For those who don't know what this is about. A company called The SCO Group has launched a series of lawsuits claiming various rights in regards to Linux. DaimlerChrysler was one of the victims of such a suit. When things began SCO was claiming that a small number of lines of code (not in the kernal) in Linux were their property and illegally added to Linux. They have since escalated to millions of lines in the kernal. But no actual proof has been presented despite repeated attempts to drag evidence out of them in court.
The Sco Group sent DaimlerChrysler a letter demanding that DaimlerChrysler send an inventory of the Unix products they are using. Since DaimlerChrysler has not used those products since before SCO bought their current rights and had never had a contract with SCO they ignored it.
Link to storyEverything in the case has been thrown out except the part where DaimlerChrysler is asked to explain why they did not respond in a timely manner to the letter.
There is still the main suit of SCO vs IBM (SCO seems to be on the ropes there)
Also SCO vs Autozone. Still in process but the SCO vs DaimlerChrysler results might influence it.
SCO vs Novel over what Novel sold to the Santa Cruz Operation which was then bought by The Sco Group.
Finally (unless I missed some) Redhat vs SCO. Which seems likely to go down soon if IBM gets the copyright declaration they have asked for in their case vs SCO.