An eVGA 6800 Ultra GT!!!

I've been accumulating parts over the past year to build and flesh out a new machine to replace the EMachine that I've been using for a year and a half. The Emachine was a compromise with my wife, she really didn't want me to build a computer; and so I bought an Emachine at Costco. THe good thing about buying at Costco is their return policy, you can return a computer to them up to 6 monthes after you bought it with no questions asked.
I digress, up until now I've been using a 9600Pro in my new machine, an AMD 64 3200. I also used that card in the Emachine. I really wanted new though and next generation. So when I walked into PC Club today and saw they had one in stock I thought, they probably want $550-600. PC Club runs high on some items. I was surprised to see that it was only $450(...gulp...). My wife will not understand...