I am more than happy with the amount of ships available in SFC3, but I am thirsty for more! MORE MORE MORE! To start, we're missing a real biggy! The USS Prometheus NX-59650! It could be another DN or a CA. Oi! Taldren! Where the (insert not nice word here) is it? Why can't it be in SFC3? It'd have to have it's own armour and shields, but I don't care if it doesn't have a multi-vector assault mode, I just want regenerative shields, quantum torpedoes, ablative armour and many thousands of metric tons of Borg and Romulan debris floating around in their own territories. Chuck in a few extras like the Nova, a cheap FF, but more heavily armed than the Saber, apparently. According to data I have on the Nova, it has two (2) photon torpedo launchers, and multiple phaser strips, on it's fore and aft areas. It's small, which would make it a zippy little ship, but it's hull would be weaker than the Saber, seeing as the Saber was built for fighting Borg.(hard to see how it can, but...) and the Nova is a small exploration/science vessel.
And so the Romulans aren't left out, how about putting in an official Scimitar (BB) and Valdore (DN) class warship so Rommies can't complain. And so Borgies can't kick up a stink, why not include the Big-assed Renegade Borg Ship. That would be a) expensive, b) extremely powerful and c) oh so tenderly slow, just ripe for a combined Prometheus/Defiant assault. As for the Kilngons, are there any ships they have that aren't on the game? I think you've got all those bases covered there, perhaps the guys at Star Trek could dream up a Klingon answer to the Scimitar and Valdore
C'mon Taldren old buddy old pals, mix up a patch that allows us to use the classes said above. With those in, D3 games will be much more enjoyable, and people who play as the Borg won't suck as much with a really huge, impossible to hit, but very strong ship in their inventory. And the Romulans would have some chance of beatings Feds and Klingons in one-on-one. Otherwise, Feds kick ass too easily, but the Prometheus is very nice and should be able to handle one or two Valdores on its own.