Topic: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.  (Read 2702 times)

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Offline Rod ONeal

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Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« on: July 18, 2004, 10:25:13 pm »
The ISC Dreadnought, PF, fighter, and shuttle.

Gorn, Pirate, Kzinti, and Romulan shuttles

Hydran PF and shuttle

If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Offline NannerSlug

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2004, 10:31:32 pm »
when will nova's kermeman ship be up?
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Offline Rod ONeal

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2004, 12:51:57 am »
He made that for Starforce2. I don't know if SF2 has plans for it (in a mod or something), or if it'll just be for general release.
If Romulans aren't cowards, then why do they taste like chicken?

Offline J. Carney

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2004, 05:35:35 pm »
No post about Desty hits the 2nd page while i'm on..

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Offline S33K100

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2004, 07:38:31 pm »
Very cool, the ISC DN and PF are fantastic, and I've figured out which coloured blobs are which weapons and engines, but I've a question - what the hell are those huge blue glowy bits on the top of the hull and wing edges?

Oh and a really minor nitpick, on of the engine textures on the gorn MS isn't mapped properly, it's just grey while the other side has the blue glow, just thought I'd mention it.

BTW the orion shuttle name - PMS *que puerile laughter* LOL Sorry... ::)
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Offline Khalee

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2004, 07:43:18 pm »
Those things are the Auxiliary Power Reactor cooling vents

Offline S33K100

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2004, 10:00:59 pm »
Both sets? Fair nuff. Looks cool but don't ya think it's a little odd to have weapons mounted directly on top of a cooling vent? Kinda like how the Hawk series Romulans have plasma torpedos mounted directly on the bussard collectors. ::) LOL.

Oh one final question (this must be getting annoying now, I'm showing my true lack of SFB knowledge, those big jet engine looking vents at the rear of ISC ships, I take it they're part of the engines in some way but I can't for the life of me figure out what the hell they could be doing...
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Offline Khalee

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #7 on: July 19, 2004, 10:11:41 pm »
Ok Scratch what I said about the APRs. The APR Vents are the jet engine looking things which the DN has 6.

The Blue glowy things I guess are maybe fleet makings? I had to open the ship in max just to make sure of what you were talking about. But ask Desty about that stuff As now you got me wondering myself.

Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2004, 10:44:27 pm » know, I don't know what they are. I don't anything on the SSD that they definitely correspond with. I once saw a rendition of ISC ships with those glowing wingtips, and I just thought it was cool, so i decided to emulate that on my own models.  ;)
Khalee is right about the jet engine looking thingies...they're APR coolers.

Anyway, thanks guys!
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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2004, 11:07:03 pm »
Pulled up the ISC "official paint guide" from ADB:

The large circular disks are APR vents.
The blue glowing bands on top are probably shield grids.  The side glowy areas are not on the official paint guide, yet I've seen them on the Fleetdock 13 renditions and carried on since then (both the war refit shipyard and now Desty are using them).  They could pass for the ISC's version of deflector dishes or something...
The 3 odd-shaped protrusions on top of each sponson are the control areas (Bridge, Emergency Bridge and Aux. Control), all phasers are circular mounts.
The bottom side has the warp engines, and oddly enough the white bottom is ablative heat-resistant armor? ???

Here's the link to the entire ADB color guide that they've posted.  The PDF seems to be "more current" than the older mini painting guides, I did see some changes to the ISC between the PDF and the original guides...

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2004, 11:20:12 pm »
Oh and Desty:

Love the I-CA.  Seeing a bigger ISC fleet on the docks I tried her out for a few missions (like the rest of them) on Litterbox.  Only 1 gripe that I had, is that the CA does not carry the "strike" designation in the ship ID blocks...

Manually edited it out, making skins for CA-673, CC-01 and CV-04.  Just gotta re-edit the skins to make them readable from the center sponson out, I did them readable from the outside in...

If you want the bitmaps I'll send them to you...

Was planning on doing the same thing to the DN, but the 5-block set doesn't really allow room for the CVA.  Start of word, DN, space, 2 numbers is all the characters you got.  Since the ISC uses a leading zero for all single-digit numbers, it makes it hard to swap a character out for the mission modifier, like I converted the extra strike designation on the CA.  Would I just add an extra set of dots to the front end, back end, or does the entire ship designation need to be re-adjusted if I make it a 6-block set?

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2004, 12:38:40 am »
Glad you're enjoying the models, Julin.  :D 

You said the CA doesn't carry the strike marking, should it? I know the CS has it, but I figured the standard CA wouldn't and the flagship cruiser would. Anyway, if you want a CVA registry, I can just make one up for you. Let me know specifically what registry to give it, and I'll send it you you.   

I don't know what the deal is with the ablative coating either.  :P
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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #12 on: July 21, 2004, 12:04:07 am »
The I-CA shouldn't carry strike markings.  Your I-CA out on the site does.  I edited out the strike marking on the I-CA I downloaded (bucket fill works wonders with those squares), and I made myself a CA-673, CC-01 and CV-04 skin.

I'd do the same with the DN, but I don't know how you would put on the extra sets of dots necessary.  The longest dot pattern needed would be 6 blocks (start, DN, Carrier / special for the DNT, space, 2 blocks for numbers, while you've already set it up with the shortest pattern (Start, DN, Space, 2 numbers).

For now, while you're still creating the ISC fleet, I'm just taking your base hulls and re-marking them for the various specialty jobs.  If you make dedicated carrier-hulls etc, I won't need a permanent CVA skin for the DN model.  So, I was just wondering how you would have approached the issue, and if I get desperate for a CVA skin to hold me off till the carriers come out I could do it myself.  Build the ships, I could re-dot them myself if I need to...

On a side note, my understanding of the strike modifier is this, taking the 2 rules shown in the R-section:
1.  Used on PPD-only Ships
2.  The DN, a PPD-only ship, is demonstrated with start, DN, space, number number blocks.
So, I believe the strike modifier is used only on ships that have distinct Plasma-only and PPD-only versions.  Off the top of my head, there's the CL / CS pair, the CVL / CVLS, CV / CVS, and maybe the battle pods.

Do you mind if I use your DN in my sig?  I'll credit the ship as yours, but I do have a tendency to use smallish text (the credit will be no smaller than the bit about me flying Klink on some server...)

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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2004, 01:04:08 am »
Ok, I'll fix up those things you pointed out.

Please, feel free to use my DN in your sig.  ;D You don't have to credit me(unless you really want to). It's just a sig image, after all.
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Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2004, 10:45:02 am »
Just figured you might want to see what the new sig looks like...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Desty Nova

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Re: Desty Nova ISC DN and some wee ships up.
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2004, 03:26:02 pm »
Hey! Looks awesome!
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