Topic: Gentlemen, I need your help. Someone is stealing my work and the name OP+.  (Read 48169 times)

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Offline Max Power

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If paramount exploded into a smoking hole tomarrow I think I might be glad. Anyway, as for the rest of the races, I don't see how it could be done. Andros really need 3 things - working reserve power, a displacement device, and power absorber panels. About as unreachable as tholian web currently (and I know that some people are working on scripts for the displacement device).

Offline FireSoul

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FS - Okay, then what about the rest of the SFB-based races?

*thinks* ..
.. we just don't have the right weapons and systems to reproduce them right. I'm not even happy with the way the Orion Pirates are implemented without real option mounts, but at least there we have the ability to just do as many permutations as possible.

The closest we have are Andros..
Good: We have TRL and TRH weapons, but we can't make them as scary as they really are with shields and no disdev.. 
Semi-good: There *IS* the possibility of deploying sat ships as if they were PFs, but they won't be deployed at a distance..  (meh)
Semi-good: The disdev can be simulated through the use of the deepscan and setting the ship to go at an insane speed for some small time.. but this is all scripting.
Bad: No proper use of the insane batteries and energy uses.. as well as the power panels which can just dissipate absorbed damage into space.. you can see, this *CAN* be "simulated" .. but would never be as impressive as the real thing. Heck! We can't even do the simple thing of beaming out a marine satship directly onto a planet's surface to deploy the troops faster! .. yesss.. you CAN do that in SFB. ;)

.. no.. I suggest we wait for the ability to really do this right.. with option mounts for the pirates.. disdevs and powerpanels for the Andros and webs for the Tholians. Let's do this properly. ;)

-- Luc

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Offline KAT J'inn

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Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?
..hmmm disturbing...

Yes very.   He says he likes it while smoking a good Phillies Blunt and eating a fried Murray's Steaks burger.

I pity the poor guy.

I suggest we all pray for him and be thankful . . .

For there but for the blessing of working tatsebuds go I.


J'inn the Humanitarian


Offline Sirgod

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"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War


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Just so you all know, I moved Katherine's post because it was a thinly veiled attack by her on  There are many people who spend a good part of their day concerned only with spreading mistruths, half truths, etc.  We won't tolerate the game being played here.  That is why the post was removed.  I am going to do the same thing to Victor1st's last post.

Thank you.

Offline Sirgod

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Understood again Kortez. Thanks for being there as a Mod for us.

"You cannot exaggerate about the Marines. They are convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth - and the amusing thing about it is that they are."- Father Kevin Keaney, Chaplain, Korean War


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Thanks everyone.

Offline Astarte

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J'inn = Clueless

What is a Morph?

Who are these people?

Can somebody answer these questions for me?

Morph is some sort of bipedal humanoid.  Natural habitat and racial characteristics are still under debate.

People??!!? Where?! *looks about calculatingly*

And no..unfortunately, no one can answer these questions.  You must travel to the end of the universe, battle the never before seen urknard, and then seek out the wise and gracious omnipotent one for these answers.

*pets J'inn and hands him a colourful ball of yarn to play with*

Offline Max Power

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Just so you all know, I moved Katherine's post because it was a thinly veiled attack by her on  There are many people who spend a good part of their day concerned only with spreading mistruths, half truths, etc.  We won't tolerate the game being played here.  That is why the post was removed.  I am going to do the same thing to Victor1st's last post.

Thank you.

But we didn't even get the chance to work up to some first class flaming yet! I object. Not like the old days :)

Offline _SSCF_Hooch

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Rolling - what's with the namby-pamby diatribe?

Stop lecturing everybody on the proper way to issue resolution.  "Oh thank you Morph, thank you so much for being so generous and reversing what was an Outright, lowdown, dirty usurpation of some ones hard work and energy and claiming it for yourself.  Your such a sweet heart!"


I respect your right to deal with issues how ever you see fit - but don't drown us with sugary sweet bile and tell us THAT is the appropriate way to deal with situations such as this. 

You're embarrassed?  sheesh......

Sorry Kim, I just gotta...

What's with being a down right jerk to a woman, do you feel all manly now? As long as you kept to the issue it was fine, but now you have gone and insulted somebody just trying to help. Maybe you would like a crew neck T-shirt and a beer to go along with your attack on a female.

The person you attacked for trying to be civil is a well respected member and you have stunk up the place by being decidedly UN-civil. She is allowed her thoughts just as much as you are allowed to be a jerk. (which you do very well at)


Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Rolling - what's with the namby-pamby diatribe?

Stop lecturing everybody on the proper way to issue resolution.  "Oh thank you Morph, thank you so much for being so generous and reversing what was an Outright, lowdown, dirty usurpation of some ones hard work and energy and claiming it for yourself.  Your such a sweet heart!"


I respect your right to deal with issues how ever you see fit - but don't drown us with sugary sweet bile and tell us THAT is the appropriate way to deal with situations such as this. 

You're embarrassed?  sheesh......

Sorry Kim, I just gotta...

What's with being a down right jerk to a woman, do you feel all manly now? As long as you kept to the issue it was fine, but now you have gone and insulted somebody just trying to help. Maybe you would like a crew neck T-shirt and a beer to go along with your attack on a female.

The person you attacked for trying to be civil is a well respected member and you have stunk up the place by being decidedly UN-civil. She is allowed her thoughts just as much as you are allowed to be a jerk. (which you do very well at)


Here here!

See what I mean, Dizzy?

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Was Kim attacked?  I didn't see that, to me it looked like people simply diagreed with her as to how to handle this issue.
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Dizzy

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Well, thats the thing, Leroy, I dont see how kim was attacked. I DO see how we as gents colectively went about our own way on handling this issue was to her dissapointment. I wouldnt have thought that would drive her off. Jakle's post doesnt seem ott, but if she was in a particular mood, that post could sting...

This is odd. I dont see too much kim hand holding, but this thread is full of it. I like kim, I dont want to see her upset, but I dont see the problem. Mb thats the problem. Men need to see a problem in order to fix it. Mb ithere isnt a problem to fix? Mb its one of those emotional things. I dunno. We as men always try and put on our Mr. Fix it hat and make things better. Be nice to do that for Kim right now, Im sure she doesnt need it, but Im kinda busy wearing my STOMP hat dealing with Morpheous. Ill have to get back to u guys... ;) Besides, walking on eggshells isnt something I like to do. Makes me uncomfiortable if I have to work into my think process wether or not something I say will offend kim. I dont think that ck stop will make it into the programming update. ;)

Offline KHH Jakle

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Morph's publicly announced goal has been and is to 'kill GZ'.  I believe that this effort of his was toward that end.  He knows that GZ has adopted FS's OP+ as the default shiplist (and that any new release is to be adopted immediately).  So, basically I think his goal was to get enough of the GSA lobby to move to the OPPLUS 4.0 (by hook or by crook) that GZ would be put into a big squeeze - people don't care for switching back and forth between shiplists.  That, and '4.0' gives the impression that GZ is behind the times and WGL is a progressive league where all the new action is.

So he's out to kill GZ? who can verify this? That's probably not all that great of an idea, cuz some ppl who enjoy GZ spill over into the D2 from time to time. I dont want any part of any D2 community killed off. Hurts player numbers.

I'd like to know what his reasoning is if true.

OLD NEWS .... I can't even really explain it in detail, because I wasn't around for it so it would all be hearsay - I can say that GZ sprung from AFCUB, which was formed as an answer to TGIC (which became WGL) when Morph's predeliction for being a control freak and some one questionable tendencies in the fairness arena came into question.

Bottom-line is this:  while GZ has historically had some player issues when previous owners/admins were there, since last fall I would say we have consolidated out player base to the kind of players you all would recognize: people that are there to play SFC in an open clean atmosphere with no ego's or shenanigans.  That being the case, I am not terribly concerned with Morph's efforts to kill us ....the only thing I fear is time.

Offline KHH Jakle

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Rolling - what's with the namby-pamby diatribe?

Stop lecturing everybody on the proper way to issue resolution.  "Oh thank you Morph, thank you so much for being so generous and reversing what was an Outright, lowdown, dirty usurpation of some ones hard work and energy and claiming it for yourself.  Your such a sweet heart!"


I respect your right to deal with issues how ever you see fit - but don't drown us with sugary sweet bile and tell us THAT is the appropriate way to deal with situations such as this. 

You're embarrassed?  sheesh......

Sorry Kim, I just gotta...

What's with being a down right jerk to a woman, do you feel all manly now? As long as you kept to the issue it was fine, but now you have gone and insulted somebody just trying to help. Maybe you would like a crew neck T-shirt and a beer to go along with your attack on a female.

The person you attacked for trying to be civil is a well respected member and you have stunk up the place by being decidedly UN-civil. She is allowed her thoughts just as much as you are allowed to be a jerk. (which you do very well at)


Here here!

See what I mean, Dizzy?

Whatch out - I don't think Kim would appreciate you attacking me.  You should buy me flowers first, and right out your complaint in a poem, preferably in iambic pentameter.

Jeez - you'd think I punched her. 

I'm sorry, but her tantrum (if you look at what she wrote - it was her doing veritable kicking and screaming - not any of us grunting scratching brutish males) needed a response.  Besides, you give me too much credit - it seems to me that she was thoroughly disgusted with our neanderthal behavior prior to my response.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Whatch out - I don't think Kim would appreciate you attacking me.  You should buy me flowers first, and right out your complaint in a poem, preferably in iambic pentameter.

No Poems!!!  Look what happened to WaterTigger  :rofl:
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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 There is no doubt about the intentions Morpheous had, If we hadnt acted fast  he had succded with his foul play. There are times for diplomatic activities and times to Draw a line> I for my part posted him directly what i think he was up to, it was an attempt of blatant thievery which we stoped  and thats it.
As i was the first  who posted on their boards directly after firesouls response,i assume the "caveman" expression ,Kim used was also a tag for me.
I dont know that woman, and i object to brownnose people who just tryed to rip me off  ,one of my friends  or XC. I  will not excuse for that.

One suggestion for KIm i got though, read slowly and carefully the  chatt logs Firesoul posted.
IF you really  READ what  stands there you will eventually grasp what this guy tryed,and in what a jackass fashion.
 I doubt we need people like him arround,i even would go as far as saying we dont need people  who act like him at all.

weired times we live in, the just cause has to defend  itself.. ,..ODD.

Caveman...  CM.E.Kehakoul_XC
« Last Edit: July 21, 2004, 01:25:59 pm by CM.E.Kehakoul_XC »

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Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Sorry Kim, I just gotta...

What's with being a down right jerk to a woman, do you feel all manly now? As long as you kept to the issue it was fine, but now you have gone and insulted somebody just trying to help. Maybe you would like a crew neck T-shirt and a beer to go along with your attack on a female.

The person you attacked for trying to be civil is a well respected member and you have stunk up the place by being decidedly UN-civil. She is allowed her thoughts just as much as you are allowed to be a jerk. (which you do very well at)


Geez Hoochie Poo, where were you when I was the damsel in distress.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline Dizzy

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Exactly kehak. And furthermore, there was no 'bridge' to build to anyone on his side, and certainly no reason to showcase ourselves for sale to a smacktard and his like for that matter like what Kim was trying to allude to.

The way we handled ourselves, there was no embarrassment on our part that is for sure. In fact, with the exception of a few outspoken critics of our actions, we all sorta teamed up and stood together toe to toe on this one. Kinda cool.

But it's not over yet.