The Looney Limey has returnethed..............
Now you have all had your holiday from me, LB5 is over and GW3 isn't going to start for 3-4 weeks, lets utilise the time to get stuff done

<groans all round>
Firstly, what about a background server along the lines I put up. Is it feasible, can anyone put it up, does anyone want to. I am technically and kit challenged in these departments <insert dumb sh1t>, but a long term stock server for nursery and recreational use, may help. Any comments? or do we consign this to the dustbin?
To recap the server was to be stock (patched to 2552 obviously), have a biggish map, lots of neutral space and planets, probably simple VCs(but these may be superflous), shipping lanes and destructable bases, no other rules as such apart from no ALTF4. Game turns one year to a week (IRL so it lasts a year), start around 2550. Neutral hexes 5-10 DV, Planets vary from 20-50 DV. Edges of Empires weaker hexes getting harder as you move to the core.
Object, casual, new, or returning gamers have somewhere to try out game, and seasoned ones have somewhere to go without DLs etc, if they don't want to play other servers with new missions and shiplists. As its stock with the current breed of installers all should be able to play by just pressing uninstall X servers installs. When a "serious" campaign comes along if most hop out the remainder will not be able to overun it, as its to big.
Map, Triangle, Rooks or even AF in style if not quite in size.
If this is a Dodo, please say so and we will move onto the next topic