For me what screwed it up was calling it OP+ 4.0. OP+ is a continual WIP for FireSoul and by Usurping the nomenclature as well as the name it made it look like it was more of his work, or that they were taking over the continued production of it. At the very least it would cause confussion. It doesn't follow FireSouls design parameters and, IMO, shouldn't have the OP+ name on it at all. FireSoul's never minded anyone using his work to save them time. It's a lot of work to add all of those ships. Taking the name though and making it look like it was an update of the SAME mod when, except for FireSouls work, the rest of it isn't even close to being the same was just wrong.
Add to that some crap about it being abandonware??? It's so far from that there's no way it could have been an honest mistake.