Topic: Gentlemen, I need your help. Someone is stealing my work and the name OP+.  (Read 48155 times)

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Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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I'm angry at everyone right now!!!!

<looks around> Since I didn't have a hand in this, does that make me the good one?! <polishes halo>

-LeRoy the Righteous


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Perhaps.  Then again, there is no way to sugar coat his response.  He posted what he wanted on the topic.  It is the right of the readers of -this- forum to know his view.

As well it shows that he does not understand the drive of some modders.  It isn't always for the community, at first.  FireSoul started his for personal enjoyment for him and his friends.  The community embraced it, and that inspired him to continue.

It is unfortunate that Morpheus does not understand the selflessness that was put into creating OP+ in the first place.

I agree with you about what FireSoul has done, but there was no reason to continue to bring negative vibes to this discussion.

He changed the name.  That is what we were trying to accomplish.  Not tarnish the name.  Not burn a bridge to other communities.  Not act like a bunch of self-centered brats.

But we did.  We did all of it.

This could have been handled maturely, but I guess that is impossible for mindless automatons to act maturely.

You want someone to do right by you, but you can't do right.  A little one sided.

But that's fine.  Flame.  Call names.

That is the only thing this community does well.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Kimmy is right.  The point was made, the name was changed, there is no need to perpetuate the flaming.  Most of us don't know this guy, it is not productive to continue hostilities after the issue is resolved.

We need to save the energy for flaming each other  :)
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline FireSoul

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Perhaps.  Then again, there is no way to sugar coat his response.  He posted what he wanted on the topic.  It is the right of the readers of -this- forum to know his view.

As well it shows that he does not understand the drive of some modders.  It isn't always for the community, at first.  FireSoul started his for personal enjoyment for him and his friends.  The community embraced it, and that inspired him to continue.

It is unfortunate that Morpheus does not understand the selflessness that was put into creating OP+ in the first place.

It was a violation of my self, no less than that. To make others understand, I didn't go to work on Monday: I called in sick. I was in no shape to do anything and actually stayed in bed till 3:30pm. (I was wide awake at 3pm, but I just layed there staring at something for 30mins..)

Childish or not, I feel that my actions towards him are justified. Any bad word this man recieved from people on here is also justified. I'm actually happy this happened this way.

Look. If this was sex, I would have been raped. Instead, this was personal pride and creativity. Yes! Ego too. He hurt a man's pride and there was no easy way out of this one.

-- Luc

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline KHH Jakle

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Rolling - what's with the namby-pamby diatribe?

Stop lecturing everybody on the proper way to issue resolution.  "Oh thank you Morph, thank you so much for being so generous and reversing what was an Outright, lowdown, dirty usurpation of some ones hard work and energy and claiming it for yourself.  Your such a sweet heart!"


I respect your right to deal with issues how ever you see fit - but don't drown us with sugary sweet bile and tell us THAT is the appropriate way to deal with situations such as this. 

You're embarrassed?  sheesh......


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You are all right.

Forgive me for trying to upgrade the forums.

I'm tired of babysitting.


Offline FireSoul

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.. Kim, what you said to this man probably had the most effect than all of ours, but would not have had an effect if all forms of pressure was not applied. I am sorry you disagree with our conduct and hope you'll at least stay on to play with us online.

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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Personally, I think he was just afraid of what's under the tutu.

Kim, he was out of line and needed a little slapping for being a tool about taking the name, however that said, it was all a pretty meaningless issue to be getting worked up about. FS, I say meaningless because even thought he stole the name it was unlikely that anyone would have confused his list with yours regardless of what he called it.

Kim I also agree the attitudes around here have gotten a bit out of control recently, mine worst of all at times. Having taken a bit of a forced sabbatical (due to hardware issues, still trying to resolve) I am reevaluating just how much energy I want to waste on this hobby. I think from now on I will concentrate on putting positive energy into it, as I always seem to get back out what I put in.


PS, Your words over the last few months have not fallen completely on deaf ears Kim.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
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Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline Strafer

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... I say meaningless because even thought he stole the name it was unlikely that anyone would have confused his list with yours regardless of what he called it.

Don't bet on it big guy. You didn't see how it was being harped on GSA...
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Offline FireSoul

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... I say meaningless because even thought he stole the name it was unlikely that anyone would have confused his list with yours regardless of what he called it.

Don't bet on it big guy. You didn't see how it was being harped on GSA...

None of us here would have confused it with mine, but the folks on GSA were buying it.

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline Astarte

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Editted previous post.

Added Kim Rolling's first post on the WGL forums and left Morpheus' full reply. (I believe that only showing part of a poster's response sometimes fails in showing their full reasoning.  So in deference to that, I added Kim's post for fairness in what he was responding to.)

Editted out comments on the WGL forums.  (Seriously though, the DNS causes problems for people viewing the thread.  So, if people really want to look, there it is. Verbatim.)

Editted out my surprise (admittedly poorly emoted surprise) on having my post deleted from their forums. (It was, in my opinion at least, a well thought out and unflammable request.  As most of the other posts deleted from that thread were flames, I assumed mine was taken that way as well.  It was a request and an explanation on my end of what happened.)

*thus finishes the explanation of the reasoning of the posting of the Astarte*

Offline Dizzy

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... I say meaningless because even thought he stole the name it was unlikely that anyone would have confused his list with yours regardless of what he called it.

Don't bet on it big guy. You didn't see how it was being harped on GSA...

None of us here would have confused it with mine, but the folks on GSA were buying it.

Whatta u mean?

Offline Kroma BaSyl

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... I say meaningless because even thought he stole the name it was unlikely that anyone would have confused his list with yours regardless of what he called it.

Don't bet on it big guy. You didn't see how it was being harped on GSA...

Yeah, but whether or not he agreed to change the name, word would have gotten out about the real OP+.
♥ ♥ ♥  GDA Kroma BaSyl  ♥ ♥ ♥
GCS Prima Ballerina
GCS Queen Kroma

Because this game makes me feel like  a thirteen year old girl trapped in a lizards body.

Offline FireSoul

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... I say meaningless because even thought he stole the name it was unlikely that anyone would have confused his list with yours regardless of what he called it.

Don't bet on it big guy. You didn't see how it was being harped on GSA...

None of us here would have confused it with mine, but the folks on GSA were buying it.

Whatta u mean?

When on confronted Morpheous publically, I had recieved a few messages from other gamers..

Stuff like:
I take it this opplus 4.0 is not yours?

Although Kroma's right about word getting out, eventually. Except that WGL was harping it as sponsored by me. That would have made things difficult.

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline SSCF-LeRoy

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Rolling - what's with the namby-pamby diatribe?

Stop lecturing everybody on the proper way to issue resolution.  "Oh thank you Morph, thank you so much for being so generous and reversing what was an Outright, lowdown, dirty usurpation of some ones hard work and energy and claiming it for yourself.  Your such a sweet heart!"


I respect your right to deal with issues how ever you see fit - but don't drown us with sugary sweet bile and tell us THAT is the appropriate way to deal with situations such as this. 

You're embarrassed?  sheesh......

If it wasn't for her lecturing, I shutter to think how this society would degrade. Namby-pampy diatribe, eh? I consider her attempt to get something through some of thick skulls around here quite bold rather than "namby-pamby". Despite her being one of the better influences around here and our best representative, ya gotta go and drive her off! May your conscience convict you for speeking in such a disrespectful manner to one of our most esteemed comrades.

Offline Dizzy

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Yeah, I had suspected that.

There is still an issue to be left decided. Wether to support WGL_OPPLUS 4.0 (what is he calling it now?) on GSA, D2, and elsewhere or not.

I think no. Morpheous was mistaken in thinking that 3.3 hadnt been worked on in more than a year and was dead by all accounts (which is untrue) and that GSA OP was about to die because of it, hehe. So his original motivations were wrong, imo, on both accounts.

Seperately, we have the issue of GSA'ers and the like who will obviously be guiled into thinking this is the next FS version of OP+. They will undoubtedly be told this in one way or another and this will lead to all sorts of confusion the likes of which many of you can't possibly begin to fathom at this point, especially because you arnt in FS's shoes..

Yet another thing to keep in mind is what will happen when we have 3.3 users and those who use that WGL creation 4.0 thing. I prefer having one standard, which is and has been 3.3.

I am leaning toward not supporting Morpheous's WGL OP+ 4.0 because of the above reasons, not to mention plenty of others, ;). More so because going into a GSA room and seeing all these rooms up calling for FS's OP+ 4.0 is really disturbing, not to mention it will also be another shiplist swap in order to be able to join...


Before I decide, I'd like to know what the differences are between 3.3 and 4.0. HOLD IT A SEC! Tak a look at that. 3.3 and 4.0 Thats what they will be called to the uninitiated. Sucks, dont it FS... :( I know that Morpheous said there were 7 new races, the pirates had been swapped for. Is this the so called 'savior' of OP GSA that he is speaking of? He said there are those that like sfb and those that like sfc and this is why he made 4.0.

So... here it is then. Do we support 3.3, 4.0 or both?

Offline Dizzy

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Rolling - what's with the namby-pamby diatribe?

Stop lecturing everybody on the proper way to issue resolution.  "Oh thank you Morph, thank you so much for being so generous and reversing what was an Outright, lowdown, dirty usurpation of some ones hard work and energy and claiming it for yourself.  Your such a sweet heart!"


I respect your right to deal with issues how ever you see fit - but don't drown us with sugary sweet bile and tell us THAT is the appropriate way to deal with situations such as this. 

You're embarrassed?  sheesh......

If it wasn't for her lecturing, I shutter to think how this society would degrade. Namby-pampy diatribe, eh? I consider her attempt to get something through some of thick skulls around here quite bold rather than "namby-pamby". Despite her being one of the better influences around here and our best representative, ya gotta go and drive her off! May your conscience convict you for speeking in such a disrespectful manner to one of our most esteemed comrades.

Leroy, you think this issue is as simple as a name change? Well it isnt. And Kim can be as disgusted and as dissapointed in me and all of those that posted like me as much as she wants because it is, was and may be still necessary. When you are dealing with recalcitrant scum like Morpheous who basically stole all 3+ years of FS's work and used the name to start his 'savior of OP and all sfc things' (such BS) snowball rolling downhill, you dont simply ask please thank you sir and expect that everyone will be happy and cheerful. No sir. I wont wait around to get hit by that avalanche he is trying to start.

Kim simply cannot expect us to behave as she would have us behave as we see things differently than she does. I respect Kim and who she is and what she does and how she goes about doing it, BUT, this really isnt her persoanl issue here. And she doesnt at all speak for me. So I'm wondering why she is so personally despondent over the way some of us have chosen to handle ourselves . And I'm wondering why she needs you to comment on it. Kims a big girl and she should know we wont always do things the way she does. I dont think she needs you sticking up for her her skewed reaction to something that wasnt under her control in the first place. I have never and will never check with Kim b4 I say something.

But it's not my persoanal issue either, but when you have a friend of yours get punched below the belt and miss a day of work because of it, I think that helps put into perspective the seriousness of the issue for my friend. I can also put myself in his shoes because I have been in his position and know precisely how it feels to have someone pick up your ball and run with it stomping your face in the mud as they go. It isnt pleasant by any means.

So I dunno exactly what Kim or you feel at this point, but let me make it clear in no uncertain terms, this Morpheous guy is a poisonous snake and you dont go handling poisonous snakes all nice and stuff. You keep them at a f*cking distance handling them with caution and certainty so you dont get bitten. If you had your ego hurt because I treated a snake how a snake should be treated, then I feel sorry you feel sorry. Too bad. You'll get over it.

Dont pull any trump cards if you dont agree with things. Just sit it out. We are all in this together and we cant all expect everyone to act as one. Despite her misplaced flamming indignation with us, we will all be friends when its over. Besides, I have my own beef with this wether FS can appreciate my stance or not. This morpheous guy says he is out to save SFC OP GSA. Well I think he is gonna divide it. A savior he is not. I got something to say about that wether you or anyone else likes it. And guess what? I dont give a damn if you do or dont. I say what I want when I want. Always have always will and this Morheous guy is about to get dropped kicked from Texas to the Mare Anguis.

Offline FireSoul

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So... here it is then. Do we support 3.3, 4.0 or both?

Are you nuts? Are you being sarcastic?
Here are the 7 races. If anyone here can tell me if any of these, except perhaps for the Andros, have anything to do with SFC2:OP, please speak up:

> Dominion
> Andromedians
> Cardassian
> Kazon
> Species8472
> Cylons
> MaQuis

This OP+ 4.0 doesn't even deserve the name.... and I am glad it has been changed.

-- Luc

Author: OP+ Mod
Maintainer: Coopace
Author: Fests+ for OP
Creator: SFC-OP Mini Updater
Maintainer: SFC-EAW for OP Campaigns
Kitbash: SFC2 models

Offline FPF-DieHard

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> Cylons

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Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline KHH Jakle

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Awesome! I have some Karma now!

It's a wash...but hey, I am on the boards!