Well red-Green thats the way I see it as well. Ya need to remember though the life of a single ships for ANY game, not just SFC 3. Lets take Armada 1 for instance.
I used to mod for Armada 1 a long, long time ago along with Vic. We released ships via the old STMD, added the read me which was very basic and then released it. 2 months later we seen the SAME ship with the SAME texture re-uploaded to the STMD and classed as "unknown author". Sometime between the first person downloading that ship and the first person uploadig the ship again the readme was removed.
It can be removed for various reasons. One of the classic cases (especially for the old Armada 1 days) was that the ship was packaged up in a full mod, like The Millenium Project (VERY old A1 mod) and distributed out via the download sites. Someone seen the ship, took it out of the mod and didnt include the readme. The ship then gets re-uploaded with no readme and no way of knowing who done the original ship. Thats one case which is very common.
The other case is mods which date back to the old times, again, i'll use Millenium Project or even Wraiths Babylon 5 mod for Armada 1. These mods add ships for there first build. The mod is then downloaded countless THOUSANDS of time by thousands of people all over the world. Other mods are based off those mods, i can name a few which have been based off Mill Project. Between the strip out of ships from an original mod to the packageing of the new mod based on the old mod the readme gets lost.
There is then the wording of the actual readme to consider. A modder cannot claim copyright or full ownership of that particular mod as it is based on the intellecual property of ViaCom and Paramount respectively, which means that when that ship is added to ANY site, wether its d.net, STGD, Starfleet Universe or even the modders own website, it is basically for the public to download and is therefore in the public domain. The BIGGEST arguement is over the "concept" ships which look nothing like your standard saucer or eliptical main hull trek ships. A classic example is the "Concord" class from the yards of Nightsofts Network. Those meshes are really owned by Raven cause he basically payed the modders to make those ships and the completed items were sent over to him. I know that you MUST ask permission for any of the nightsoft and affiliate ships.
What it would take is the big download sites...BC, STGD, SFU and SFC3files to work together and go through ALL of the ships currently in circulation for SFC 1 right up to SFC 3. If there is a ship in any of those databases which doesnt have a readme, they get removed. That way there can be absolutely no arguement about it.
However, if that happened youd lose over half of the ships made for SFC 1 and about the same for SFC 2/OP and SFC 3 combined cause a lot of the ships are now kitbashes and who knows if permission was seeken for that ship to be kitbashed?