FS - Okay, then what about the rest of the SFB-based races?
*thinks* ..
.. we just don't have the right weapons and systems to reproduce them right. I'm not even happy with the way the Orion Pirates are implemented without real option mounts, but at least there we have the ability to just do as many permutations as possible.
The closest we have are Andros..
Good: We have TRL and TRH weapons, but we can't make them as scary as they really are with shields and no disdev..
Semi-good: There *IS* the possibility of deploying sat ships as if they were PFs, but they won't be deployed at a distance.. (meh)
Semi-good: The disdev can be simulated through the use of the deepscan and setting the ship to go at an insane speed for some small time.. but this is all scripting.
Bad: No proper use of the insane batteries and energy uses.. as well as the power panels which can just dissipate absorbed damage into space..
..as you can see, this *CAN* be "simulated" .. but would never be as impressive as the real thing. Heck! We can't even do the simple thing of beaming out a marine satship directly onto a planet's surface to deploy the troops faster! .. yesss.. you CAN do that in SFB.

.. no.. I suggest we wait for the ability to really do this right.. with option mounts for the pirates.. disdevs and powerpanels for the Andros and webs for the Tholians. Let's do this properly.

-- Luc