I started mucking about (probably ill-advisedly) with Artifex, A few hours later, I've come up with the following map, based on the GW3 premise (so Fed+Mirak v Klinks), a potted history of the General War and a dollop of enthusiasm...and here it is...

The map is at
this URL if you want a closer look and the following special rules apply:
PRIME DIRECTIVE: The planets at (21,14), (25,2), (27,9), (30,8), (32,15), (36,2), (38,6), (40,15) and (43,10) are inhabited by pre-warp cultures, to which the Prime Directive applies. As a result, Starfleet and the Mirak fleets are under orders to avoid such hexes.
PD.1: No Starfleet or Mirak vessel may enter the hexes listed above. If this is breached, the offending captain should self-destruct his (or her) ship at the first opportunity (representing court-martial and demotion to a smaller command).
PD.2: If a Klingon vessel attacks one of these hexes, PD.1 ceases to apply FOR THAT HEX. The culture is contaminated and the Alliance may treat it as a normal hex.
LIMITED WAR: The Federation Council is still unsold on the concept of an aggressive campaign against the Klingons. Starfleet has been ordered to restore the Klingon-Mirak border to its pre-war location of 14.y but to take no further action against the Klingons until further orders. The Klingon Neutral Zone and pre-war Klingon space are out of bounds to Starfleet.
LW.1: No Starfleet vessel may enter a non-Federation hex south of 14.y (ie, 15.y or greater). Offending captains forfeit their ships by self-destructing at the first opportunity.
LW.2: LW.1 ceases to apply the moment a Klingon vessel attacks a Federation Hex.
LW.2.a: Federation-controlled hexes west of 16.x (ie, 15.x or less) do not count for the purposes of LW.2
OTHER RACES: The hexes in the southeastern corner of the map are there to avoid server complications. Don't attack them.
EDIT: Apologies abouit the image size. Any smaller or any further zoomed out though and it would probably have been totally illegible.