Agave, I agree with you, I dont fly BCF (Rather have the 2 more drone racks for SPs on the BCG) or the NAL (Dont fly any warcrusier/new heavy) as the shield regen rates suck.
As for YOU, Julin da Frog, you guys stole the Plasma S AND plas F, all you guys ever invented was the PPD, I.E. "The Ronco CheeseWhiz Dispenser?"

The Freds use all types of weapons as they fight all the types of weapons, basic SFB history. And yes, the BCG was Klink front, BCF was Romulan front. Kinda would make sense to reverse that tho eh? Klink AMD wont stop a F, and most rommies dont have Plasd-D to stop drones, but thats not how they were operated.
Just a brief SFB history reminder, the Freds got Phas-G from the Hydrans in exchange for help during the General War, and the Gorn traded Plas-F for Federation Ships and FIGHTERS! Yes, thats right sports fans, in SFB, the Gorns had Fed CVL's (IIRC the ones made from GSC) and F-18 fighters.
Fed drone fighters and PF's with plasmas... Ummm, get me some crackers for all this cheese!
Hey Diehard, lets see if we can bribe J'inn into putting those "Conjectural" Fed PF's into GW3!