posted by lepton:
Let me say that the community may have voted for KISS, but they voted for it in name not form.
Well.. heck...let me say that you dont speak for the "community" and unless you poll every person who have no idication of WHY they voted for any of the choices...
Let me squash a misnomer here...
For quite some time...there has been only ONE serious POPULATED server up at anyone time...this is a common courtesy extended by server admins to other server admins so as not to split the player base that still plays online...
But this also means there is no choice for peeps who want to play online against other players (in the DV)....
You either play what is up....or sit out...
And since every major server now runs OP+ as a either like it..or dont play anymore...
and since almost every major server now runs custom either like them...or dont play...
Lepton make the point that the DV hardly resembles the days of old...
I make the counter point....neither does the player base...
Every major revision has driven off a few more casual players who dont want to be bothered becomes to much hassle to just simply play....
The effort to counter the effects of nutters have left casual players in the they dont play anymore...
The answer is right in front of your faces and you simply refuse to address it...
An inverse CNC restriction.....the higher you go in rank...the more restrictions you face...
Casual players by definition...dont play much per day....or might only play one or two nights a week for a few hours...
Nutters by definiton play almost every day, usually for multiple hours at a sitting...(these are the guys who are allways on no matter what time of day you log in...or which day.....even *cough* ..on fathers day)....
Traditionally....DV CnC attempts have centered on ease of restrictions upon gaining rank...(IE...multiple ships...BCH's...etc etc...)
The effect?
The very person who needs to be restricted (the nutter)....gains PP AND rank faster than the casual they face less restrictions they can bank even more PP or fly classes that casual players simply cannot afford...nor compete with...
The result?
Casual players pack it in and head off to greener pastures....
I propose JUST ONE TIME....FOR ONE FREAKIN SERVER....we turn the CNC restrictions on their head...
Allow people to fly multiple ships until they gain such rank that they are putting in serious hours (gaining rank)...then phase in restrictions based on rank...
This controls the very people who can sway a server by the sheer amount of time they spend playing...and eases restrictions on people who dont effect the server as much because they dont play as much...
I mean someone wants to fly a mini fleet of FF's or DD's...for a few hours a week....who the hell cares?
Also....we got working Tenders and carriers for the off races....PUT THEM IN ALREADY!!!!!!

....restrict high rankers from using them and you'll have no worries of nutters running around with invincible fleets...
Price em high enough that by the time you can afford wont play it long becuase you'll rank your self OUT of one...
If the current trend doesnt change....only nutters will be playing....and what fun will that be?
No..I dont have a system worked out...
But use the concept of turning the CNC on its head....
By the time someone can afford the big guns...they should be high enough rank to face restrictions...
At least kick it around for a few eh?