Well I don't agree with you Joker or SF2. From being around these forums and games For 3 yeards(close enough) I feel I have gotten more grief than any satisfaction. Anyone is entilted to set what ever boundaries or restrictions they want on there work. If you do't agree with there restrictions or beliefs, calling them childish is childish.
Now for my soap box. Before I started modeling I really enjoyed Star Trek. But I still can't get over how serious everyone takes this stuff. I hate all the infighting between game versions, All the bickering over different eras. In short, for me these forums and modeling ST has zapped most of the fun and taken the innocence out of ST for me.
I been thinking about this for a while. And I am so close to finishing my ROK mod, but perhaps I burned out doing it. I feel like if I released it, all I would get is more grief about fixing the balance and stuff. Like people who d/l stuff for free act like you owe them something after you spend months on a project. Anyway Its like time for a big break again. I doubt I will be back. Cause I never really found a 'click here after all this time. Also think its sad that modelers can't even agree to support one another. When your hobbie is more a source of frustration than joy its time to move on.
James, here's the thing.
I've worked on over 200 ships now personally. I've got stuff in (I think) at least three different packs, Chris Jones' mods, Pelican's mod, and Nanner's mod. The one thing that I ask for is simply to send me a screenie if you use one of the ships that I work on so I can see the ship in action ingame. You'd think that with that, my mail box would be flooded daily with screenshots, right? Nope, I get maybe one a month. I really don't personally mind people using stuff that I work on, but I like to be asked, and I like to see the ship ingame because that's eye-candy and it lets me see stuff in action (sometimes in another game).
The reason I got so choked and started the installer option for ships that I want to really enforce this rule on is because work that I did was turning up in BC uncredited and without me being asked about it. Even though I'd probably have said yes, np, send me a screenie of it ingame so that I could enjoy seeing it in BC.
It was the lack of common courtesy that bugged me. But I also have no pretentions here. I fully expect to see the two years down the road, nothing I've worked on will exist anymore except in someone's old archived CDs, but not played. Does it bother me? Not really.. I do this for me.. I enjoy doing what I do, and I learn new skills in the process. That's what it's all about.. that and I enjoy helping others, so fulfilling requests is a good thing for me.
The thing is, work for yourself. Provide the mod because you want to, but don't feel indebted to provide support. Announce it's a one shot, and if people want to update it, or balance it better, they can feel free..but you like it as is, and enjoy playing it. If others feel it's unbalanced, they can d/l tools and balance it better for themselves. It'll teach them skills and how hard that you had to work to get it all together.
But don't loose the love of doing it from too much stress.. just do this all for you because you want to. If you don't want to anymore, then don't.. but don't quit until you really want to.