Well its been almost a year since I've been on the D3.
I'll have a home broadband connection to call my own in the next 3/4 weeks.
I've got my stock SFC3 disc.
Latest Direct X installed.
Latest Drivers installed.
Now patches:
I see v534 is out... are there any campaigns for 534 or is it still 531?
Anything I've missed?
ThePelican will have the first V534 camp, followed by Unity. V531/V534 play on the same Dyna, so if you have V534 loaded, you see them all.
I haven't heard what BattleZone and Island Wars are is planning as far as hard dates. BZ information can be found at
http://www.battleclinic.comIW infomations is here:
http://islandwars.net/IWForums/DW will be a 2-week engagement, Unity will follow (12 days) with the release of 70+ new ships and bases for the Pirate race (lots of EAW/OP conversions). Near Distant Future follows.
DW/Unity/NDF info is here:
http://www.stcd.sgnonline.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4193There is Alternate Universe A and Alterante Universe B (just moved over from V500) ... both modded.
Info is here:
http://www.sfc3alternateuniverse.com/ GAW and Litterbox just wrapped up.
Castrin's site is a good place for campaign backgrounds, download links and annoucements for all:
http://www.sfcx.org/Here is a screenshot I took yesterday morning ... Gives you an idea what the Dyna looks like these days, patched and V531. Believe it or not, there is still a server on V500.
STOCK (Pre-patch) ...
As this community shakes out, it seems we are more willing to play eachothers mods instead of segregating ourselves and playing with ourselves (did I say playing with ourselves

Darn Gorn thing just creeped into my brain.
