Thanks, I needed that after looking at your avatar.........feeling.........dizzy............
Trust me Beer helps alot with Likkerpig around.
I've heard that a lot. Of course I'm stuck with me 24/7.... think I need a beer!
Good Grief man, It's not even Noon. LOLOLOL
Hoi Folks,
Just a quick lesson in beer drinking etiquette. It is always proper to wait until afternoon to enjoy a beer, or a glass (or more) of wine. Hard "likker" should be enjoyed not before mid-avro. However, lets say I'm home in Nova Scotia, and it is 8am, and I am thinking about having a beer. Obviously, my thirst is located in Belgium, where it is 1pm. So, it follows that, in order to conform to the rules of etiquette, I should drink a brew from the location my thirst happens to be. As long as I drink a belgium brew, Stella Artois is nice with lunch, noone can say "Boo!" to me. Same deal with hard "likker." It is up to the drinker to define the exact time mid-avro occures.
The exception to the above is any Irish Alcohol, due to the Irish being immune to etiquette. God bless the Irish!, for I do enjoy my fortified coffee.
The above formula has served me well for... *hic*... some time now. he...*hic*...he
Take care... to observe etiquette