Topic: Original SFC 11th Fleet  (Read 53181 times)

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Offline Sirgod

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #220 on: July 30, 2004, 02:46:22 pm »
I think It's time this thread be locked.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline FAdmPeers-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #221 on: July 30, 2004, 02:47:27 pm »
People have been saying that since page 3 that this thread needed to be locked, I think it was.  Think stating it once again makes any difference?

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #222 on: July 30, 2004, 02:51:03 pm »
The truth  hurts the pic showing  the fox whith unity in the bag is soo true.
 Unity was riped off  thats why the pic apered.
 as far BattleZone goes thay never  stoled unity
 i am sole Creator of unity 1
 i spent my long night makeing my mod.

Frieza, What was the reason that you had to take an absence? Was it that you were in Jail? What did you steal?

Offline [RK] Castrin

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #223 on: July 30, 2004, 02:55:05 pm »

Dude do you even watch Star Trek? ROFL aparantly not. I have seen the movie where it is talked about the enterprise getting the updated quantum torpedo, matter of fact I saw the defiant get them too. Funny how during the life of a Starship it gets REFITTED every so often. And why would you place pulse phasers on a starhip when they were designed for a escort ship? Apparantly you need to stay in the D2 where you estute inability for clear and rational thought will stay subdued.

Wildcard I'm gonna have to call you on this. Please explain to me where / when the Enterprise was getting updated quantum torpedoes? The first instance that quantum torpedoes was even mentioned was in 1st Contact, where the new Sovvy class was revealed after the destruction of NCC 1701 D. Do the timelines stuff and call me back when yer done.

Your argument about "pulse phasers" is also lacking. Interestingly enough photon torpedoes were the Federation staple for, I'm sorry - how long ? 35 years?

1st Contact is where you see the Quantum being talked about being fitted on the E model. And in DS9 you see the Quantum being used on the Defiant and the Excelsior class ship that Worf had to fight when the Admirality had instated Martial Law. ... The Defiant was the only ship EVER described as using the pulse phasers, Not to say you couldnt refit them. ... But the Warp Cores were meant to be upgraded and changed every so many Warp Hours. Do you even read anything about Trek? Starships for the Vast majority were fitted with type X phaser arrays standard. I am sure they would update them if ever needed. Why not?

As for an Aircraft carrier ..., this day and time you see them with a vast array of different weaponary, During the Reagan era we saw the entire US Navy get a complete overhaul and refit to modern technology. I am sure the Federation would do the same. Since you constantly read and hear about the service life of a starship being way over 20 years. Just look at what we have developed and the technology we have improved on over the past 10 years. And it all gets updated and refitted on a daily basis. ... I never claimed that pulse phasers were for escort ships only, But we do learn that the Defiant was classed as an escort ship built to fight and defeat the Borg, We also know that the Pulse phaser was a weapon designed to fight and defeat the Borg. The Quantum was built for the Borg. Ablative Armor was for the Borg. Need I go on? A starship has a scheduled refit every so many years to trade out even the Bridge Module. ...

Your post looks so much better without the bashing ... oh and thanks for the new "title"  ;D

Firstly about my examples, the aircraft carrier was a left field one meant to be partly funny partly extreme. I seriously doubt that the upgrades you speak of included deck mounted 16" turrets but I do know that they upgrade all the time. These upgrades however are on exsisting weaponry / system and it's rare save when a ship is ready for extended dry dock time that major refits are done. Such would be the case in a reactor replacement, the equivalent of a warp core replacement in ST. As for the Enterprise getting Quantums, yes I had forgot that but in ST there is never a mention of needing a refit to carry them, only that they got them. Of course one can just say that new tubes were needed and that works fine. But even you have to admit the Enterprise never carried Pluse Phasers yet in SFC3 they do quite often.

In OP upgrades or refits are delt with as new ship versions. A CL+ replaces a CL, a CAI replaces a CA, and so forth. In SFC3 it's dealt with by allowing people to pick and choose. My point (that seemed to be missed) was that OP is a more military feel when it comes to major refits because it is reflected as a new CLASS of ship and not just a randon configuration. However SFC3 is more fun (in a way) because it lets you do what you want to the ship you have with only the limitation of hull cap and your imagination.

Both are great games they just do things different so I just can't see why people have to resort to bashing one over the other.

Ah well, peace.

"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #224 on: July 30, 2004, 02:55:20 pm »
The truth  hurts the pic showing  the fox whith unity in the bag is soo true.
 Unity was riped off  thats why the pic apered.
 as far BattleZone goes thay never  stoled unity
 i am sole Creator of unity 1
 i spent my long night makeing my mod.

Congrats Freiza!!

We never took it from you, silly man.

I had a conversation with GFL regarding the default core you stole from them. Interesting, eh?

Yes, we -- the Knights -- took 500 megs of garbage you handed us and whittled it down to a size that was downloadable, then Cozbo worked for four days to fix a default core that was cut/copied and pasted from GFL and the work of GFLOffKey. Would you like that conversation?


Offkey says:
hey what ya need
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
Frieza came back after 7 months
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
and went all nutty
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
just FYI
Offkey says:
what ya mean
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
he says he PWNED Unity
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
Offkey says:
uh no he didnt
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
we changed that mod 14 different patches
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
added 100 ships
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
he made a big stink
Offkey says:
unity after i inspected it was created from the gfl first mod which i thought was coo'
Offkey says:
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says: is TNZ 3.0
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
was based off TNZ
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
I did the core with Cozbo
Offkey says:
right i am talking about the common settings which is the core
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
Frieza probbaly used the GFL one's
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
they are all changed now
Offkey says:
yes he did
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
well, isn't that nice..
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- says:
he reallyyy pissed me off
Offkey says:
ya us too


See, we credited you and GFL for the ships and the work. I personally got permission for the use of the ships ...

Here is the Unity 1.0 "readme"


"Unity" mod READ ME FILE

Unity was done in an effort to bring the SFCIII community together as we await the official patch from Activision 13 months after the Star Fleet Command III was released. We chose this name because the Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights urged -- and in some cases harassed -- the Taldren community through their forums to finish work on the SFCIII patch in 2003.

We hope work is completed in early 2004 on the "official" patch and that Activision and Viacom settle their differences for the sake of the players in the "community." We hope that the Trek gaming genre can move forward in 2004 past the differences and not look back in anger to the events of 2003.

The mod "Unity" -- we hope -- will be updated with a "testers" version with permission of Taldren in the upcoming months. The BOTAKnights are a committed group of players from five continents and eight countries who dearly love this game.
Author: LordWaterTiger, founder and council member of the Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights (BOTAKnights) or or
Contact: or
AIM: Writinit
Designed for: Starfleet Command III version 1.01 Build 500 (i.e the latest Beta Patch)
Lead modder: KnightFrieza with the base of TNZ 3.0 and ship additions from a variety of sources. KnightCozbo worked for two days, line by line, to edit the defaultcore.txt and the defaultloadout.txt files.

This mod will overwrite a number of models on the game, including some of the default models. Before you install the mod, look in the Assets/Models folder and look through the models that will be replaced, then make backup copies of them, just in case.
Note:-Do not go by folder names, many of the folders contain nothing more than a .gf file update (Hard points).


The "Unity" campaign rules can be found on BattleClinic at You must read the rules at BattleClinic to play on the Dyna, which is brought to us by VSFTie. We offer a special thanks to the Vulcan Strike Fleet, Imperial Romulan Navy pilot Sparks, F9th Ryker, RFA-Gravity and Azrael. And without Cueball at BattleClinic and Chris at BattleClinic -- Without BattleClinic, and its players, none of this was possible.


The beta 1.01 2 patch.

DX9b from

"Unity" download

This mod is NOT compatible with the non-patched version of SFCIII.


Simple, double click the self-install program.

Then double click "Unity" mod .exe


KnightCozbo and KnightFrieza did two days of work on the defaultcore.txt and defaultcoreloadout.txt files to re-balance ships, change many arcs in all classes, change cargo space and profiles to rebalance KoraH's TNZ 3.0 and TNZ 4.0.


--Scripts come from a variety of sources, including KoraH (Scott Brown) and The Pelican and many who helped them at Taldren and the Taldren BETA testing team. Of course, without the work of the dozens of people at Taldren -- and the patience of the woman we call "Taldren Ann" (Taldren_admin) none of us would be here to download this mod today. Our hats are off to Taldren -- and all their employees -- for all their hard work and commitment to the SFC series. And without Dave Ferrell, even after his retirement from Taldren in late 2003, we wouldn't be playing this game at all. Ferrell continues his work at home after moving from California.

--End of update--

This took months to compile by KoraH -- and those who helped him -- and KnightFrieza (the BOTAKnights lead modder) who has been collecting many of these ships for since 2002 from a variety of sources, including,,,, and other public download sites. There are over 250 ship models in Unity, playable races include Federation, Romulan, Klingon & Borg. Some sites where ships were gathered are offline. If we have missed a credit here or author, please let us know and we will edit the "readme.txt" file. Modder Nannerslug of the F9th fleet who is making the "Generations at War" mod also helped KoraH with some ships. We wish him the best of luck with his mod and look forward to its release this year.

A special thanks goes to IRNBolt (Imperial Romulan Navy) for the addition of the special Romulan ship known as the "Predator."  

We give special thanks to Captain KoraH, as this mod could NOT have been completed without all his hard work and changes he made while his mod ran on the D-3 Dynaverse and changes suggested by his many fans on BattleClinic ( in 2003. KoraH was a man with a vision for this game and this community, and we miss his input greatly. Also Special thanks to the The Pelican and the work he did in Dominion Wars -- and his advice with sound files and textures files -- and anticipated future assistance. Also appreciation to Chris Jones for his work on the TNG Mega Mod. We look to all modders of EAW/OP and SFCIII for ideas and ship variations. There are already a massive number of ships in this mod, but if I can find any more, we will add them. Already we took out many ships to size down the mod, so expect more with Unity 1.0. We would also like the thank the Galactic Foreign Legion (GFL) for helping to paint more than a dozen models they provided, including new fighters. Other "readme" files are in the ship files themselves; look there for credits.

Slow Loading

I'm told that with mods of this size, the game loads very slowly on low spec machines. Especially if the DefaultLoadOut file is very large. The one I use is slightly larger than the one used by the TNZ mod, if you can use his mod, then you should have no problems with this mod. If it fails to load, try again a couple of times. If you cannot get it to load, then I am sorry, but this mod is just too much for your machine.

Single Player Campaigns

As far as I know, this mod should be 100% compatible with the single player campaigns.


The TNZ sound pack is recommended, and also improves game play. It installs a number of new weapons visual and sound effects.


Thanks to everyone who has made a model included in this mod. Please check the model folders, you should find readme files for every mod that I have one for, they will contain full credits. Below is an edited ship list from The Pelican, and we expect some credit can be found there.

Akira - P81 (
Ambassador - P81
Anomie - Interstellar Machine (
Aquino - Gabriel Brown ( & Captain KoraH (
Bird of Death - Cleeve ( & Captain KoraH
Constellation - Moonraker
Romulan Nova - ???
Valdore - Dawn ( Port by Pataflafla (
Bird of Prey - Dream Arts Production (
Breen Destroyer - Redragon ( & Captain KoraH
Borg Assimilator - Wicked Zombie (
Borg Probe - Wicked Zombie (
Breen Warship - Thomas Bronzwaer ( & Noah Wallace (
Bright One - Unknown Modeller, conversion by Captain KoraH
Centaur - Unknown
Cardassian Freighter - Zorg (
D4 - Unknown
D7 - Dream Arts Production
D10 - Atrahasis
D16 - Unknown
D17 - Unknown, conversion by Captain KoraH
Danube - Redragon
DefiantBorg - Unknown
DomBB - Maggot - (
Dom HC - Maggot
Dom HCP - Maggot
DS9 - Darkdrone
D'Tai - Dream Arts Production
Enterprise - P81, conversion by Captain KoraH
Excelsior - P81 or Dream Arts? Not 100% sure here.
Eximius - Cleeve
Galor - Zorg
Galaxy - Darkdrone
Cardassian Starbase - ThomastheCat & Captain KoraH
Griffin - Dream Arts Production
Hecate - Lord Bile (, conversion by DarkDrone
Hegh'DaS - Unknown, conversion by Captain KoraH
Hideki - Zorg
Hutet - Zorg
Intrepid - Wicked Zombie
Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser - Darkdrone (
JemHadar Bugship - Nine of Nine (
JemHadar Light Cruiser - Worgaus
K-23 - Captain Korah
Keldon - Zorg
Kron - Cleeve
K'Vek - Cleeve
K'Vort - P81
L-24 - Speaker for the Dead
L9 - Cleeve (
Lakat - Zorg
Maquis Raider - Zorg
Miranda - ???
Nebula - Dream Arts Production
Net'hak - Gabriel Brown & Captain KoraH
New Orleans - Unknown
Norway - Dream Arts?
Nova - P81 (
Oberth - Unknown, conversion by Captain KoraH
Odysseus - Moonraker & P81
Prometheus - Lord Bile (
Killer Hawk - Taldren, Astrahasis (
Fire Hawk - Unknown
Romulan Hawk - thu11s
Sabre - Lord Bile
Scorpion - Lord Bile
Stealth Cruiser - Moonraker (
Steamrunner - P81
Sovereign - Lord Bile
Talon - Cleeve
Tholian Frigate/Destroyer - SkiNMan (IEMSCIFI@AOL.COM) & Captain KoraH
V'Kar - Unknown
Whitewind - Unknown, conversion by Captain KoraH
Winged Defender - Unknown, conversion by Captain KoraH
Achilles - Viper,Major A Payne/DARKDRONE
Doomsday, DustDevil, Blood Raven, Hornet, Green Death, Black Hawk, Dark Water, X-Dark - ALL SKINMAN
Mauler, Drone Carrier & Assault Cruiser - Wicked Zombie
Romulan BoP, Strike, EagleHawk, Vulture - DarkMatrix
Excalibur - Steven Davis (
Improved Atmosphere Mod - Ari Kaihlanen (

Special Thanks to
Captain KoraH -
For allowing me to use so many ships from his TNZ mod, and for creating the awesome TNZ mod.

Chris Jones - or
For allowing other modders to use various ships from his mod, and for creating the original Dominion Wars mod.

Note:- There are quite a large number of models which have no readme files, and hence we don't know who made the model. If you know who made any of the models on this list, PLEASE contact me so we can update.


Please report any errors to the e-mail address at the top immediately.

Copyright and Distribution Permissions

Copyright notices:

Star Trek, Star Fleet Command, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Voyager
(and the various logo devices used in them) are copyright Paramount Pictures, as are the
characters, related images, and sound from the productions.


Ryker -- who was an original member of the Unity Commitee told you what name we agreed on -- and yes, Frieza, you might have been dillusional, but you were there in those discussions. Then you left, brother -- for 7 months. We kept adding ships. Then you left the Knights. Heck, you didn't even know there was a V534 when you came back. You were more worried that the ship you said was yours -- Nightingale -- had 3 heavy ports instead of the uber cheese you created.

Unity is modded by Cozbo, and has been since it left BattleClinic. We never took anything from you, Frieza, you abandoned it.

We still list you as the creator of Unity 1.0. Paramount's Harry Lang has already explained your rendition of Trek OWNERSHIP. You don't own jack squat, Frieza. You walked away from a good mod and a good modding team. And whiole you were gone, we cared for Unity, babied it -- added more than 100 ships and took it to new heights of TRUE balance -- not uber cheese.


Unity was done in an effort to bring the SFCIII community together as we awaited the "official" patch from Activision more than one year after the Star Fleet Command III was released. We chose this name recommended by F9thRyker because the Brotherhood of Trans-Atlantic Knights urged -- and in some cases badgered -- the Taldren/Activision community to finish work on the SFCIII patch in 2003.

One week before we wrapped up UnityV2.5, Taldren convinced Activision to release the "testers" build used by ThePelican (DominionWars), Nannerslug (Generation at War), BattleZone (BattleClinic) and IslandWars. It went public and we shifted gears.
We thank Taldren employees for the patch and the work testers did to get the new 531BETA ready for the public in late April of 2004. Thank you Ann, Ken, Pestilence, Fluf, IslandBound, ThePelican, Nannerslug, el-Karnak, Castrin, TalonClaw, the Yahoo admins group and the BETA testing team at Taldren for not giving up and helping SFC3 be a better game.

Most importantly, we thank Dave Ferrell -- the God of Star Trek gaming -- for continuing his work on the game code even after retirement and moving from California and leaving Taldren. <S>

We hope that the Trek gaming genre can move forward in 2004 past the differences and not look back in anger to the events of 2003.

The BOTAKnights are a committed group of 30 gamers from five continents and eight countries who dearly love Trek gaming.


Did you know I had to get more than a dozen credits for ship you claim to OWN Freiza AFTER you left?

Please, don't start with your high school jibberish. NightSoft was ready to hammer the mod for the ships you STOLE and claimed as your own. I am still salvalging the raped ape you call Unity.

It has been tested by thousands of players, was the top download with YOUR name on it at for two months and remains the second-most downloaded mod of the SFC3 series; second only to Nanner's GAW on gameSpot, SFC3files and STGD.

We did that with your help, Frieza, and have never denied it.

Would you like to see the server .mct files for the credits I gave you whole you were "away."

Kane, stay out of this, and stop trying to twist what you also know to be the truth here.

Funny how our Lyran -- Frieza's find -- ended up on the battleClinic shipyard within days of them being hosted by STGD, eh?

Don't even get me started on names, Kane. remember that screenshot you have of me caling you those names in battle where you warped out and ran? I meant every one of them. You are one. A big one.

Back to Frieza, here is your Unity Website we created for you while you were gone, sir. name is at the top.

pardon the pictures being out of date, we are adding 70+ more Pirate ships and removing the uber Borg race which was never properly balanced by Taldren. Pelican did the same.


Hang on, here is the .mct file for the server credits while you were away on those EIGHT campaigns we ran since Unity 1.0.

Name="* * ***UNITY* * *"
Description=The Brotherhood Of Trans-Atlantic Knights, the Star Trek Gamers Directory (STGD) and the IOGC bring you UNITY -- "The Third Age." This is the third in a series of eight, 12-day maps and began March 17. The campaign is played on Victory Points. Information on this unique 96-day campaign can be found at Ships from Captain KoraHs (TNZ) were added and rebalanced by KnightCozbo and KnightRivaris. The lead modder, KnightFrieza, added dozens more ships and as we introduce the new Lyran, Gorn, Pirate, Rakellian and Cardassian fleets. The Vulcans are added to the Federation, Breen to the Romulans and Lyran and Gorn to the Klingons. The Borg have a new fleet of assimilated ships. Thanks to KoraH (Scott Brown) for TNZ and ThePelican and el-karnak for mission scripts. READ THE RULES AND REGISTER AT Thanks to the International Online Gamers Club for the server"





That was the fifth campaign while we (Knights) waited and all wondered, hmmmmmm, where is Frieza.

Oh, and see those credits for GFL in Unity? I had to add that for you.

Now beat it.



P.S. Don't even get me started on saving your rear from a $250,000 lawsuit from Taldren for stealing the "testers" build (V528) and attempting to convince us to use it. Lucky for you, I called Ann at Taldren.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2004, 03:05:39 pm by AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet- »

KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #225 on: July 30, 2004, 02:56:38 pm »
The truth  hurts the pic showing  the fox whith unity in the bag is soo true.
 Unity was riped off  thats why the pic apered.
 as far BattleZone goes thay never  stoled unity
 i am sole Creator of unity 1
 i spent my long night makeing my mod.

Frieza, What was the reason that you had to take an absence? Was it that you were in Jail? What did you steal?

I have witnessed and let slide your personal attacks in this topic, so far, but now you cross the line, Wildcard.


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #226 on: July 30, 2004, 03:03:02 pm »
They rally around you, Frieza, a man who actually tried to market the V528 build and had obtained it illegally.

Amazing. I got more coming.

Ann has a briefcase full of your trash, Frieza. You should thank me. Guess who saved your butt when you illegally obtained the V528 testers build and passed it to us ALREADY WRAPPED in a mod? Yours truly.

Don't push it, Freiza. I have an F drive full of EVERYTHING.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline FAdmPeers-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #227 on: July 30, 2004, 03:03:35 pm »
Hey Kortez, how bout you get off your duff and play both sides of the fence and call them for the same type of BS?  Oh, wait, that's right, you're taking a side because we're not your friends...  Talk about fairness.  Aren't you suppose to be impartial?  WTF?  

Offline Firetroll

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #228 on: July 30, 2004, 03:06:21 pm »
oo more thaing
frieza made the 500 build unity mod

but he never got permission from korathto use Tnz We did so when you take out all that stuff Frieza will own unity wich will basicly be 20 own mad ships and stock game ships.

let frieza have his fun when he uses the current unity wich is 3.0 he will be stealing my work and cozbo's work and i'm not giving him permissiopn to ues it.
this post was posted by Rivaris  at stcd wb page
witch my aconts have been baded on stcd.

Your right i did Creat unity1 500 build
as fair as not haveing permission!!!  thats a lie I did have permission!!!   from korath to use Tnz.  
It was Knight's and now know as the 11th that did have permission to use my unity 1 500 build
and i never gave it out too any one soo why doo keep trying  push my buttens WT and as fair as your new mod team go go thay all ready hacked on my mod to make new unity2  and unity 3
8 patchs for my mod witch thay stoled from  me.


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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #229 on: July 30, 2004, 03:06:44 pm »
You know I said I wouldn't comment again but I can't resist the arguments about Cannon  ;D.

If I'm not mistaken, Rockets(Drones) are Cannon, they were specifically mentioned in an episode that also said that they had destroyed a Klingon warship. Admitedly they caught it with its shields down about to beam marines aboard but the rockets are also said to have been rather old and primitive. Actually the way its told I can almost see it as being a SP attack, releasing a great number of rockets all at once.

The episode is one of the first TNG episodes to heavily feature klingons, forget what its called but its the one with those three klingons who want to go back to the old warring animosity and are pursued by the empire.

As far as the refit issue is concerned or at least the time involved, it would be more accurate if you left you ship in drydock for an hour or two in the game so as to accuratly reflect the amount of time it would take but thats not any fun. While it is interesting, I'd have preferred the refit method from SFC1, where you could refit your older ships with various fleet approved refits if you so choosed. Seems more realistic which is an important facet with me but each to their own, we all have our favorites.
Capt. Jem

Offline Sirgod

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #230 on: July 30, 2004, 03:08:32 pm »
People have been saying that since page 3 that this thread needed to be locked, I think it was.  Think stating it once again makes any difference?

Yep, It makes my concsience clear to have said It.


"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War

Offline FAdmPeers-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #231 on: July 30, 2004, 03:09:10 pm »
Sounds like you're living in an alternate reality based in your own fantasy land Frieza.

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #232 on: July 30, 2004, 03:10:52 pm »
People have been saying that since page 3 that this thread needed to be locked, I think it was.  Think stating it once again makes any difference?

Yep, It makes my concsience clear to have said It.


I said it, too, SirGod. LOCK IT. But wants a community bloodbath.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #233 on: July 30, 2004, 03:11:32 pm »
The truth  hurts the pic showing  the fox whith unity in the bag is soo true.
 Unity was riped off  thats why the pic apered.
 as far BattleZone goes thay never  stoled unity
 i am sole Creator of unity 1
 i spent my long night makeing my mod.

Frieza, What was the reason that you had to take an absence? Was it that you were in Jail? What did you steal?

I have witnessed and let slide your personal attacks in this topic, so far, but now you cross the line, Wildcard.


I want to thank my esteemed collegue Kortez for his one sidded concern, I am simply calling a spade a spade. Seems Unity was not stole. Seems the personal attack on Watertiger and the accusation of him being a thief is ok? Who is the real thief here? Seems someone stole the 528 Build, OOPSIE. How have I crossed the line? Have I stated an untruth here? Do you have the rest of the story and would you share it with us?

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #234 on: July 30, 2004, 03:14:27 pm »
You know I said I wouldn't comment again but I can't resist the arguments about Cannon  ;D.

If I'm not mistaken, Rockets(Drones) are Cannon, they were specifically mentioned in an episode that also said that they had destroyed a Klingon warship. Admitedly they caught it with its shields down about to beam marines aboard but the rockets are also said to have been rather old and primitive. Actually the way its told I can almost see it as being a SP attack, releasing a great number of rockets all at once.

The episode is one of the first TNG episodes to heavily feature klingons, forget what its called but its the one with those three klingons who want to go back to the old warring animosity and are pursued by the empire.

As far as the refit issue is concerned or at least the time involved, it would be more accurate if you left you ship in drydock for an hour or two in the game so as to accuratly reflect the amount of time it would take but thats not any fun. While it is interesting, I'd have preferred the refit method from SFC1, where you could refit your older ships with various fleet approved refits if you so choosed. Seems more realistic which is an important facet with me but each to their own, we all have our favorites.

While I'd love to use that example for a canon argument I can't.

Drones (missiles) are purely a fabrication of SFB and they were only created because there was not nearly enough canon info on Klingons and other races when the game was created. So the designers used exsisting tech, scifi'ed it up and built them into the game.

The only race that, to my knowledge, used "low tech" weapons in TOS were the Romulans ... and thus the nuclear mine was born in SFB.

"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #235 on: July 30, 2004, 03:14:53 pm »
Ann has a briefcase full of your trash, Frieza.



And she had to create a landfill for all your trash, WT. ::)
"Don't try to be a great man ... just be a man. Let history make its own judgments."[/color][/size]

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #236 on: July 30, 2004, 03:15:42 pm »
oo more thaing
frieza made the 500 build unity mod

but he never got permission from korathto use Tnz We did so when you take out all that stuff Frieza will own unity wich will basicly be 20 own mad ships and stock game ships.

let frieza have his fun when he uses the current unity wich is 3.0 he will be stealing my work and cozbo's work and i'm not giving him permissiopn to ues it.
this post was posted by Rivaris  at stcd wb page
witch my aconts have been baded on stcd.

Your right i did Creat unity1 500 build
as fair as not haveing permission!!!  thats a lie I did have permission!!!   from korath to use Tnz.  
It was Knight's and now know as the 11th that did have permission to use my unity 1 500 build
and i never gave it out too any one soo why doo keep trying  push my buttens WT and as fair as your new mod team go go thay all ready hacked on my mod to make new unity2  and unity 3
8 patchs for my mod witch thay stoled from  me.


Frieza, post it. I have my copy of permission for TNZ, do you? Answer: No.



Now, you make a mod using Unity ships, it's on your head -- we don't care. Unity was never YOURS. Even Kane knows that ...



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline [RK] Castrin

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #237 on: July 30, 2004, 03:19:47 pm »
Ok ... guess I'm going to have to lock this thread.

Anyone that wants to continue a discussion on the pros of a strong and united community feel free to start a new one. Same goes for a discusion on refits in SFC3 v OP.

Thread closed!
"Mr. Knowledge" -- Wildcard