Topic: Quickie Klingon D5 Bash  (Read 4692 times)

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Re: Quickie Klingon D5 Bash
« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2004, 04:46:51 pm »
Could anyone make a TOS era bash of Atra's D5 with WZ's D7 Klolode parts? I'd love that, and I'd finally be able to get a proper D5 lineage going. Right now, I was using Desty's D5 as the base unit and Atra's as the refit, but obviously they're almost totally different ships, so that doesn't really fly well. :lol:

Nice work Wolfsglen.

I was actually trying today to make a TMP version with WZ's K'T'inga and Atra's D5 to match the rest of my Klinks but alas the textures are a bi-yotch to line up with the mesh. Anyone able to combine WZ's K'T'inga (and presumably Klolode) head and engines, and shuttlebay with the body and neck of Atra's D5?

Well, it's more than just kitbashing. I notice that the D5 has larger windows on it's head, and is a good bit smaller than the D7 component it's based on. I'd prefer a retexture doe most of the ship, and a rescaled set of D7 (or smaller D7-styled) engines to match. I happen to like having ships that are all on similar scales, instead of having to have a frigate with smaller windows than an DN. It gets annoying after a while, kinda like what happens to the BoP and Defiant on DS9. They go from 120m to 50m to 400m in three episodes flat! ;D
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Re: Quickie Klingon D5 Bash
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2004, 06:20:21 pm »
Yes but resizing a couple of windows is not that hard, oh and the D5 has D7 engines, they're meant to look too big for the ship's body.
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Re: Quickie Klingon D5 Bash
« Reply #22 on: July 23, 2004, 09:50:28 am »
If it's ok with you, I may replace the D5W I am currently using with the D5W2 above. I will need to create the LODs and fill in parts of the breakmod, won't I. *sigh*.

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Re: Quickie Klingon D5 Bash
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2004, 10:37:58 am »
I dont mind at all, might want to drop Atra a line to make sure its ok though, i wouldnt want to step on anyones toes.

They do have LODs included with them for OP (its all i play) but will need the brkmod parts filled in im afraid (i dont know how to do that yet or i would)

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Re: Quickie Klingon D5 Bash
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2004, 11:25:14 pm »
Great job as usual Wolfsglen sir ! Losing the rollbar,and the repositioning of the narcell in ver2 kicks azz.
 ;D :thumbsup:

BTW did you get a chance to review that request I forwarded to ya ? Obviously you're the man to ask,not me  ;) I just play with crayons :P

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