ADB is prohibited from doing anything with the computer by paramount. There's a lengthy explanation about it on the ADB boards from Steve Cole. They cannot even put certain play aids into SFB online to speed play because paramount won't let them do that either (specifically, AI of any kind, among others).
No..I think there more to the back story than we've ever been told....
Here's steves whole it VERY carefully...(yes even if you read it before)....and at the end...I'll point out what you missed...hehe
I get asked all the time: "When will you allow SFB software? What is the hold up?"
Sigh. I've only answered this question about once a week for about 20 years.
I've given the same answer every single time. But someone never heard it.
Or didn't believe it. Or thought there was some big dark secret that boiled
down to I was just being an ••••••• and didn't want to release it. Or they
just didn't want to believe that it wasn't going to happen anytime soon.
Anyway, this is the official form letter sent out something over 400 times.
Paramount says NO SOFTWARE EVER PERIOD. Not by us or anyone else.
They won't allow their property to be used, and won't allow us to allow others to
use our property. Hence, no software, period. Not sold, not given away,
not made available, not passed around the internet, nothing.
We can do the SFBOL thing as it is server based and not machine resident.
This situation remains this way until Paramount decides otherwise.
Nothing anyone outside of ADB Inc. can do will change what Paramount says or thinks or does or doesn't do.
We continue working through diplomatic channels to convince them
that such software would be beneficial, harmless, and great. But they
do not agree, will not agree, have not agreed. It is possible that they
will NEVER agree, but we will never stop trying. If anything changes,
we will announce the change and do a Request For Proposals for
the official software. We will never allow independent developers to
release such software except through ADB Inc. because Paramount
will insist on this as a condition of their approval, if they ever give it.
When the time comes, there will be one and only one such program
authorized, and we literally have two hundred different ones on file.
So, basically, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting, but if it someday
does happen, I wouldn't be surprised. Until then, Nobody can release
or publish or give away SFB software without a whole world of lawyers
landing on your head, so I would say to just put it away and forget it
and if it happens you can wait for the RFP and send it to us then.
The only thing you CAN do is use if in your own personal gaming,
in games where you are physically present as a GM or player.
I am considerably more frustrated than you are, and having to repeat
the same answer every week to somebody else who doesn't know,
doesn't believe it, doesn't want it to be the way it is, just makes me
even more frustrated. This isn't my fault, and I cannot change it.
--Steve Cole
Now...I ofcourse dont have inside info...
But Steve GAVE you the answer......but not the one you THOUGHT he did....
Here's the reason why...
"We will never allow independent developers to
release such software except through ADB Inc. because Paramount
will insist on this as a condition of their approval, if they ever give it."
But we KNOW that's not true....ADB DID allow it....we all have the evidence on our hard drives...SFC...developed by 14 east,published by interplay...and SFC2..delvoloped by Taldren and published by Interplay...
So what steve said is clearly NOT true....they WILL allow it....but under some conditions we may never know about...
Erik did say this about how it happened:
Erik Bethke: The Starfleet Command brand always was owned by Paramount. This is similar for any intellectual property license. The license holder owns everything to do with the license. This is very important. For example a long, long time ago the modeler for Star Trek ships Franz Joseph ended up with the rights to the Original Series Federation and Klingon ships among other designs. He ended up licensing these designs to Amarillo Design Bureau for use in Star Fleet Battles. Fast forward 20 to 30 years and you have a situation where
I had to broker a deal with SFB for their license at the same time of handling the Interplay/Paramount license without somehow conveying to SFB more say in the Star Trek franchise. This is messy and unusual. Most people would just walk away from such a legal morass. Instead myself, Interplay, Paramount and Steven V. Cole all worked together to create a framework for the SFC series. Later I re-negotiated this on behalf of Activision so this could continue.************************************
So obviously...there ARE conditions where ADB will allow the property to be used...and there ARE conditions where Paramount will allow ADB property to be used in software....
Ofcourse this may never happen again...
(also a note to at least one of you SFC3 fans.....your game has some SFB in it too


What does all this mean?
Only that assumtions about who, will let who, do what ,with what ,are not entirely true...
Again....the evidence is right on your hard drive....SFC1 even came with cadets rules and SSD's right on the disk...
The extend forward in the SFC1 manual states:
"We have followed the spirit, if not the letter , of the Doomsday ruleset."
"We ask that you bear with us, give us time, play the game , and enjoy what you've been waiting 20 years for:
SFB on the computer."
I think They got license for the doomsday ruleset and nothing else...but Taldren even had models for Andro's ready to go and the TRB in the we can deduce that they could have put more stuff into SFC2 or OP if they had had the time to make it work right...Hell..the stock DV map even 'looks' like the F&E board...
Now I hardly think that if Paramount HATED ADB (like everyone says)....that they would have EVER approved of SFC in the first place...much less allow such a statement to be printed in the game manual...
Now understand...I would never be so bold to suggest that this will EVER happen again....but.... I would also not be so bold to predict that it would NEVER happen again...
I didnt mean to hijack the thread....I just wanted to through this out there...
So we cant play F&E on the computer....but when Max gets done with his system.....we will have a pretty good replica....
Thank you max for your continueing effort to flesh out your system.....I hope when its up and running that everyone will give it a try...