Yeah, I had suspected that.
There is still an issue to be left decided. Wether to support WGL_OPPLUS 4.0 (what is he calling it now?) on GSA, D2, and elsewhere or not.
I think no. Morpheous was mistaken in thinking that 3.3 hadnt been worked on in more than a year and was dead by all accounts (which is untrue) and that GSA OP was about to die because of it, hehe. So his original motivations were wrong, imo, on both accounts.
Seperately, we have the issue of GSA'ers and the like who will obviously be guiled into thinking this is the next FS version of OP+. They will undoubtedly be told this in one way or another and this will lead to all sorts of confusion the likes of which many of you can't possibly begin to fathom at this point, especially because you arnt in FS's shoes..
Yet another thing to keep in mind is what will happen when we have 3.3 users and those who use that WGL creation 4.0 thing. I prefer having one standard, which is and has been 3.3.
I am leaning toward not supporting Morpheous's WGL OP+ 4.0 because of the above reasons, not to mention plenty of others,

. More so because going into a GSA room and seeing all these rooms up calling for FS's OP+ 4.0 is really disturbing, not to mention it will also be another shiplist swap in order to be able to join...
Before I decide, I'd like to know what the differences are between 3.3 and 4.0. HOLD IT A SEC! Tak a look at that. 3.3 and 4.0 Thats what they will be called to the uninitiated. Sucks, dont it FS...

I know that Morpheous said there were 7 new races, the pirates had been swapped for. Is this the so called 'savior' of OP GSA that he is speaking of? He said there are those that like sfb and those that like sfc and this is why he made 4.0.
So... here it is then. Do we support 3.3, 4.0 or both?