Yeah, hopefully they wouldn't have them when they are posing as Vulcans (that would just be dumb), but I"m wondering about the Romulans in the series when we actually see them. I would assume that we would see Romulans, but maybe we won't. If they are exposed as Romulans eventually though, there would have to be some discussion of their appearance. I'm hoping that they don't have ridges myself, I just didn't like them at all.
It's going to be a very hard road to get Enterprise to match up with Trek lore as it stands now, but I hope they find a way (like the Klingon homeworld all of a sudden being so freakin' close? I could go on a tangent about that and evidence that it just couldn't be, but I won't). I really liked this cast, and it was unfortunate they were saddled with such horrible plots, etc.