I've just d/l ed a few models off of the STGD UNITY YARDS, and I find a few of them are missing glow textures and some textures haven't been properly mapped (so they don't show.) The ships in question are:
Romulan Cormorant
Romulan Goshawk
Klingon Targhwam.
Now, all I need is the unlit surfaces on these models to use separate blank textures, and a few of the i-textures have lights assigned, but they don't appear to have been mapped onto the model.
My MSN messenger is marinerclass(at)hotmail.com, and I'll give you the models (The Targhwarm has been given a slightly different texture by me.) The models are for personal useage only, so no worries about the credits (there are none

So, any takers?