Just to add a couple of tactical notes.
1, Thay are fast! They can (with proper energy management) fly speed 31, arm all weapons, throw up 6 pts EW, HET, and use erratic maneuvers (If the ship has the correct warp to movement cost like a CL) in any given turn.
2, A ship as small as a DW can take 2 S-torps square in the face and only suffer one internal, and that would just be a "leak point" which would be taken as merely a hull hit (Panels leak a point of damage if the volley is large enough.).
3, All of their ships, up to and including the DN, only have a 6 breakdown rating. ie, a 1/6 chance of suffering a breakdown even after they use their HET bonus.
4, All of their weapons have, 180 degree firing arcs. This, along with their speed (Did I mention that they were fast?

), the ability to displace, and their propensity to HET makes it difficult to choose the range and/or shield facing against them.
Their only real nemesis is a really large drone swarm, as they only have phaser 2s for point defense (They can transport out t-bombs though without lowering their panels), or a facefull of overloaded photons, if you're lucky enough to get them all to hit.

Plasma is all but useless at the speeds they fight at and disruptors, while they do have some special rules to help them out, can hardly dent their panels. Enveloping weapons are a bit difficult for them to deal with (hellbores, for instance) as they make it difficult for them to toggle their panels for energy management.
No displacement device and no PA panels make some of these points invalid in SFC, unfortunately. Man, we need that source code!!!