Topic: Original SFC 11th Fleet  (Read 53178 times)

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Offline Sandman

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Original SFC 11th Fleet
« on: July 29, 2004, 04:02:48 am »

This is Sandman, Fleet Admiral of the 11th Fleet Rangers. I am making this reply to clarify that we are not in any way affiliated with the spartan vanguard or the BOTA knights.

For everyone's information, the 11th Fleet Rangers are the ORIGINAL SFC 11th Fleet. We exitsted on the dynaverse from before the start of SFC3. We are a Federation Fleet based ONLY in the SFC realm which includes EAW, OP, and SFC3. I don't want there to be any confusion as to who we are...

I am the Fleet Admiral of our fleet and Albino Knife is the First Officer. Any questions or comments feel free to contact me at:


(fyi... this is a copy of a post made in the IOGC forums)

That being said we are looking for quality pilots to join our fleet.  We boast over 20 years of combined SFC experience.  If SFC is your thing and you like to fly fed give me a call.  All are invited to check our fourm and our website out.

Website at:

Forum at:

We look forward to hearing from and speaking to anyone interested... :)
« Last Edit: July 29, 2004, 04:14:28 am by Sandman »

Offline Entrail

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2004, 04:08:44 am »
Well Sandman iv know you over 3 years and I'm a Friend of your fleet and i know what you speak is the truth.
Sounds like WT is just trying to steal your Fleet name :screwloose: :screwloose:

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2004, 06:33:39 am »
Of course, WaterTiger is trying to steal something.
Even though the 11th fleet he's a member off was around A LONG time before he joined.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2004, 10:22:01 am »
With all the numbers, who'd of thunk there would be two 11th fleets  :lol:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2004, 12:25:48 am »
With all the numbers, who'd of thunk there would be two 11th fleets  :lol:

Do a Google search. Easy.

The REAL 11th Fleet has been their since 1996 ... with a rich history and proud pilots.

The name of the 11th Fleet is actually copyrighted.

The 11th Fleet has 80+ active members and has been playing SFC series games and SFC3 for a long time.

Sandman has used the name 11thFleet for over a year and a half and the REAL 11thFleet has been using it for nine years.

This is a slap in the face for proud 11thFleet pilots in the Spartan Vanguard.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2004, 12:28:16 am »
Well it just so happens I will have to correct the mistaken Sandman Admiral 1 each. I know for a fact the 11th Fleet has been around for 7 thats right Seven years that I know of. They were an old RPG fleet from waaaaaaaaaay back. The 11th also made their first appearance if I am not mistaken in Armada and The original SFC 1. So lets not be so hasty to declare ourselves the "original" when your clearly not. But hey it is ok. I am sure you meant no harm naming your fleet the 11th, I am sure you had no Idea that there was an 11th that has been here for, well looks like 4 years before you. Mabey consider a name like 11 1/2 fleet or mabey 11.1 fleet or why not the 15th fleet or 5th platoon or something, Or mabey do nothing. I mean I am sure you will be able to live with it.

GQ[E]TG]-Wildcard-Fadm the original Fleet Admiral of the GQ fleet.

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2004, 12:32:58 am »
ROFLMAO sorry Watertiger I had to laugh at your NEGATIVE 125 Karma. So what does that mean anyway? Do you have to go to bed without desert? Or just not collect 200 dollars when playing Monopoly after you pass go?

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2004, 01:04:50 am »
ROFLMAO sorry Watertiger I had to laugh at your NEGATIVE 125 Karma. So what does that mean anyway? Do you have to go to bed without desert? Or just not collect 200 dollars when playing Monopoly after you pass go?

Can't talk about my karma. It will get me banned. ;D

KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2004, 01:23:39 am »
ROFLMAO sorry Watertiger I had to laugh at your NEGATIVE 125 Karma. So what does that mean anyway? Do you have to go to bed without desert? Or just not collect 200 dollars when playing Monopoly after you pass go?

 ;) I got 3 more negatives in the time you made that post.

The fact that one fleet would slug a headline ORIGINAL makes me sick.



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2004, 01:36:35 am »
Posted by WT:

The fact that one fleet would slug a headline ORIGINAL makes me sick.



Do a Google search. Easy.

The REAL 11th Fleet has been their since 1996 ... with a rich history and proud pilots.

The name of the 11th Fleet is actually copyrighted.

The 11th Fleet has 80+ active members and has been playing SFC series games and SFC3 for a long time.

Sandman has used the name 11thFleet for over a year and a half and the REAL 11thFleet has been using it for nine years.

This is a slap in the face for proud 11thFleet pilots in the Spartan Vanguard.




Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2004, 01:40:54 am »
Well I happen to know the 11th Fleet has their name copyrighted. They have patent's and Copyright's on their whole name and website. I really feel sorry for the fake 11th when the real 11th which is a business organization comes knocking with their corporate lawyers.

I quote: "The Spartan Vanguard is a non-profit, fan based organization. No copyright infringement intended, All Images, and Concepts present on these sites are property of and copyrighted by their perspective owners; Paramount Studios, Activision, Lucasarts, Sony and The Spartan Vanguard. Images not property of the Spartan Vanguard are public domain or permission was grantted. All other graphics are property of the Spartan Vanguard."

"The Eleventh was originally established December 13, 1996, or rather it's outline, which was established in the forums of the East Wing of the Chathouse at Much of the Fleet's back story and traditions were established in those post-style forums. Overtime, the Spartan Vanguard found its focus shifting from role playing within the The Next Generation universe, to the real time strategy game, Star Trek : Armada."

So I cant wait to see this get all drawn out. Looks like more than Taldren can do the sueing.

Offline Sandman

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2004, 01:49:28 am »
Perhaps you guys should read more closely.... I said "Original SFC 11th Fleet".  Not original 11th Fleet.

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #12 on: July 30, 2004, 01:52:43 am »
Here we go with the Copyright Law:

§ 506. Criminal offenses5
(a) Criminal Infringement. ? Any person who infringes a copyright willfully either ?

(1) for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain, or

(2) by the reproduction or distribution, including by electronic means, during any 180-day period, of 1 or more copies of 1 or more copyrighted works, which have a total retail value of more than $1,000.

shall be punished as provided under section 2319 of title 18, United States Code. For purposes of this subsection, evidence of reproduction or distribution of a copyrighted work, by itself, shall not be sufficient to establish willful infringement.

(b) Forfeiture and Destruction. ? When any person is convicted of any violation of subsection (a), the court in its judgment of conviction shall, in addition to the penalty therein prescribed, order the forfeiture and destruction or other disposition of all infringing copies and all implements, devices, or equipment used in the manufacture of such infringing copies or items.

(c) Fraudulent Copyright Notice. ? Any person who, with fraudulent intent, places on any article a notice of copyright or words of the same purport that such person knows to be false, or who, with fraudulent intent, publicly distributes or imports for public distribution any article bearing such notice or words that such person knows to be false, shall be fined not more than $2,500.

(d) Fraudulent Removal of Copyright Notice. ? Any person who, with fraudulent intent, removes or alters any notice of copyright appearing on a copy of a copyrighted work shall be fined not more than $2,500.

(e) False Representation. ? Any person who knowingly makes a false representation of a material fact in the application for copyright registration provided for by section 409, or in any written statement filed in connection with the application, shall be fined not more than $2,500.

(f) Rights of Attribution and Integrity. ? Nothing in this section applies to infringement of the rights conferred by section 106A(a).

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2004, 01:53:16 am »
Criminal? ;) :police:

KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."

Offline AdmArmor611thFleet

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2004, 01:58:40 am »
Firstly, being new to this forum, I will introduce myself. I am Executive Admiral Armor of the 11th Fleet, the XO of the 11th Fleet, and one of five members of the High Command which runs the Spartan Vanguard. Now that who I am has been established, I would like to plead the community to reject this outrage, this slap in the face, this desecration of the rich and proud heritage of the 11th Fleet, which has been going on for 9 years, nearly a decade. A decade of honor, glory, fair play, sportsmanship, and integrity in every sense of the word. This is not about the name of a gaming clan being stolen in SFC3, this is about the raping of an identity of a community that has been in existance longer than half of you here are old. Sandman has stolen our name and has tried to take on our own rich and proud heritage for his own, and this cannot stand. Yes, we have legal power, and we are in the process right now of speaking with our lawyers, who are quite frankly, on a leash at the moment. We do not believe that there is any reason for such hasty steps to be taken. We're coming to the table like men, and I think everyone here knows the truth to what is going on, to what treacherous and insiduous actions Sandman is taking, and on behalf of the 11th, we emplore the community: do not let this stand. Do not let the proud name of a community that has been around for nearly 10 years be raped in public, in front of all of our eyes. This is an atrocity, a disgrace, and it must be stopped, one way or another.

Offline Wildcard

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2004, 02:00:47 am »
Yes Criminal. I did not stutter in that post. That is the Federal Copyright Law. The 11th as you should now has had their name copyrighted.

Just as the Guardians of Quonos has our name and website Copyrighted along with our Mod name and website "The Near Distant Future"

And the other GQ Fleet website which was created way before, That is why I feel they had to shorten their name or use

Offline KBF-Crim

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #16 on: July 30, 2004, 02:08:26 am »

Offline Sandman

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2004, 02:15:34 am »
If you are trying to get me or anyone in my fleet to make a flame reply to your recent post, you can keep trying.  You will not get such a response.  We have honor an dignity in our ranks and don't engage in flame wars.  Just be advised we are not easily intimidated, and don't respond to idle threats.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2004, 02:41:47 am by Sandman »

Offline AdmRamius11thFleet

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #18 on: July 30, 2004, 02:20:32 am »
I am Admiral Ramius of the 11th Fleet.  For almost three years I have served the Vanguard, and for five before that, as a leader, I have known and reveered its name.  The Eleventh is an organization with a rich herritage, and it has been the best in a multitude of games.  The 11th represents a community that has existed for nearly a decade.  This is much more than a petty dispute over a name of a minor clan.  This is a dispute over the traditional name of a massive and respected community.  This defiling of our name is dispicable, and I implore you to change your name, so that we can walk away from this peacefully.  Thanks.

~Admiral Ramius

Offline AdmWaterTiger-11thFleet-

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Re: Original SFC 11th Fleet
« Reply #19 on: July 30, 2004, 02:34:51 am »
Yes Criminal. I did not stutter in that post. That is the Federal Copyright Law. The 11th as you should now has had their name copyrighted.

Just as the Guardians of Quonos has our name and website Copyrighted along with our Mod name and website "The Near Distant Future"

And the other GQ Fleet website which was created way before, That is why I feel they had to shorten their name or use

Ok, wait a minute Wildcard .. S-T-U-T-T-E-R

Illegal? :police:

Yes, the 11thFleet and name and banner -- all copyrighted. try right clicking even the wording on the site or a logo, the warning comes up.

I mean imagine if a fleet or group called themselves Xenocorp. This end of the community would have a cow. Frey would slap them with a lawsuit so fast it would make someone's head spin.

It's kinda of like the Firesoul issue, but in this case, ripping the fleet pride away from a longtime, old and very, very prideful group of Trek and SFC pilots.

And Sandman says he did a search for 11thFleet in Web search engines before creating the knock-off fleet?

Can't miss it!

It's really just sad another fleet has to live on the reputation of another ...

My executive admiral, Armor, heard this tonight and went to SSCF TeamSpeak to discuss the issue with his council members, FAdmPeers, fleet captains, myself, commanders and others.

It was a bad day for Armor. He is a firefighter/paramedic and tonight had a call where a small girl came running into his arms, burned badly from a house fire. She had her lungs seared by the flames and remains in critical condition tonight.

THAT is life. And here we are worrying about fleet tags and pety nonsense!



KoraH: "Remember my advice to you Wade, that you should drop SFC ...  you will find that all you have to put up with to do so is going to sour the sweetness of your hard work."