After noting the "cylons" part of this I have to try and look at this from a kid's perspective (i.e. most of us are way too old...)
It is really unfortunate this happened - we have to work on a mechanism to prevent its reoccurance (isn't the obligation of the DGA to do exactly that kind of thing, no? - a registry of mods perhaps? (ack?))
A shame on two accounts - FireSoul has been unnecessarily offended and a potential mod gets whitewashed from the start.
OK, I have to be honest and say that I speak from experience here, the basis of SFB-OP is a shiplist by a fellow who went by the name of "gman" a few years ago. I found the shiplist on a website, and posted my intentions on Taldren to use it. I have to admit I never got explicit permission from "gman" to even do so. (that I recall...)
I would not have continued with it (even using the same name - eerily similar...) but he never asked me to do so, perhaps because it turned out ok and he went on to better things?
Anyway, back to the kid's perspective... Cylons and Cardassians and the like are going to be exciting... this mod concept has potential (though I haven't checked it out)... it wouldn't be for me, but I think a lot of younger folks might like it (especially if developed and improved like other welcomed mods)... and they may come to like traditional SFC too..

<---***note important point...***
So how did this mod lose its welcome? Well its obvious that misusing an exisitng mod name can cause considerable trouble.
Is there a way to prevent this kind of thing? I'm sure no one started out with ill intentions and heck, you have to be motivated to mod a game even if it isnt top notch like OP+.
Would a registry here work? With a clear mission statement to encourage all mods and simply approve/mediate reuse of materials?? (mostly just to prevent misunderstandings like this)
Would people use one? How to make it work? hmmmm....
I'm not saying this very well but, this really sucks.
(especially since it seems KRolling has stomped(been driven?) off...

I apologise if my posts contributed to that at all,
please don't hold our hormones against us... we're just men...
we can change, if we have to ... we guess...
Think - "Red Green"... god we are too old for this...)
Why does 762 drink Cutty Sark?
..hmmm disturbing...
So anyway, when are the Tholians getting into OP+?
Good question, I'd love to see em added... will it happen? I suspect no, as it does not fulfill the classic mandate of OP+... recite with me now...

... lol...
I would like to see FireSoul's best take on some specialty races though, I figure he's best qualified to make them as accurate within the parameters of the game as possible... no actual web weapons or dis devs etc... God! where is that source?...