
What are your favorite

2263 - 2270
17 (38.6%)
2271 - 2279
22 (50%)
2280 - Advanced Era
5 (11.4%)

Total Members Voted: 43

Topic: Poll: Favorite Era  (Read 8410 times)

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Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Poll: Favorite Era
« Reply #40 on: July 29, 2004, 02:01:51 pm »
Firesouls SFBish X1 conversions I believe.

BTW, aren't all SFB ships conjectural? As far as I know none of them have ever been build. ;-)

But of course....if you consider them in the context of "real life."  ;)

I had forgotten about the fact that ships get puilled in out of era for the AI in some missions.  Of course, I don't consider x-ships (in moderation) to be that bad.  It's just a progression of tech and they have their place in a campaign that progresses long enough to reach the "advanced" era.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2004, 01:07:31 am by KBF-Dogmatix_XC »
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Re: Poll: Favorite Era
« Reply #41 on: July 29, 2004, 02:28:01 pm »

...and when did the 2280's become the "advanced" era and rife with X-ships?  Aren't the 80's late era and devoid of x-ships in SFC?

X-ships are supposed to come out in the 2280s as per SFB which is what we are using as the reference.  FS had placed them back 10 game years in OP+ thinking they would only show up in advanced era for GSA play.   This did not work as planned.

Thinking about it, the Taldren idea of banishing them to 2300 is not so bad :)

It worked just fine until a patch changed it on me. However, I opted to not change it again as that would leave quite a rift of nothing in the shiplist. That annoyed me more than the advanced era moving away from the wanted mark.

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Re: Poll: Favorite Era
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2004, 02:34:25 pm »
It's just a progression of tech and they have their place in a campaign that progresses long enough to reach the "advanced" era.

I take it you like SFC3 to don't you Doggy.  By that line of lgoic, SFC3 is the more advanced game.  :lol:
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Poll: Favorite Era
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2004, 11:37:24 pm »
Conjectural ships in SFB were put in for people to use in player campaigns. Therefore, I see no reason not to use them as Dogmatrix has suggested. I do think though that some "realistic" limitations need to be used.

If the Feds built a BB they would have needed to allocate the resources. A shipyard that built DN hulls would have to be used. For the time that it took to build the BB (5yrs? for the first one anyway) that shipyard would have been tied up and not building the other hulls (DNs or CVAs). Maybe they would have built the BB parts and pulled a DNG out of service to refit it (not likely unless one was so badly damaged that it would have taken as long to repair it)? This probably could have saved them a year or so, but the DNG would be out of action from that time on.

If the Roms get a KCR, that hull had to come from the Klingon's BCH builds. You'd have to allocate the Romulan facilities to do the conversion and limit other ship production accordingly, during that period.

If you wanted to build more than one KHK then you'd have to curtail the production of other firehawks. Possibly even delay a DN because R torps don't grow on trees.
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Offline KBF-Dogmatix_XC

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Re: Poll: Favorite Era
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2004, 01:09:22 am »
It's just a progression of tech and they have their place in a campaign that progresses long enough to reach the "advanced" era.

I take it you like SFC3 to don't you Doggy.  By that line of lgoic, SFC3 is the more advanced game.  :lol:

Huh?  By your statement, I don't think you follow my line of logic at all.

Do I like playing SFC3?  It's okay...fine in small doses.  I prefer SFC2 and I doubt that comes as much of a surprise to anyone. 
Dogmatix, XC, KBF
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