Something I did a few months ago when I was changing internet companies and was without the net for a week...gets very boring... So I made these to pass the time. The pics got blurred a little when I saved them in JPG.
Transphasic Torpedo

I put a yield modifier on it so the user can choose how powerful for them to be, higher the yield the more the energy cost. It also uses ammo

Pulse Phaser

Gave it a modulation modifier, makes it easier when fighting Borg. If they ever adapt simply switch modulation. Just adds a bit more realness.
Phase Cannon

Primary weapon of the NX-01, pretty basic console... only so much you can put on it. Gave it an Overload because they did that once in an episode and a Defensive mode so they can shoot down incoming projectiles or shoot down things in their path like asteroids... (once again in an episode but I can't remember the name lol)
Photonic Torpedo

Heavy Weapon of the refit NX-01, once again nothing to big. Basically same as the Photon but I took out the Overload and Proximity and added ammo and a yield modifier like the Transphasics.
These next ones are my own little creations
Pulse Turrets

Turrets that pop in and out of the hull in various places. Each one is manned by a crew. Each Turret has a primary and secondary weapon. The primary can be changed in space dock to either a small version of a Pulse or a small version of a Phaser Cannon (Default is Pulse Phaser) and Secondary can be changed between Drone Missile and Photon. The photon and drones are like the ones carried by fighters. The user has total controll over the turrets and can rotate them into individually into a new arc. The turrets have an independent power battery that slowly goes down. When the battery reaches zero the turrets my be disarmed and pulled back into the ship until the battery is charged again (there is a small power drain on normal power until it is done) There is also an option to fire only one turret of your selection at a time or you can choose to fire all of them everytime you push the fire key.
Infinity Magnum Bomb

First of all, the Infinity Magnum is something I made up long ago, it is an infinite power source that supplies massive amounts of power. It was created by an ancient race and found on an ancient base on an asteroid around the 2600s. Of course, someone had to turn it into a massive bomb lol. Since its power is unlimited, the bomb has never been used in fear that it would obliterate all matter in the universe. It is the VERY VERY VERY last option. If hope fails, just push the button and run like hell.
Here is an animated version. (361KB might be slow if your on 56k) all of them. What do you think?