Topic: Gentlemen, I need your help. Someone is stealing my work and the name OP+.  (Read 48166 times)

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Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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One suggestion for KIm i got though, read slowly and carefully the  chatt logs Firesoul posted.

I read those, several days back.  In them the representative of the accused promised Firesoul that the name-use was due to misunderstanding about what Firesoul's "permission to use" meant, and they agreed to respect his wishes and not use the name OP+.

Now I come here and find this thread.  (Wow, you miss all the hot stuff when you have a busy day and don't check every thread.)

If they'd already agreed not to use the name, what was the issue?  Did I miss something?  Did the accused write back and say, "screw what my friend says; I'm using your name and you can't stop me?"  I don't know.  I never went to his forum.  Maybe he *did* do that.  But if his organization had already agreed not to use the name OP+, what was the need for a flame campaign?

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline FireSoul

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I actually don't have much of an issue anymore.. hey did change the name after all. Status Quo has been restored.

.. but watching dizzy maul at that .. person.. is amusing. ;)

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

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Sorry Kim, I just gotta...

What's with being a down right jerk to a woman, do you feel all manly now? As long as you kept to the issue it was fine, but now you have gone and insulted somebody just trying to help. Maybe you would like a crew neck T-shirt and a beer to go along with your attack on a female.

The person you attacked for trying to be civil is a well respected member and you have stunk up the place by being decidedly UN-civil. She is allowed her thoughts just as much as you are allowed to be a jerk. (which you do very well at)


Geez Hoochie Poo, where were you when I was the damsel in distress.

You want flowers or sumth'n?


Offline Age

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Well, thats the thing, Leroy, I dont see how kim was attacked. I DO see how we as gents colectively went about our own way on handling this issue was to her dissapointment. I wouldnt have thought that would drive her off. Jakle's post doesnt seem ott, but if she was in a particular mood, that post could sting...

This is odd. I dont see too much kim hand holding, but this thread is full of it. I like kim, I dont want to see her upset, but I dont see the problem. Mb thats the problem. Men need to see a problem in order to fix it. Mb ithere isnt a problem to fix? Mb its one of those emotional things. I dunno. We as men always try and put on our Mr. Fix it hat and make things better. Be nice to do that for Kim right now, Im sure she doesnt need it, but Im kinda busy wearing my STOMP hat dealing with Morpheous. Ill have to get back to u guys... ;) Besides, walking on eggshells isnt something I like to do. Makes me uncomfiortable if I have to work into my think process wether or not something I say will offend kim. I dont think that ck stop will make it into the programming update. ;)
I will say this about you.That you almost drove me away from the Taldren Boards although I am only one.It would seems to me that D2 is lacking players.This goes to everyone although I am not that important around here considering you all joke at my postings and don't take me seriously and most of the time I am being serious.I get tired of explaining things out when I now I right and others joke about it.If you take that BCH debate it is thing like that I was being serious.I am not a joker unless it come down to practical ones.The one debate I keep getting into is that SFB is a exaggeration of Star Trek.This is enough said.If you want expand your player base start listening and knock off the jokes.

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Well, thats the thing, Leroy, I dont see how kim was attacked. I DO see how we as gents colectively went about our own way on handling this issue was to her dissapointment. I wouldnt have thought that would drive her off. Jakle's post doesnt seem ott, but if she was in a particular mood, that post could sting...

This is odd. I dont see too much kim hand holding, but this thread is full of it. I like kim, I dont want to see her upset, but I dont see the problem. Mb thats the problem. Men need to see a problem in order to fix it. Mb ithere isnt a problem to fix? Mb its one of those emotional things. I dunno. We as men always try and put on our Mr. Fix it hat and make things better. Be nice to do that for Kim right now, Im sure she doesnt need it, but Im kinda busy wearing my STOMP hat dealing with Morpheous. Ill have to get back to u guys... ;) Besides, walking on eggshells isnt something I like to do. Makes me uncomfiortable if I have to work into my think process wether or not something I say will offend kim. I dont think that ck stop will make it into the programming update. ;)
I will say this about you.That you almost drove me away from the Taldren Boards although I am only one.It would seems to me that D2 is lacking players.This goes to everyone although I am not that important around here considering you all joke at my postings and don't take me seriously and most of the time I am being serious.I get tired of explaining things out when I now I right and others joke about it.If you take that BCH debate it is thing like that I was being serious.I am not a joker unless it come down to practical ones.The one debate I keep getting into is that SFB is a exaggeration of Star Trek.This is enough said.If you want expand your player base start listening and knock off the jokes.

Don't take the jabs at your posts too seriously. AFAIK, the conclusions that you've drawn concerning the game are based soley on your experience in single player play, which is worlds away from multiplayer play. As you become more familiar with the MP realm on GSA and the Dyna, you'll come to understand alot of the stuff these guys are constantly arguin' about and that the Taldren F-BCE is p00p ;)
« Last Edit: July 21, 2004, 03:33:25 pm by SSCF-LeRoy »

Offline Dizzy

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That's a good one-liner age. ;)

Offline Hexx

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Ahhh Age Bashing... one of my few hobbies on this board

OK Age in the interest of keeping you around (and I would prefer you stay around and start to play)
I will say this about you.That you almost drove me away from the Taldren Boards although I am only one
Assuming you mean Dizzy.. ignore him. he likes to have his name show up but he's in the "has been" category
If you mean someone else- get used to it, everyone critiques everyone here..

.It would seems to me that D2 is lacking players.This goes to everyone although I am not that important around here considering you all joke at my postings and don't take me seriously and most of the time I am being serious.I get tired of explaining things out when I now I right and others joke about it.If you take that BCH debate it is thing like that I was being serious

See here's the problem with your BCH posts -and it kinda (well replace kinda with absolutely) has a link to your other posts as well.
You have NO idea what you'r talking about and <usually> don't bother to ask.
-When defending the BCE -you mentioned it "could fly speed 38.8, enough to outrun any plasma etc etc"
You put forth the idea that everyone playing this game for x years + had all this time been reading how fast the ships flew wrong. That we should actually look at the energy panel to see how fast they were going.
- You posted that you're own "modified" D7L was a great ship -well duh, my modded CWLP kicks ass as well- but no one will ever let it on in mulitplayer.
-All of your posts are that you can defeat the AI using tactic X etc,.
Everyone can beat the Ai (well except for J'inn... and I think I remember DH crying about it on TS one night)
Anytime ships are compared/tactics are asked for or discussed it's about PvP.
 So I'm sure it sounds rude -and I don't really mean it to be- but no one cares about how you beat a CCZ with a CWLP in 30  minutes or so against the AI (should take about 5-6 minutes btw)
Beat a CCZ with a CWLP in a PvP (taking as long as you want) and everyone will listen to you.

To (kinda) sum up- stop posting tactics or opinions you've decided are ritght about the game based on playing against the AI. (ex)-the BCE is perhaps the worst BCH in the game, doesn't mean you can't like it, doesn't mean you can't have fun flying it. But really you'll have more fun if you get online, listen to what advice your fleetmates can offer and go learn these things for yourself.

-And stop posting about how hot it is so that you can't play, unless you're living in the Danakil Depression , it's not to hot to play...  ;D

.I am not a joker unless it come down to practical ones.The one debate I keep getting into is that SFB is a exaggeration of Star Trek.This is enough said.If you want expand your player base start listening and knock off the jokes.

Again listen to what? _It may sound harsh, but offer us something woth listening to and I think you'll find an attentive audience.. offer eroneous information and misconstrued ideas concerning the game and you're not going to get very far. Ask questions. it's good for you.
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Offline Max Power

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See here's the problem with your BCH posts -and it kinda (well replace kinda with absolutely) has a link to your other posts as well.
You have NO idea what you'r talking about and <usually> don't bother to ask.

Ding ding. And not only that his posts are mostly unintelligible. I don't even read them because I usually can't understand what he's saying - and when I can, they make me laugh.

I mean, I can understand clueless, but how hard is it to construct a coherent train of thought?

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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See here's the problem with your BCH posts -and it kinda (well replace kinda with absolutely) has a link to your other posts as well.
You have NO idea what you'r talking about and <usually> don't bother to ask.

Ding ding. And not only that his posts are mostly unintelligible. I don't even read them because I usually can't understand what he's saying - and when I can, they make me laugh.

I mean, I can understand clueless, but how hard is it to construct a coherent train of thought?

At least one person has already been insulted and driven off with this thread. Let's not add any more to the roster.


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Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?




Offline MBDay

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See here's the problem with your BCH posts -and it kinda (well replace kinda with absolutely) has a link to your other posts as well.
You have NO idea what you'r talking about and <usually> don't bother to ask.

Ding ding. And not only that his posts are mostly unintelligible. I don't even read them because I usually can't understand what he's saying - and when I can, they make me laugh.

I mean, I can understand clueless, but how hard is it to construct a coherent train of thought?

  I'm sorry but this one Max has installed me. And here is the reason for it. There are people like my shelf who can make a coherent train of thought but have a hard time putting in writeing. There is a medical reason for it. The name I can not rememeber but by you posting that and not thinking makes those of use that have a very very hard time putting a coherent train of thought in write is installing to say the very lest. Next time you decied there is a need to make a post like this please think of those out here that might read iot and be installed by it.


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See here's the problem with your BCH posts -and it kinda (well replace kinda with absolutely) has a link to your other posts as well.
You have NO idea what you'r talking about and <usually> don't bother to ask.

Ding ding. And not only that his posts are mostly unintelligible. I don't even read them because I usually can't understand what he's saying - and when I can, they make me laugh.

I mean, I can understand clueless, but how hard is it to construct a coherent train of thought?
This was nasty ,insensitive and uncalled for >:(
 Were going to have a heck of a time getting new people to join fleets, and this web site. With this childish petty, drivel going on.  >:( >:( >:(

Offline KAT J'inn

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Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?




Somebody is a tad slower than usual lately.   Just wait until he finds my other gems. 


Offline Evil Kraven

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That is true, Dizzy. Kim doesn't need anyone to stick up for her, but we are the SSCF and that's what we do; we stand by our fleet mates.

hey thats perfectly understandable. and I agree with you totaly on that.

now I don't know kim at all. she seems like a nice person, just wants to help fix a problem she sees in her fashion. but what kim needs to understand is that:
1) not everyone agrees with her aproach
2) people take things different ways, and sometimes we get a little passionate about things
3) just cause you have a different view than someone else does'nt mean your right and thier wrong
4) princess morphous got called on the carpet and sent to the woodshed by not only the d2 crowd, but a few others who heard about this as well.

now if you all would have gone over with milk and cookies, nothing would have happend. if some people (especially FS himself) did'nt lambaste him on GSA, others who don't read the D2 forum would have taken this piece of garbage as Firesouls newest OPPLUS version. especially since he was spamming it on gsa with his lackys.

think about this for a sec. you don't visit D2, you hear about it on gsa. you see everyone touting firsouls 3.3 so u get it. then someone is spamming a new OPPLUS 4.0 and your like "cool, FS has a new upgrade, I loved 3.3 so let me get 4.0".  they go through the BS of down loading this POS (thats right I said POS, cause basicly thats what it is.) and maybe they have 56k like myself. so its hours of downloading. then you find out that its sucks cause its bugged all to hell ( on the wgl boards its noted that their are some problems with wepons not loading, not seen, and that it will be fixed in a later patch). your opinion of Firesoul and his OPPLUS is that it sucks.

how f'n wrong is that? you downloaded it based on his prior work, and reputation.

so sometimes the "milk and cookies" "kiss on the cheeks" does'nt cut the mustard. this would be one of those cases. princess morphous would have continued calling it, OPPLUS 4.0 etc etc etc. not for the good of the sfc community as he states, but for his own agenda.

I'm sorry bud, but if were not for those who ripped him to shreds on this, it never would have stoped.

I respect you standing up for your fleetmates. absolutly. I just disagree with kims approach is all. the little I know of her is from playing in the gw series on d2. hope she continues. she's a asset to the community. maybe you can smooth things over for us here with her........maybe bring her some "milk and cookies?"

hey man, when I get pissed at work over something......nothing like a cookie to make things a little better.

I'll have to ask mini me to post some chocolate chip cookie recipes on this thread. he's got some pretty good ones. damm good cookies if I say so myself. kim can bring the milk, and we'll all feel alot better eh?

"The Evil One"

Offline Dizzy

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well said, kraven...

I bake a mean chewy chip Kim. C'mon over to my house and we'll pull up a chair, flame kroma and his pink panties and watch the fire go sky high eating these delicious chocolate chewy chips and milk... ;)

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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That is true, Dizzy. Kim doesn't need anyone to stick up for her, but we are the SSCF and that's what we do; we stand by our fleet mates.

hey thats perfectly understandable. and I agree with you totaly on that.

now I don't know kim at all. she seems like a nice person, just wants to help fix a problem she sees in her fashion. but what kim needs to understand is that:
1) not everyone agrees with her aproach
2) people take things different ways, and sometimes we get a little passionate about things
3) just cause you have a different view than someone else does'nt mean your right and thier wrong
4) princess morphous got called on the carpet and sent to the woodshed by not only the d2 crowd, but a few others who heard about this as well.

now if you all would have gone over with milk and cookies, nothing would have happend. if some people (especially FS himself) did'nt lambaste him on GSA, others who don't read the D2 forum would have taken this piece of garbage as Firesouls newest OPPLUS version. especially since he was spamming it on gsa with his lackys.

think about this for a sec. you don't visit D2, you hear about it on gsa. you see everyone touting firsouls 3.3 so u get it. then someone is spamming a new OPPLUS 4.0 and your like "cool, FS has a new upgrade, I loved 3.3 so let me get 4.0".  they go through the BS of down loading this POS (thats right I said POS, cause basicly thats what it is.) and maybe they have 56k like myself. so its hours of downloading. then you find out that its sucks cause its bugged all to hell ( on the wgl boards its noted that their are some problems with wepons not loading, not seen, and that it will be fixed in a later patch). your opinion of Firesoul and his OPPLUS is that it sucks.

how f'n wrong is that? you downloaded it based on his prior work, and reputation.

so sometimes the "milk and cookies" "kiss on the cheeks" does'nt cut the mustard. this would be one of those cases. princess morphous would have continued calling it, OPPLUS 4.0 etc etc etc. not for the good of the sfc community as he states, but for his own agenda.

I'm sorry bud, but if were not for those who ripped him to shreds on this, it never would have stoped.

I respect you standing up for your fleetmates. absolutly. I just disagree with kims approach is all. the little I know of her is from playing in the gw series on d2. hope she continues. she's a asset to the community. maybe you can smooth things over for us here with her........maybe bring her some "milk and cookies?"

hey man, when I get pissed at work over something......nothing like a cookie to make things a little better.

I'll have to ask mini me to post some chocolate chip cookie recipes on this thread. he's got some pretty good ones. damm good cookies if I say so myself. kim can bring the milk, and we'll all feel alot better eh?

"The Evil One"

I have no interest in this whole issue with Morpheus (don't know anythin' 'bout the gent') and I don't care about how you guys handle this person. The only thing I took exception to was that "namby-pamby diatribe" crack. That statement could have been phrased a lil' bit more "constructively" and delivered in a more respectful manner, especially so to somebody who has been as civil towards the rest of the community as Kim has been. If Kim was bein' ugly, then I'd say, "That oughtta learn ya, dern ya.", but she wasn't. She was tryin' to be nice as usual and got p00ped on in return. Not a real good incentive to stick around.

Offline KHH Jakle

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She was pooping on us for not living up to her expectations of enlightened males.

I didn't draw first poop

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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She was just sick of our constant reactionary abrasiveness I imagine, and IMO she handled it fine. Everyone please lay off her.

LeRoy you aren't helping matters by prattling on. Just let it rest already.
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Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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She was just sick of our constant reactionary abrasiveness I imagine, and IMO she handled it fine. Everyone please lay off her.

LeRoy you aren't helping matters by prattling on. Just let it rest already.

But I like to prattle! But if you insist...

I'll tell ya what, keep Piggy in his basement away from me and ya have a deal

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But I like to prattle! But if you insist...

I'll tell ya what, keep Piggy in his basement away from me and ya have a deal

No deal!
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