FS I am a lawyer (in UK).
It will cost big money to copyright anything anywhere.
Then there is the problem of your infringing the copyright of ADB, Taldren, etc etc. All the ships names, the strucure of the ship/fighter list and so on. Certainly in the UK there would be little you could do.
The only thing here you would have Copyright on would probably be the name OP+.
Even if you were found to have copyright the problem is one of loss. What have you actually lost in monetary terms? Probably not a lot.
Next is enforcement, lawyers cease and desist letters, and if that does not work Court action.
Then there are multi jurisdictional issues.
Most occidental copyright laws are broadly similar, but vary indetail and remedies.
The only real thing you can do is see a local lawyer, as ahas been suggested, find one who will give a free first interview to assess the case.
Lawyers disclaimer

Nothing here should be construed as a lawyer client relationship and all comments above are observations and not meant to be legal advice to be relied upon.
PS J'inn has to earn a living so it would be unfair to expect him to use his profession for free even if he had the requisite expertise.
PPS you could ask the server admins not to allow the use because of breach, and if that does not work try writing to the actual service providers.