Fury, although I'd commend you on a job well done, and it is, I don't believe Starfleet would have a Sovereign for a president's ship of that era. It's more a fanboy ship of someone who thinks "Sovvies are cool!" and imagines themself as the President of the UFP, with a "cool" ship armed to the teeth. IMHO, the Galaxy-class model kitbash this ship is based on fits more perfectly to what it should be, considering how a Galaxy-class is more a huge deep-space explatory ship that Gene wanted it to be...
...So despite on a good effort, I'm sorry but I feel I must say it was sort-of wasted as it isn't as realistic as it would be with a Galaxy-class, or something smaller yet is still an exploration-type of Starship (I.E. Intrepid, or New Orleans, or even Cheyenne-class!).
Once again, I'm sorry to criticize you in this way Fury as you have done a good job, but I feel it isn't the right vessel.