 statistically in win/loss ratios in GZLeagues for EAW when 2,000 members were signed in two years ago.

The D-3 has learned alot from D-2 ... and adapted the game to what we have to work with, which admittedly isn't the 9 races and some of the playability of the D-2.

It's not the games, per sae, but the player base.

It's like crossing the Iron Curtain.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #159 on: July 30, 2004, 12:41:40 pm »
Your point is taken however my counter point is that SFC3 is not a sequal as much as an evolution.

Evolution or revolution?

Heh, I stand by the word I used.

If Taldren had rewriten the game from the ground up but kept the same goal then I would use the later. But SFC3 code is based on OP code, only much changed and yes, advanced in many ways. So I use 'evolution' not 'revolution'.


Code yes, Content no. 

The only thing the 2 game have in common is they both vaguely resemble Star Trek.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .