Topic: Gentlemen, I need your help. Someone is stealing my work and the name OP+.  (Read 48170 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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See... here's the dilema. I walk into the lobby of OP GSA and all the games are 4.0. What to do? Leave or stay and play and condone Morpheous' actions? It's either that or we stomp the hell out of this WGL 4.0 sh*t right here right now.

I say you immediately release version 4.1 of OP+ wether there are changes or not. Spam the f*ck out of everything to ppl D/L it.

Keep doing it till you raise enough awareness so that all the community peeps on both sides of the fence know for a fact that WGL's ripped off version of your shiplist is crap and isnt supported by you at all.

Cylons... WTF is this dude thinking he is? The savior of OP GSA he says...  :rofl:


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Rolling got one thing right.

Damage has been done.  There is now "murmurings" happening in the SFC 2 and OP fleets with that hammering that Morph got.

You lot seem to forget that even though WGL is basically a dying league it still has it's following.  Fire may have got what he wanted, but the reputation of WGL has been damaged anyway, it always has been.  However from what i have been seeing in email reports sent to me THIS place will suffer even more in the future.

Part of the 3 arms of the STGD is with the fleets, when they aint happy about something or when there is rumours or murmurings going on and certain fleets decide to act...i hear about it.

Anyway, nothing to do with me, its between and the other side.  STGD is standing back from all this.

Offline Age

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  What do you mean this place will suffer in the future.

Offline KAT J'inn

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J'inn = Clueless

What is WGL?

What is STDG?

What is a Morph?

Who are these people?

Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?

Can somebody answer these questions for me?

Offline Green

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No.  But it really doesn't matter.

So anyway, when are the Tholians getting into OP+?

Offline Bonk

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After noting the "cylons" part of this I have to try and look at this from a kid's perspective (i.e. most of us are way too old...)

It is really unfortunate this happened - we have to work on a mechanism to prevent its reoccurance (isn't the obligation of the DGA to do exactly that kind of thing, no? - a registry of mods perhaps? (ack?))

A shame on two accounts - FireSoul has been unnecessarily offended and a potential mod gets whitewashed from the start.

OK, I have to be honest and say that I speak from experience here, the basis of SFB-OP is a shiplist by a fellow who went by the name of "gman" a few years ago. I found the shiplist on a website, and posted my intentions on Taldren to use it. I have to admit I never got explicit permission from "gman" to even do so. (that I recall...)
I would not have continued with it (even using the same name - eerily similar...) but he never asked me to do so, perhaps because it turned out ok and he went on to better things?

Anyway, back to the kid's perspective... Cylons and Cardassians and the like are going to be exciting... this mod concept has potential (though I haven't checked it out)... it wouldn't be for me, but I think a lot of younger folks might like it (especially if developed and improved like other welcomed mods)... and they may come to like traditional SFC too.. :) <---***note important point...***

So how did this mod lose its welcome? Well its obvious that misusing an exisitng mod name can cause considerable trouble.

Is there a way to prevent this kind of thing? I'm sure no one started out with ill intentions and heck, you have to be motivated to mod a game even if it isnt top notch like OP+.

Would a registry here work? With a clear mission statement to encourage all mods and simply approve/mediate reuse of materials?? (mostly just to prevent misunderstandings like this)

Would people use one? How to make it work? hmmmm....

I'm not saying this very well but, this really sucks.

(especially since it seems KRolling has stomped(been driven?) off...  :'(
I apologise if my posts contributed to that at all,
please don't hold our hormones against us... we're just men...
we can change, if we have to ... we guess...
Think - "Red Green"... god we are too old for this...)

Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?
..hmmm disturbing...

So anyway, when are the Tholians getting into OP+?

Good question, I'd love to see em added... will it happen? I suspect no, as it does not fulfill the classic mandate of OP+... recite with me now... ;)... lol...
I would like to see FireSoul's best take on some specialty races though, I figure he's best qualified to make them as accurate within the parameters of the game as possible... no actual web weapons or dis devs etc... God! where is that source?...

« Last Edit: July 20, 2004, 05:46:14 pm by Bonk »

Offline Dizzy

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Rolling got one thing right.

Damage has been done.  There is now "murmurings" happening in the SFC 2 and OP fleets with that hammering that Morph got.

Whatever that means.

Morpheous afaic, hasnt gotten off the hook yet. What he did/still doing is absolutely BS. I take what he is doing just the same way as if he took the Slave Girls name and started a server with it using MY work. So if I could, I'd hamstring him, his site and everything he has put his gruby little hands on before I go back and finish him off.

If he is man enough, which I know he isnt, he'd come to this thread and defend himself openly. No more hiding out, cover ups and deleted posts. Right now respect for him is hanging by an rch. Credibility, puhlease.

I'm surprised anyone is surprised that there is a major ruckuss about this. Jayson Blair got headline news for a week. Heh. I'm a click away from a custom sig honoring him... He thinks he can make this go away by changing a name and deleting a few posts, he better think again.

Offline Strafer

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Well, using the material is all fine and good Dizzy. DIP has done it and so have others.
This was just the first time someone had the gall to take liberties with not just the material but swiping the whole thing.

I have no clue where this Morpheus character took his info that OP+ was over a year old abandonware but 3.2 was released in the middle of SS2 and 3.3 just as GW2 was in dev works. That's Jan and May of this year.

Taking a tangent with the material: fine.
Performing nametheft: denied, and stopped dead in it's tracks before it evolved into acceptace.
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Offline KHH Jakle

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Rolling got one thing right.

Damage has been done.  There is now "murmurings" happening in the SFC 2 and OP fleets with that hammering that Morph got.

You lot seem to forget that even though WGL is basically a dying league it still has it's following.  Fire may have got what he wanted, but the reputation of WGL has been damaged anyway, it always has been.  However from what i have been seeing in email reports sent to me THIS place will suffer even more in the future.

Part of the 3 arms of the STGD is with the fleets, when they aint happy about something or when there is rumours or murmurings going on and certain fleets decide to act...i hear about it.

Anyway, nothing to do with me, its between and the other side.  STGD is standing back from all this.

You are putting way too much stock into WGL's place in the GSA side of the SFC community.

For one thing, the GSA only side of the community is pretty sparse now when compared to this one.  In terms of total playerbase, is huge and relatively organized.  In terms of actual warm bodies logged on - I compared the GW D2 to the GSA lobby - GW consistenely hit peak daily numbers that GSA could not muster except MAYBE on Friday and Saturday, and then only during the 7-10pm est slot.

Now that's total GSA OP lobby.  Now, WGL is one of two Leagues present amongst the GSA players.  To be perfectly honest, I can't make a legit argument as to which league has what % of the GSA players joined up.  I am sure WGL will claim to have more, but lets say 33% each.  The other 33% are unaffiliated - interesting thing about OP is that it has a lot of long time OP players that were here before either League moved over, and have continued to be unaffiliated.

Anyway - so WGL 'followers' (meaning people who would hold a grudge over this) consist of and even smaller subset of that 33%: Morph, Google....maybe a single 'fleet'?  That's pretty shallow reach.

On the flipside, organizationally, GZ has a positive view of this community as we have come to know it over the last 7 months.  So, you can rest assured that our 33% is only gonna hear positive press from us.

That unaffiliated 33% is mostly all D2 guys anyway.

So, that's my unpartisan attempt to put this into perspective from a 'GSA v D2' crowd thing.

Now, here is some partisan comments:

It's my belief that Morph's main goal here was to not deliberately besmirch Firesoul's rep or steal his hard work.  I am certain he was totally taken by surprise when this D2 posse came knockin on his forum to call him out on what he'd done.  Those that saw his initial response - he thought all those people were GZ guys, and I for the first and last time posted there to make sure he new that with the exception of Gendo, none of the posters were with GZ.

Morph's publicly announced goal has been and is to 'kill GZ'.  I believe that this effort of his was toward that end.  He knows that GZ has adopted FS's OP+ as the default shiplist (and that any new release is to be adopted immediately).  So, basically I think his goal was to get enough of the GSA lobby to move to the OPPLUS 4.0 (by hook or by crook) that GZ would be put into a big squeeze - people don't care for switching back and forth between shiplists.  That, and '4.0' gives the impression that GZ is behind the times and WGL is a progressive league where all the new action is.

I guess in an off handed way, i am defending him:  He was only misrepresenting himself to a very small segment of the SFC community, and I don't think he planned on any of that getting back to Firesoul - and if it did, it wouldn't spill over to the GSA lobby.  There is a widely held misconception amongst many that ONLY play on GSA that the D2 side of the house has no dealings with with GSA, and that probably was fundamental in him taking the course he did.

Anyway....that's my long winded take on the situation

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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And I'm wondering why she needs you to comment on it. Kims a big girl and she should know we wont always do things the way she does. I dont think she needs you sticking up for her her skewed reaction to something that wasnt under her control in the first place.

That is true, Dizzy. Kim doesn't need anyone to stick up for her, but we are the SSCF and that's what we do; we stand by our fleet mates.

Offline Max Power

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If you want the credit then you can have it, but I seriously doubt that was the reason.

Going over and threating a person for doing something that displeased us is not using out collective wit.

I am disappointed in the way you guys act.  You have all gave the a bad reputation with your loud mouth, arrogant behavior, and smacktalk.

There are so many ways to accomplish the goal that would increase your value, but instead you all go in as hot heads and think you can force people to change when none of you can change.

This was all handled wrong from the beginning to end.

I cannot express enough my displeasure in all of you at this time.

You're a bunch of babies!!!!

ROFL....I personally like to humiliate the worthy. And this guy fits the bill, hehe.

And none too soon!

Offline Max Power

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J'inn = Clueless

What is WGL?

This question alone I think tells you all you need to know..

What is STDG?

If you have to ask it can't be that important.

What is a Morph?

A smacktard.

Who are these people?

Which ones?
Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?

We are only men, not gods.

Offline FireSoul

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Besides, I have my own beef with this wether FS can appreciate my stance or not.

Oh, I appreciate it. Good to have you on my side. I enjoyed every bit of the flaming smack you gave Morpheous. ;)

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline FireSoul

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No.  But it really doesn't matter.

So anyway, when are the Tholians getting into OP+?

Sorry Green.. Tholians are not in stock OP either, and so they won't be in OP+ either.. I also always assumed that if ever this game becomes modifiable in such a way to add races and weapons (sourcecode?) the ships of OP+ would in fact become 'stock' on their own.

Until then, I will stick to the focus.. and continue making FireSoul's OP+.

-- Luc

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline FireSoul

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See... here's the dilema. I walk into the lobby of OP GSA and all the games are 4.0. What to do? Leave or stay and play and condone Morpheous' actions? It's either that or we stomp the hell out of this WGL 4.0 sh*t right here right now.

I say you immediately release version 4.1 of OP+ wether there are changes or not. Spam the f*ck out of everything to ppl D/L it.

Keep doing it till you raise enough awareness so that all the community peeps on both sides of the fence know for a fact that WGL's ripped off version of your shiplist is crap and isnt supported by you at all.

Cylons... WTF is this dude thinking he is? The savior of OP GSA he says...  :rofl:

I'll do better.. I expect to have Module R8 at the end of this week, and at some point in the near future, release a "FireSoul's OP+ v 3.4".
.. yes. 3.4..

I want to show people that I don't play this 4.0 game and that this mod will continue on schedule with the best queality possible, regardless of what happened. I'm sure many will wonder why 3.4 is superior to the 3rd party's version 4.0 ;)

-- Luc

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline Astarte

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*notes that WGLOP+ 7Races Add-on is an add-on not a mod.*

Offline FireSoul

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.. *sigh* ..

edit: Katherine? Where'd your post go?

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline Dizzy

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Morph's publicly announced goal has been and is to 'kill GZ'.  I believe that this effort of his was toward that end.  He knows that GZ has adopted FS's OP+ as the default shiplist (and that any new release is to be adopted immediately).  So, basically I think his goal was to get enough of the GSA lobby to move to the OPPLUS 4.0 (by hook or by crook) that GZ would be put into a big squeeze - people don't care for switching back and forth between shiplists.  That, and '4.0' gives the impression that GZ is behind the times and WGL is a progressive league where all the new action is.

So he's out to kill GZ? who can verify this? That's probably not all that great of an idea, cuz some ppl who enjoy GZ spill over into the D2 from time to time. I dont want any part of any D2 community killed off. Hurts player numbers.

I'd like to know what his reasoning is if true.

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Thats what i like about this place, if you dont agree with the mod rule you get thumped, hell, Nanner is still doing it to Vic and he's in HOSPITAL.

Also, whats STGD?  It's the site that held the interview with Harry Lang and its the site that asked Harry to visit this place.  It's also the site which is hosting over half of the mods for SFC 3 and gets around 10,000 to 20,000 hits a day...and it's Star Trek's no.1 PC game site.  As some people in here said though, its not important.

See ya, youve lost another member.

And Harry Lang would be?  And where are these 10-20K players per day at?

Okay, I admit, obnoxious responses, but this is the D2 area of the forums.  If the same was posted in the D3 area, I assume a different response would have been made.  

SFC3 is a good game for many players.  So is Myst and the Sims.  But I personally don't care for any of them.  There are many D3 players who say the same for SFC2.  No problem, we'll each get to play our own game and not worry.  They ARE different games.  A few players do play both happily (:D), but that does not mean all others must also.

PS - I'm glad there was a rain-down-of-smack on the use of the name 'OP+4.0.'  The current changed name is great, and it would have been a good one to start with.  There was credit given  :thumbsup: but using the name and adding new version number w/o an okay was a foul  :thumbsdown:.

FS - Okay, then what about the rest of the SFB-based races?

Offline FireSoul

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I wish to send out a heartfelt apology to people who are leaving these forums because of something I started: I did not intend for this to spill over into something that are causing any form of rift in any community.

-- Luc

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models