Topic: Specs for SFC3 ships....  (Read 7550 times)

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Specs for SFC3 ships....
« on: July 25, 2004, 10:37:08 am »
Please excuse my inquiry, but I just gotta know if there's like a program out there that can help people make specs for ships made for SFC3, or do shipmakers that include specs go through painstaking hours just writing up the specs.  When it comes to installing ships, I never install ship that don't already come with their own specs.  Whenever I do the cut and paste that so many people say to do, all the hardpoint arcs are screwed up and firing at different angles, and that personally annoys me.  Most ships I use I get from DRS cause they always have specs.  I just want a way to use all those great looking ships out there that don't have specs, and that's why I want to know if there's like a program that helps you make specs so that when you're in game, the weapons are firing in the proper directions.  Thanks for taking the time to read this.
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2004, 10:39:36 am »
There was Coredit a while ago, but it kinda flopped.
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2004, 10:30:13 pm »
Well about 80% of the ships that come with specs are just using already existing specs from stock ships.
Its likely they are just copied and pasted and then the model name is changed.

Here is an example from defaultcore.txt (please note Its not the entire line for ease of display)

40   FF   6600   0   825   575   Fed-Frigate        Saber

Now if you added a second Fed frogate called Raven, you can copy this entire line for Fed-Frigate and paste it just below. Be careful that the lines don't get pulled over. You either have to hit enter or backspace once after pasted to line up lines properly. Note I do this in Wordpad.

Then simply change it to this

40   FF   6600   0   825   575   Fed-Frigate2        Raven

All I did is add 2 behind Fed_Frigate and Changed Saber to Raven (Then the new model should be called Raven in the Raven folder)  It is of EXTREME importance not to add an extra space in this step or the ship wont show.  Its best to highlight Saber, then delete Saber then type Raven without moving the curser. This will insure you keep your proper spacing in the document.

Now you need to do something similar in DefaultLoadOut.txt

Here is stock line below

Federation   Fed-Frigate        Saber        Saber         F-TRACTOR-IV:3

and modified line to enter the new frigate Raven

Federation   Fed-Frigate2        Raven        Raven         F-TRACTOR-IV:3

Note that often just added a 2 behind Fed_frigate will move the reast of the enties over 1 columb. This is normal and should be left that way.

Now This is worth doing cause its how all ships get added. Then people add or change enties from this point.
Its important to always back up any files you alter 1st. Then make sure the ship shows in shirmish mode. This method also ensures that nothing on the ship will be over loaded.

Please stick with it cause other wise you miss out on a lot of ships, Best to always use the stock files cause ones from other peoples mods may not work in the stock game.

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2004, 10:54:32 pm »
I know how to do cut and paste.  I've added ships before, but only when they come with their own specs.  Everytime I've added ships with no specs, the problem I get is that the arcs are all firing at wrong angles.  I know how to cut and paste and install ships and make them show up in game.  The screwed up arcs irritate me, and I've tried everything in that damned tutorial and nothing helps to get those arcs firing at the right direction, and when I try, it messes things up.  I really want to use alot of the ships out there for SFC3, but the ones I so badly want don't have specs, and no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I follow that ship install tutorial that everyone mentions, I can never get those hardpoint arcs right, and sometimes it crashes my game.  That's why I wanted to know if there might be a program out there that can allow users to create specs by specifying the arcs for the hardpoints and stating which system goes in those arcs, or if there isn't a program like that, is it possible to create one?
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2004, 01:52:28 am »
I know how to do cut and paste.  I've added ships before, but only when they come with their own specs.  Everytime I've added ships with no specs, the problem I get is that the arcs are all firing at wrong angles.  I know how to cut and paste and install ships and make them show up in game.  The screwed up arcs irritate me, and I've tried everything in that damned tutorial and nothing helps to get those arcs firing at the right direction, and when I try, it messes things up.  I really want to use alot of the ships out there for SFC3, but the ones I so badly want don't have specs, and no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I follow that ship install tutorial that everyone mentions, I can never get those hardpoint arcs right, and sometimes it crashes my game.  That's why I wanted to know if there might be a program out there that can allow users to create specs by specifying the arcs for the hardpoints and stating which system goes in those arcs, or if there isn't a program like that, is it possible to create one?

first u will need to get the updated arc chart. not sure where it is right now,someone will. then u just need the hardpoint editor from sfc3files repository.
then if u have a good printer taht will help alot. print the arc chart for quicker references.
when done with that copy and save ur defaults incase something goes wrong.
then open ur defaultcore.txt file the go to where it says something like primary hp:1:0_360
those r what u change. now with that open up go and load up the hp editor and look at the file of the model u want to fix. and just modify where necessary.

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2004, 11:13:42 am »
And most importantly of all - NEVER, and I mean NEVER use notepad to edit either the Core or LoadOut file - because sooner or later you'lll accidentally delete one of those TAB's and screw it up.

Always use Excel, it's far easier to manage, and you'll make few mistakes.

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2004, 12:49:36 pm »
I know how to do cut and paste.  I've added ships before, but only when they come with their own specs.  Everytime I've added ships with no specs, the problem I get is that the arcs are all firing at wrong angles.  I know how to cut and paste and install ships and make them show up in game.  The screwed up arcs irritate me, and I've tried everything in that damned tutorial and nothing helps to get those arcs firing at the right direction, and when I try, it messes things up.  I really want to use alot of the ships out there for SFC3, but the ones I so badly want don't have specs, and no matter how hard I try, no matter how hard I follow that ship install tutorial that everyone mentions, I can never get those hardpoint arcs right, and sometimes it crashes my game.  That's why I wanted to know if there might be a program out there that can allow users to create specs by specifying the arcs for the hardpoints and stating which system goes in those arcs, or if there isn't a program like that, is it possible to create one?

I give up . Of course you know how to cut and paste but you made it sound like you were giving up. Yea you need the arc chart, try a search in the dynaverse forums for it. I give up trying to help cause people always get mad at me.
I get mad at people who won't use ships cause they don't come with specs.
Everyone uses different specs, some are stock and some are modded. Thats why some specs won't work in all ship lists. The method I described at least allows you to load the ship. Then from there you can change the arcs.

Like I said no more unsolicitated advice from me.

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Offline Centurus

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2004, 05:19:01 pm »
I apologize for getting angry earlier.  It's just that whenever I have asked someone about this, and have explained that I can get the ships to load into the game, they treat me as if I don't even know how to start the game, and believe me, this has happened more than once.  They either tell me to just cut and paste, or refer me to the tutorial that is out there, and don't even bother to help me out anymore then that, so I get a little irritated when someone tells me something that I already had explained I know how to do.  So again, I apologize.
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2004, 06:41:06 pm »
Hey thanks for explaining where you coming from. I maybe owe you an apology as well., am low on patients lately. Sorry for that. Anyway I struggled cutting and pasting for at least 2 weeks with this stuff. Cause I didn't know what needed to be edited and what to leave alone. Plus the game is dam finicky about any little extra space that is easy to get if you start editing weapons and power items in DefaultLoadOut.txt

I also read that later builds of the patch allow for new weapon arcs. So if you paste the new weapon arcs into  the Defaultcore but then use an earlier patch, the arcs me be invalid for that version. Just throwing that out there. I have seen more than 1 version of the weapon arc map as well. If someone has a later 1 that has ALL the arcs available to build 534, maybe post it here. That would help us out.  :D

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2004, 10:54:52 pm »
thats why i noted if he has the new v531 he will have to use the new arc chart. good luck if i can get my comp straightened up i will do a easy tutorial for u. when i get a new cam i can do a video one also for it. but like whoever said about not using notepad, i only use notepad for the defaultcore file until it becomes to big of a file then i use wordpad. but if u want to change something in the defaultloadout file then u really and i mean really want to use excel.

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2004, 01:26:56 am »
Currently I have 3 separate installs of the game on my computer, each with the different patch.  The one with the v531 patch has GAW installed in it.  I would really appreciate if someone does actually have the new arc chart for the game.  I really want to take another stab at installing ships with no specs.  Given the time dedicated and a very simple yet accurate tutorial on how to correct those arcs (like I said those arcs are the only things that irritate me), I'm sure I could learn to do it on my own.  I know I will never have the skill and talent that many people on these forums have when it comes to actually making ships, but it would be nice to know that I could use any of those ships in my own game, even if they come with specs or not.
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2004, 07:05:01 am »
Sorry.  Me again.  I remember that someone mentioned a program called Core Edit.  I know that this program was never completed, and the only thing out is a demo.  I actually still have the install program in an old folder.  Who originally tried to create this program, and he/she still around and perhaps still working on it?  It would be nice to have. 
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2004, 08:41:34 am »
The M6 editor or SFC2ED, I think that is what it was called, allows you to edit or move the hardpoints. This will help you to get the correct arcs. I am not sure were the web site is.   

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2004, 09:02:07 am »
Hardpoint Placement Editor for SFC3

did i not say something abut nightsoft

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #14 on: July 27, 2004, 01:17:37 pm »
I have the hardpoint placement editor, but thanks for posting it again.  But no one knows what happened to the development of Core Edit?
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2004, 11:04:39 pm »
I have the hardpoint placement editor, but thanks for posting it again.  But no one knows what happened to the development of Core Edit?

yes we almost all of us know. the guy that was making it quit due to school, he had a beta that was given to a few and very select few but it would only work on the default core files i believe. it has been a while since last i chked his site. but that is that and he said he may never finish it

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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #16 on: February 12, 2011, 12:58:14 pm »

Only seven years later .............. but  :: shrug ::

In all the years that I've played SFC III  I've never used a utility to change my default core or default loadout.  Half the fun for me was to roll up my sleeves and open the spec folder and CAREFULLY add and change the DC and DLO files using Word Pad.   I've made my share of boo boo's but chalked it all up to learning how this game works and how to make it more fun.   As most know by now, when adding a SFC II ship to SFC III, the heavy weapons are 1 - 12. The primaries are 13 - 22  (  Had to think there.  I haven't modified those files for quite some time )  SFC III is the reverse. I spent many hours changing the firing arcs and to get the right look for SFC III, making the heavy hardpoints the primaries.  Time well spent with all the fun I've had roaming the galaxy over the years.

Below is a chart with all the firing arcs.  Right click and save.   Now get in there and add those ships !   8)
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #17 on: February 12, 2011, 05:02:51 pm »
In SFC3, primary hardpoints start traditionally with 1 and end with 11, and heavy weapons start with 12 and end with 24, since hardpoint 25 is broken.

However, I've had 17 phasers on a ship, and all phasers worked and showed up as primary weapons.  In SFC3, you can list which hardpoints are primary and heavy just by putting their number in the proper area of the specs.  I could easily have hardpoints 12-24 as primaries and 1-11 as heavies.  Just depends on how I write the specs.
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Re: Specs for SFC3 ships....
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2011, 01:19:12 pm »
The way I handle it is to have made a few DefaultCore ship lines that I spent a lot of time on and know to work and then add only ship names in the customLoadout. Then, I use the game's editor to select the weapons. That way there is a built-in check to make sure I don't under power the ship. Using the customLoadout is very powerful. If you call a Federation DefaultCore spec and change it to Romulan in the customLoadout, it will show up as a separate ship class.

This is very useful with my non-trek ships. I have an unhealthy affinity toward Excel and used its formula features to make about six different ship types for the defaultCore with each system pro-rated for balancing, i.e. fast ships have few weapons and slow ships have many. I also tailored them toward broad-side engagement by restricting the primary arcs to the sides and secondaries fore and aft.